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Everything posted by Murr

  1. Fortunately my fiancee doesn't really buy into the whole Valentines day stuff, So she doesn't expect anything nor buy me anything. We do go out for food though, but don't tend to buy cards / gifts for each other.
  2. Quoting myself here... Should of put money on it back them dammit... Who's watching Superbowl Sunday then? I've got Monday off, got some chicken wings especially for the event which i'll be smothering in Buffalo sauce and a box of Budweiser. The only other night of the year I go that American is on Wrestlemania night haha.
  3. Happy Birthday! Have a good Birthday weekend dude!

  4. Pretty much what I wrote down here - but I didn't detail studios to work on them http://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/nintendo-please/
  5. I've done another article based on predicting the road to Wrestlemania. Unfortunately It is slightly outdated already due to CM Punk and the Elimination Chamber final 6 revealed - Read here if anyone is interested - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/the-road-to-wrestlemania-predictions-2/
  6. source - https://www.facebook.com/SlyCooperMovie?fref=tck
  7. I'm back with another newbie question. Playing NBA2k14 and the auto recording option kicks in without fail as soon as the game starts up. I score an awesome basket, I go to the share video option, edit the 10 seconds or so I want and continue playing and it continues recording. Battlefield 4 on the other hand just doesn't go as smoothly. It'll start recording and I get a kill I quite liked so try to share, go to edit the video and it's not there. It's the previous 15 minute video but not auto started a new one. I've on occasion booted the game up, double pressed the share button to begin recording and seen the little emblem appear in top corner to confirm it's recording, get a decent kill, hit the share button to edit video, and it's not recorded, and I have no 15 minute video. Is it just battlefield?
  8. £400 After VAT - And lots of black wood laminate flooring for the bedroom.
  9. Formula 1 2014 is almost here... and with it there are new car designs that are more ugly than ever...
  10. Don't know if anyone would be interested but I did a fairly in depth write up of last night's royal rumble here - Should be warned it contains spoilers! http://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpres...-2014-results/
  11. Where are you guys getting these rumours from out of interest? I love the speculation leading upto pay per views. If Batista is contracted for a year, do we know how many appearances that covers? Probably two a month to cover PPV's and a Raw appearance each month right?
  12. What a disgraceful penalty shoot out, It was embarrassing. As many have said you could predict who would miss the penalties as they prepared to take them. Januzaj & Rafael were always going to miss. I dunno why I felt confident that Jones would smash it in, but there you go. On the plus side, We should be signing Juan Mata today which is great news, Not the player we need, but it's still nice to see some cash splashed and intent shown for signings. Guess Kagawa is off in the summer then.
  13. Saw American Hustle on Saturday night. Loved every minute of it, Jennifer Lawrence just... damn. But was a funny film. Full of twists and turns and an awesome con film. Bradley Cooper was really good in it going from normal, happy, Mr Work to a guy with visible anger issues and no glory. Really good film.
  14. You know I actually never recognized that, but yeah you're right he didn't in particular. I couldn't get a day off on Monday... But will still stay up for the Rumble anyways. Just be a long and tired day at work. Predictions for Rumble winner? Eh I want to go with the obvious Daniel Bryan, but think Batisita is back for a reason other than Wrestlemania building. So I'll got with Batista. I reckon Roman Reigns is going to eliminate Dean Ambrose, either intentionally or inadvertently, but reckon The Shield disbanding will start from the Rumble.
  15. I have a rather newbie question to ask regarding PS4 Twitch streaming. Can I use any USB Webcam on PS4 to capture myself, or does it have to the PS4 camera? I'm going to guess that any USB Webcam will not work.
  16. Grand Theft Auto 5 for me hands down. I can't think of any game I've ever owned where I've completed it, and as soon as the credits have finished rolling, started the game again. Never found it dull or boring. Was quite happy to go over every mission again. Still enjoyed playing it after my 2nd completion just running around doing nothing. And the online kept me entertained for a fair few hours too. NBA2k14 on PS4 a very very close second.
  17. I got the 360 version for Christmas and completed it 2 nights ago, really really enjoyed it. Alot better than I had expected, so was a nice surprise. I'd definitely consider double dipping and picking this up for the PS4, but i'd wait a little while for the price to drop, plus got a rather huge backlog to get through after Christmas. (Hitman Absolution is next)
  18. Well I'm going to assume that they'll do something in memory at Wrestlemania for her, if not Royal Rumble. So... Daniel Bryan is the most over wrestler that I can remember since the Attidude days with Austin. Any of you guys see the ending of Raw? It was incredible, just so amazing.
  19. Wedding stuff is well and truly kicking off now. * Suits purchased * Mini bus ordered for guests * Reception Invites sent out * Registrar Confirmed Details * Music Playlists submitted to venue * Gift List is live * Heather's ring arrived * My ring's on order * Stag do is booked and paid for (So I've been told) All done in the space of a week. Soon enough we'll be on the fun task of table planning. Friends of mine that have got married said this is the worst part of the organizing, So not looking forward to this part.
  20. Rather looking forward to the next 3 evenings with regards to TV. Tonight Brooklyn Nine-Nine starting on e4 Friday Mob City on FOX Saturday Spoils of Babylon on FOX Read a few reviews of Spoils of Babylon and they seem to be positive, saying it's rather stupid funny. Works for me, Ridiculous cast for it.
  21. Happy Birthday Meathead!! x

  22. Yeah if the pricing is the same here (I'd assume $9.99 will translate to £9.99) then I'd definitely be in for it. 12 PPVs for £120 plus hours of old school shows and older PPV's on demand. Sounds incredible man. But it is crappy that it's not till end of the year at earliest. Was reading some people who weren't happy that it was a minimum 6 month subscription. I fail too see that as a negative, it's simply to stop people signing up for the odd month for Wrestlemania, then the next odd month in August for Summerslam. Tie them down for minimum 6 months makes sense from their point of view.
  23. But.. but Ziggler I'd like to see him with a title push, but yeah now that they have the one major belt i'd agree that he won't see that shot for a long long time. Hopefully it means the Intercontinental title has more prestige again now like back in the old school days. On another note....
  24. Never thought of it as that, but yeah... he is actually that. What a title.
  25. I honestly can see Januzaj wanting to leave Manchester United sooner rather than later. He's strikes me as a player that would abandon a sinking ship faster than most. Just my opinion though, but I get the impression all this hype he's getting will get to his head and he'll think he's the next Ronaldo and want to leave. Pretty much Bentdner the 2nd, but without Bentdners clinical finishing
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