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Everything posted by Murr

  1. Just knew once Vettel was passed Hamilton that was the race over, baring some mechanical failure or pit fuck up. Was hoping everytime he pitted that the mechanics would mess his stop. Alonso flew through the field. Shame for Kimi, nice to see the other title contenders picking up podiums & Points, but it all seems to be in vain I guess it's now inevitable we'll see a Redbull & Seb 4th year in a row as champions.
  2. Bank holiday weekends fucking rock
  3. I shaved my area once... Never again. Just trim with scissors now. Well Heather said yes to my marriage proposal, and I ain't a millionaire so guess I'm up to scratch. I've had a couple moments were my Johnsons been out and seen by Randomers with no laughing so works for me. EDIT - there was a tell us a about your vagina and asshole thread??? ...... Damn had legit questions bout why the bog roll is sometimes bloody after a dump.
  4. I enjoy getting pissed, I just don't enjoy busy clubs or pubs to do it. I've been at the pub today since 3 pm with my dad due to a flex day and enjoyed chatting and drinking with him. I'm currently 5 pints worse off than I was 4 hours ago and literally walking out the door to head to my friends house to celebrate his 28th birthday. But because it is at his house where you serve yourself and are with people your familiar and comfortable with... I'm highly looking forward to it. And quite enjoyed being at a practically empty pub for 4 hours with my dad because I could get served within seconds :p
  5. And on a school night too
  6. What are these passwords you're putting up @Serebii? I can't play my copy till my birthday next week, Am I missing out or likely to miss out on anything? or can I use these passwords for what ever they're for next week :p
  7. @Fierce_LiNk - I guess It could come across as I'm a grumpy person or getting grumpier as I get older, I mean I do tend to try and ignore stuff like the cinema for example, but last night I don't know why I just had to say something. I think I just get wound up easier now, like the waiting at a bar example, I could stand and wait around for a drink not giving a fuck, as long as I got served eventually, Now it just infuriates me when people get served before me, when they literally just get to the bar and I'd been waiting for ages. Nothing to really be grumpy about though, I've got a study paying job as does Heather, we've got the house malarkey sorted now, will be married in just over a half a year. Dunno. I still enjoy drinking with friends, and if push comes to shove and we do go to town or a bar, I'll drink, and enjoy it. But just things that wouldn't bother me previously.. do now? @drahkon you maybe a lucky one, that just doesn't suffer from hangovers :p
  8. Okay, I apologize in advance if this thread is a repeat of an existing one, I did search for keywords, and didn't find anything, but I do feel we've had similar threads before... Anyway ramble over... point of the thread go... Okay, So within the last 2 weeks, I've actually started to notice things now that annoy me that wouldn't back when I was 18-21 era. Let's start with -
  9. That's alot of GTA Online achievements. Not too keen on that really.
  10. My friend who lived across the road from me and I were really into the tv show on Sky1, One eventful afternoon he came over my house with his Gameboy and a copy of Pokemon Blue. I was so so jealous. Fortunately I had one of those SuperGameBoy players you could pop into the Snes. So we both insisted to our parents that he stay over for the weekend effectively. We didn't go outside, didn't leave the bedroom other than to use the toilet. He was nice enough to actually let me play it too, so we'd take turns going through it, think like an hour each. He had the overall say of what Pokemon to have in his team. Well after that, I was really really in need of my own copy. I begged so much to my mum. I had originally asked for it for Christmas, and We weren't that far away from Christmas if I remember correctly. Well after days and days of begging my mum caved in and gave me a copy of Pokemon Red. And there it was... my own adventure could begin. I picked Charmander, I can always remember my first trade with my friend to get a Caterpie off him as Red only had Weedle. So I traded a weedle to him for Caterpie, trained up Caterpie to become a Butterfree and took on Brock with a team consisting of Charmander, Pidgey & Butterfree. Man... dem nostalgic feels right now. I just always remember loving the art style of the Pokemon from Red and Blue and drawing Pokemon myself too.
  11. Well even more reason to hate Bristol Rovers. At their match against Newport County their scummy fans were heard chanting "I'd rather be a Paki, than a taff" Fucking vile. Never heard any racist chants at Bristol City matches, I know racism is practically everywhere, and I'm sure City have a few racists, but not a full on crowd chant. Disgusting Gas Heads.
