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Everything posted by fanman

  1. I heard this this morning. I just watched the blues brothers the day before, which he's in. He was a freaking legend, died on christmas day too. RIP.
  2. Do one with candles like in some youtube video that was posted in the news here a while back.
  3. My dad got a loan of a projector from work for over christmas, so the screen is the size of the wall. Not as good as that though. That, or they broke in.
  4. Never even heard of the stuff.
  5. What does the parental control actually do?
  6. It's annoying that you can't have a list of miis and see who's mingle is on and off, and change like that. It takes a while to go through every sinlge mii to check whether mingle is on or not.
  7. I'm so impressed.
  8. I play mine about 7 hours a day... some of that is my family though... it's mostly zelda.
  9. No, it would have to be america. Shanghai wouldn't suit it, no matter how cool shanghai happens to be. The character development would get boring, and would be too dragged out, or to quick to have any meaning. The point with the policing is good though.
  10. I'm pro on bowling and tennis. My skill level on tennis is around 2050. I'm getting quite good at boxing and baseball, but I still suck at golf.
  11. That's where the reaction comes from, not because it's zelda and it didn't get a 9.5+ score.
  12. Do they only appear on other peoples consoles if you specifically send them or put mingle on? The travel option confused me a lot.
  13. They were talking about second party developers and how it's hard to survive developing for one platform. How stupid would it be on sega's part if they didn't let their second party developers develop for other consoles? They don't have one of their own! If nintendo have a second party developer, they aren't gonna let them develop for playstation or x-box, meaning they automatically have a smaller audience, making it harder for them to survive.
  14. The sensor bar. Man's true best friend.
  15. Being second party means you develop for one company though, and being second party means you already have a publisher, and being second party usually means that you develop for one system, and since that was what he was talking about, I think your post was quite unescessary.
  16. The first games console I got was the ps1, in about... 1998? Not sure though. So back then, I was probably playing some crappy pc game that my dad used to bring home from work on floppy disks... like chess and shit.
  17. I loved mario tennis on gbc and n64, but I never got any after that. I wish I had though. If it were to come out on wii though, they could try put in an rpg mode, like from the gb games, in 3D. It would certainly separate it from wiisports, not sure by how much though.
  18. A bit dissapointing, yes, but it's meant to be a simple game; for everybody, and not everybody knows the rules of tennis in and out. I won a game and lost points the other day. To direct shots the other way you just have to time your shot really well, and even then, it doesn't go at a particularly large angle. It's quite hard to do.
  19. Wiisports comes with it to show people to new to wii the innovation and possiblities with wii and gaming in general. Mostly targeted at non-gamers, partly why I think it wasn't included with the wii in japan, because it has already happened with the DS. People in the west are still unsure about the whole thing. It's not as if nintendo spent millions developing a new game only to think, dam, no one will buy this shit, lets pack it in with the console to recoup our losses. I ceratinly would have bought it anyway, and I think it's wonderful. It really shows of what the wii is capable off, whereas, despite the fact that it is a brilliant game none the less, zelda doesn't.
  20. The flaws are minute. The game is one of the best ever made, and didn't deserve 8.8. These "selfish children" are laughing at the stupidity of it.
  21. Hardly any decent bands come anywhere near where I live, so I have none planned. That's not to say that I don't go to them though. Has anyone here seen Electric Eel Shock live? Man they are freaking incredible. Seriously the best live band ever.
  22. It's £112 in japan, £127 in america, around £170 in the rest of europe and £180 in the UK. It's hard to tell whether it was free or not with the inflated EU prices, but I was expecting it to be much less than £180...
  23. I'm like that for wii sports. I haven't played wiiplay in about 3 days now...
  24. That's really disrespectful.
  25. I'm alright at flash. I made a few movies and a couple of websites, but I've never done games. Do you know anywhere for decent tutorials? I looked around before but most of them suck, although, that may be my attention span.
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