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Everything posted by Murr

  1. Anyone that ordered with Amazon, have you had your Skyward Sword code sent to you yet? Or would you expect it to arrive tomorrow? My game unfortunately didn't make it early, so will have to sit in work thinking about it.
  2. I went with Amazon. No email or sign that they'll be dispatching it today/tonight.
  3. Double Post... apologies. Completed the story line last night, Very awesome.
  4. Don't suppose anyone took the plunge and watched Formula E did they? I didn't catch it live, but watched the highlight show. The idea of it sounds good, but I found it odd that they stop mid race and switch cars to one that is fully charged. Unfortunately I didn't finish the whole highlight show as the excitement just wasn't there. There wasn't a whole lot of overtaking and the cars all seemed to trail each other pretty closely for the amount of time I was watching the show. I missed the crash that apparently was one of the highlights of the race. There's a lot of backing with Virgin and Leonardo DiCaprio. But it'll take a while I think before it really makes an impact.
  5. I spent the majority of Sunday playing First Light and have been loving it. As @drahkon said traveling round Seattle with Fetch's neon moves is amazing. For £15 (I bought physical) I'm very happy. It's a substantial amount of gameplay added for the price. I admit it'd be nice to have all of Seattle unlocked rather than the first Island, but still enjoying it immensely. I've got all the collectibles from each district, and destroyed the flying camera things too that appear later on in the game. I enjoyed the racing parts to catch moving lumines. I do find it a little frustrating that you play the story for so long completing x number of missions, then you learn a new move and have to them practice this in the arena for a bit. I'd rather just be back out in Seattle causing havoc to find Brent. Completely satisfied for the price of this DLC and the amount its delivered so far. I'm 74% through it and loving it. Highly anticipate any further DLC packs they bring for this if it's the same price and volume of content.
  6. Well that was a good weekend for me. Bristol City put 3 past Doncaster Rovers, and United are going to win the league (j/k.. but not j/k) Man... I loved looking at the goalscorer's list for the game... Di Maria, Herrera, Mata, Rooney.... reads like a friggin dream team. RVP had a great chance too from Di Maria's pass to him, and Falcao... so close to a debut goal. All in all, exciting time. City Unbeaten still in League1 and United midfield looks pretty decent. Obviously QPR wasn't the toughest test, but it's what United need to get these new guys to play together and build some moral up.
  7. Well I'll be picking this up in 2 months then for sure. Completed it twice in a week on 360, see what I can do with the PS4 version.
  8. Just been reading this over at NeoGaf... someone has apparently had a 45 minutes behind closed doors look at the ports of it... and well it sounds fucking incredible:
  9. Murr


    Does anyone fancy donating their PSN+ trial they get with Destiny If they already have PSN+? Purely because I'd assume everyone that is getting Destiny would already have PSN+, and I'm not getting Destiny till end of September but my PSN+ expired and I've yet to pay for my renewal.
  10. Congratulations dude!!! All the best and enjoy the day!
  11. I didn't really think the Limited Edition copy of this would go out of stock as quick as it had, I left it till today to pre-order as I needed to use August payslip for holidays, and alas... they are no longer in stock, so had to settle for standard version. Still can't wait to play this.
  12. Although I didn't buy it myself (as I couldn't afford games when I got this) this was a Christmas present I got one year. Purely because I liked rugrats, my mum thought i'd like this, and there you go. I still own it as I tend to keep my games unless they are yearly sport games which I get rid of. As for the worst game I bought myself... I like the films, thought the game would be good. But it's not, it's really not,
  13. Annoyingly I think I'll end up double dipping on them, as I want to use them obviously, but I like to try to keep my Nintendo goodies unopened where possible (Zelda Windwaker HD Collectors still sealed, bought a 2nd copy to play, I do dislike myself sometimes)
  14. This isn’t really 1 ‘Good’ thing happening warranting this post, but more so an ‘Everything is Awesome in 2014’ post. I cannot express how awesome and happy I am currently. I don’t know how this post will go down but here it goes. 2014 will always be one of the biggest years in my life as it was the year I finally married the love of my life.
  15. Anyone know roughly how long this is on for?
  16. Not able to stream this due to work, so relying on you chaps to deliver the bombs as accurately as possible with comments.. Please
  17. Herrera Injured, Rojos not eligible for Sunderland game due to not getting work permit application submitted in time. Carrick & Fellaini injured. So United's fit midfielders are - Anderson, Cleverly, Fletcher I wonder if they'll chuck Kagawa back there over Anderson, Surely LVG will... What a ridiculous start to the season.
  18. Murr


    I have never had so much fun with a demo / teaser. It was brilliant, albeit ridiculously scary.
  19. Not a bad shout. Unless the return of Batista is "Plan D" heh? The Beast vs The Animal. Realistically there is no one on the roster now to topple Brock due to the year he's had. I'm assuming Reigns is going to be winning the title at Wrestlemania next year unless he has a massive fall from grace. But despite the momentum he has now, even he shouldn't be lined up against Brock. To Build him up so well then to have him lose to Reigns would be bad. Lets be honest, Night of Champions rematch Cena vs Lesnar... Cena will overcome all the odds, and beat Lesnar won't he
  20. Thought SummerSlam was a pretty good PPV overall. I found the Wyatt vs Jericho match a little stale, but that was on after the awesome Ambrose and Rollins match so it kinda killed the high intensity and crowd momentum. Really happy overall with the title changes that happened. I'm still deeply in love with Paige so that was awesome, and Ziggler is finally getting his props after unfortunate injury scuppered his push last year. I'm hoping Barrett is back soon, as would love to see Ziggler vs Barrett for the IC title. Kind of confused why Mark Henry is being brought into feud with Rusev now, Sure Swagger lost both PPV encounters against Rusev but they weren't clean pinfall victories, so I thought they'd go one more and have either Swaggs or Rusev lose properly. Brock's build to look a machine is pretty cool, but there is no way what so ever they can have Rollins cash in on Brock. No Chance.
  21. Good game @Blade I'm very happy with our start. Sheffield looked good too. See you in the playoffs brother!
  22. Well we've got some building work due to start on the house tomorrow, so I'll just stay home and enjoy the time off. They should be done within 2 weeks, so I'll have the final week to myself during the day to just game and catchup on TV. I had thought about going to the new place, but due to the legal battle between the 2 companies, the place I'm due to start at actually told me that they wouldn't get me in any earlier just to avoid pissing my old employers off anymore.
  23. On Friday at 3:30, my manager took me aside and said "this is your last day, you're officially on garden leave as of now. You've got an hour to pack your things and say your goodbyes" And with that I'm now on garden leave for 3 weeks, cancelled my holidays I scheduled at the end of my notice period, so I'm off paid for 3 weeks and in my final payslip for Brightside will earn more due to collecting annual leave entitlement money too. Not a bad result really. Strange they waited a week after handing my notice in. Would of liked 4 weeks off paid. As mentioned before as I'm joining the rival company that we're in a law suit with, that's why I'm on garden leave to stop me sabotaging or stealing anything to take over to the new place with me (not that I would) So yes, a nice summer break for me
  24. Murr


    @Jimbob is a hero and gave me a Beta code. Now stuck in the office for another 3 hours staring at the clock watching the minutes pass. My weekend is going to be officially a write off now! Thanks again dude!!!
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