  12. The PPV was pretty entertaining, seemed to go by so quickly though. Wyatt vs Kane was a bit of a let down really, the crowd seemed completely uninterested. In fact the pre-show match of RVD vs Dean Ambrose has a much better crowd. No idea why they would opt for that as the pre-show match really. Sandow vs Rhodes was a good match, not pleased with the result, but after the repeat result on RAW last night, looks like they'll be pushing Rhodes alot. Christian vs Del Rio - Didn't expect the result to go Del Rio's way, Genuinely thought Christian would walk out champion with his 'one last match' gimmick being he goes out with a championship reign. Divas match - Toilet and pizza break. didn't watch CM Punk vs Lesnar was awesome, really really good. Couldn't call who was going to win it. Ziggy & Kaityln vs Big E & AJ - I have no idea why they put this on between Punk/Lesnar & Cena/Bryan. The crowd were so into the Punk match, and this match kind of slowed the pace of the night down. Yes the fans cheered and were happy that Ziggler won, but the momentum of the crowd just went after being on such a high in the Punk match. Bryan vs Cena - Yeah... Pretty good. Cena played his role well, re-acting to the crowd chants of 'you can't wrestle' and genuinely they both performed well. I knew Orton would come out, I knew Orton would cash in and win. But I didn't see HHH swerve at all. Completely threw me that. Just reading about RAW and it looks like Bryan is getting even more of a push as the babyface of the company as they had Cena address that Bryan is the deserving champion and had the whole McMahon-Helmsley "you're not good enough" chat, and with the Shield working for them and the whole Bryan getting back up after beatings... it's going to be an eventful few weeks/months for Bryan.
  13. Bristol City have been drawn against Rovers in the first round of the johnstones paint trophy.... Fucking football
  14. Today most of my day at work will be spent creating documentation... I fucking hate it.
  15. I'm hoping this means that I've paid for one, but getting 2. Unfortunately our online banking updates slowly, so won't find out till tomorrow at best
  16. Well my special edition has just been shipped, and I received an activation code after the purchase was made. Just emailed Heather to get her to check we haven't been charged £33
  17. I'm scared... I've sent the link to my dad and said "Can I have that for my birthday, can you order it today please as I don't want it to sell out!" My dad replied - "You order it now then, and your mum will drop the money to yo u tonight, when the game arrives give to us to wrap up for you!" Sounds great, but I need to confirm this with the boss of finances (Heather). I've emailed her and text her but no reply... I'm so anxious to order it now, but know I should wait for confirmation... here's why I'm scared... that limited edition, it won't be out of stock within a few hours will it... I just want to order it now and face the consequences from Heather, but then... I don't want to face the consequences from her. Scared... hope it doesn't go out of stock within the next few hours. reassure me that everything will be alright N-Europe please EDIT ------ Panic over... I've ordered the game, and appear to be in a similar situation to @Serebii and @Ike I've received my activation code, will I get a 2nd one with the limited edition version too?
  18. And so it begins... I remember I had money once.
  19. #TheFuture
  20. Well well... Good for him.
  21. England will have at least one safe centre back develop -
  22. Okay, so I'm a Bristol City fan... I despise the gas 'rovers' but I could not help but smile alot when Lambert scored then. He's not Bristolian... It must just be my Bristolian pride to see a former Bristol team player score on his England debut. Fuck Bristol Rovers... But chuffed to bits for Lambert.
  23. Kimi back to Ferrari next season stories are starting to pick up... http://www.planet-f1.com/driver/3213/8870041/-Kimi-is-going-to-Ferrari-
  24. On Smackdown 2 weeks ago I think? Christian beat Orton and RVD in a triple threat number one contenders match. He also beat Alberto Del Rio in a 1 on 1 match recently on Smackdown too (title not on the line of course). WWE have certainly pushed him with some momentum recently. Happy to see him in the WHC Title push. Ah right I missed that about Sheamus, There's one divas match I could tolerate and that would be AJ vs Kaitlyn again. But the mixed tag team match will suffice for me.
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