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Everything posted by fanman

  1. Tilt sensor. It's done with the basball bat in wii sports and the sword in red steel. They have a tilt sensor in it too.
  2. You're not alone, but I don't have to go behind the TV much anyway. They can do that with the tilt sensor...
  3. Then there's no space for you to laugh. The gaps are nescessery, but the laughing track isn't.
  4. Heh... that's quite true actually, and will probably continue. They have no revolution that is really possible for the next generation, and will just improve the hardware, then by the generation after that, there will probably be something new to do.
  5. What is raytracing?
  6. It's a chav "phrase".
  7. Sounds more like blaht blaht to me. The long one sounds like Brrrrrrat. Although the rs sound like ds when they're done fast.
  8. There's not really any problems to deal with though... what would they do to it? And I don't have a problem with the sensor bar, it took about 20 seconds to set up, and I don't have to do anything with it now.
  9. Yes... echoes doesn't represent the metroid environments aswell as the first one did.
  10. Heh, that was pretty funny actually.
  11. I started with prime
  12. It supported them when it first went up, but then it stopped, for some reason...
  13. "That was bad", meaning that was good.
  14. Does the first movie go further into the series than the anime has got? I was told that the movie has split the series into three, and I was gonna download the first, but I don't want it to spoil the anime.
  15. I never beat meta ridley in the first one. Echoes guided you through it more than the first, but the enemies were harder. I wasn't beaten by the difficulty, I just stopped playing it because I didn't have the time, and didn't really feel like getting back into it.
  16. That, but without the controller bit. There's not much they can do with it without overcomplicating it, and it'll probably be just a wii with higher graphical capabilities, letting you using the old controllers. More to do with revolutionising it, they may just change the whole home videogaming system of releasing a new console every 4-5 years and make it into more like a sort of user friendly pc gaming model.
  17. Bleach FINALLY finished downloading... my internet connection has been really poor today...
  18. That's just american humour. Most of it is just retarded.
  19. There's gotta be a space for the audience to laugh, and it would be stupid on most occasions if there was nothing there.
  20. Maybe I'm just getting tired of it then
  21. Because they absolutely need the win, they can't cruise through with draws. As for the arsenal-liverpool match, I thought arsenal deserved it, as they defended well, but I thought dudek was unlucky to let in henry's goal.
  22. I was actually talking about red steel, but I prefer metroid prime to it anyway Yeah, the wii has zelda and red steel, but you have to wait for the games that push the system and really beef up the software line-up, in the wii's case being super smash bros brawl and super mario galaxy.
  23. Just seems a bit tacked on though, and so blaintently added in to prolong the game.
  24. The "bonus remote included!" looks stupid for the actual game box. That should only have to be on the cardboard outer bit. I prefer the PAL one.
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