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Everything posted by Murr

  1. You make good points. Peyton has a habit of bottling it in the post season games. And I did forget the Patriots, but that wasn't intentional, I just kinda forget them as it's almost an inevitability they'll be around post season. As for the Saints, again legitimately didn't realize they were 4-0, Don't tend to follow their progress. But damn... Chargers are winning games... is this real life? haha
  2. Well I've just re-subscribed to xbox live for GTA Online, I'm guessing it'll be pretty unplayable for a few days. But I'll give it ago tonight anyways. 2 hours & 21 minutes till I finish work... come on....
  3. Happy Birthday dude. Hope you have a great day! :)

  4. Still feeling your pain bro. 5 points from a possible 27, Yet to win a game. League 2 should be interesting for the both of us. We'll not be able to keep hold of Jay Emannuel-Thomas if we go down either. Been a fantastic coup for us. Surprised if we keep Baldock either Slippery slope to League 2 derbies with Bristol Fucking Rovers. Manchester United... I just don't know. My friends who support Liverpool and Arsenal don't even bother texting me with banter anymore. They probably suspect I'm on football suicide watch. The only little hint of silver lining is see Man City drop points too.. But when I look at the premier league table and see Arsenal & Liverpool in 1&2 I often wonder if I've somehow woken up back in time. What year is this? (Jokes Jokes [/banter] @Ramar & @MadDog)
  5. This is the correct answer Christmas is Awesome... But you need to get Halloween out of the way first. Like the mornings that get darker and darker the closer to December you get. Driving to work at 7am and it's still pretty darned dark. Then driving home at 4:30 and again you need your lights on your car. Central heating comes on, wrapping up warmer to brave the cold wind. Don't get me wrong, I love a nice cold cider & BBQ on a summers day, but I do really really love the winter & Christmas feeling. I actually bought my first Christmas presents yesterday.
  6. Murr


  7. So.. glad to be a Giants fan currently. 0-4. Kansas City Chiefs been playing like a whole different team from last season. Vikings finally got a win. The results this year so far are so all over the place. Apart from the Seahawks and Bronco's. Tip either one of them for the Superbowl.
  8. Completed my 2nd playthrough of this last night. Invested in certain companies throughout the game which paid off nicely, then at the end after the final mission I did Franklin & Lester Assassination missions. Each character now has just over $1billion. Lovely jubbly.
  9. I really really want someone to figure out what all these mystery's are in the game. I know that...
  10. Roll on Fast 7... The Drift King is back fuckers.
  11. A Casino heist story line, played out along the lines of the oceans11/12/13 movies would be pretty awesome. Trevor - In charge of underground drilling and raiding of the safe Micheal & Amanda - Distraction within the casino, Act as customers, update crew on security movements Franklin - Getaway responsibilities. Packie - Infiltrate casinos, acquire a job at the casino Lester - Technology & hacking
  12. Early days to be asking, but what are peoples thoughts on DLC for GTAV? What would you like to see added to the game? It's probably been mentioned in this thread already, but I'd like to see a use for the horse racing track and casinos in the game. Perhaps they could be come more properties to invest in? Would like to see the Prison feature for something, perhaps a mission to break out one of Trevors long lost relatives who you can then do stranger / freak missions for. And probably the biggest ask and I can't see it happening, but would like to see an add on along the lines of Oblivion(shivering Isles) in which they add a new city or part to the game. And in particular either San Fierro or Las Venturas. Just a short flight or drive away a new city to explore. But yeah I genuinely don't think we'll ever see a HD incarnation of Venturas or Fierro.
  13. New Pokemon Evo revealed...
  14. Oh man, yes you must watch the first one, However stay the hell away from 'Dumb and Dumberer' The stupid prequel that had no involvement from the Farrelly brothers. Terrible terrible film.
  15. It's real... It's actually happening :) Please be good... Please
  16. That'd be me completed it on Sunday. Started again last night. However on this play through i'm saving Lester's missions till after completing the main story to make some $$$. I've also invested heavily into LifeInvader
  17. I've completed the game, but plan on starting it again tonight to play through it a bit more conservatively with money. Anyway's a question regarding one mission. I'll spoiler it just in-case but it is quite early in the game, so imagine most people have done it...
  18. No issues with me on 360, although it is only 3 years old. Also this weekend my 360 was on from 10am till 11pm straight Saturday, not switched off at all (just paused when taking loo or food breaks) and again all day Sunday from 10am till 11pm again nonestop and no crashes or issues at all. And these 'long loading times' again I fail to see them? I switch characters *Zoom Zoom Zoom... pinpoint location to new character... Zoom Zoom Zoom* and Boom I'm Franklin. Probably jinxed myself of course now and will be riddled with shit play tonight.
  19. Finished the story line missions last night,
  20. I read on Neogaf that there was a proposal of holding it from Jan to Feb 2022, in which the final would be played on the same Sunday as the Superbowl that year. If they hold out for November, then it clashes with the Winter Olympics.... it's just one monumental fuck up really.
  21. How long was Perez contracted for? Would they really be kicking him out the door 1 season in? Hard to call with Perez, he performed wonders with Saubers machinery, completely above expectations from them, but put him in a car that's meant to be better and he's yet to make the impact. Is it that Sauber had a vastly more competitive car last year, that wasn't far off the rest of the field? I can clearly see McLaren aren't on the ball this season, but again would Perez be in a better position than Hulk if he'd stayed at Sauber?
  22. I'm completely with you on that, 5pm tonight I'll be home from work, and i'm planning to stay on that sofa playing GTA5 for as long as i possibly can. Sunday at 11pm probably Today will be a long day I reckon
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula-one/24171278 This is surely something out of nothing, it's like asking David Moyes does he want Ronaldo and Messi at Manchester United... "Yes - Any team would, they are the best footballers!"
  24. Maybe I need to attend flight school first, as I can't even get into the planes yet, and still get wanted stars when in Los Santos Airport.
  25. I took the advice about investing in companies while doing Franklin/Lester missions. I did the one where...
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