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Everything posted by Murr

  1. Summer Slam 2013 - Pre-Show Match - Dean Ambrose vs RVD for US Title DIVAS!!!! - Natalya vs Brie Bella The aftermath of the breakup - Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs Big E & AJ Money In the Bank... who should of won - Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow And it burns burns burns... the ring of fire match - Kane vs Bray Wyatt One more match for the World Heavyweight Championship - Alberto Del Rio Vs Christian The Best vs The Beast - CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar The champ is .... Going to be decided - John Cena vs Daniel Bryan with HHH as guest ref Think that's the full card, a lot of people missing out on the 2nd biggest PPV of the year. Sheamus, Orton, Shield, Real Americans...No Intercontinental title on the card either. Guess they can't all feature at PPV's though. I really couldn't call the Punk Vs Lesnar match, really could go either way. Cena vs Bryan...I Assume Bryan wins, and Orton cashes in. Just a hunch that is shared by majority of people. Surprisingly looking forward to Ziggler&Kaitlyn match. Pretty good schedule,
  2. Well, I guess that the ongoing political campaign they showed on the website will play into the story line? Perhaps Jock hires one of the characters for their campaign, Man this game looks ridiculous. I cannot wait to just explore this game.
  3. Agreed I don't have children so don't know, It was more so a joke as in, people spit kids out for money so they dont have to work... :p
  4. It's all about I want 2 children in the future, and not for child benefits. Does that make me part of the problem?
  5. Bit of a bump, But looks like we're finally decided on destination. We've found some good prices for Cuba. We've been getting prices for both of us all inclusive at around £3050. I'm trying to see how much it would increase the price for a 1 or 2 night stop at Miami either on the way to, or way home. Practically right next door :p But yeah, thanks for the help and suggestions.
  6. Found out there's a Comic & Sci-Fi convention taking in place in Bath on the 28th & 29th September. Bath is literally a 30 minute drive for me. So I'll definitely be attending that. £4 a ticket.
  7. Would be happier if I didn't have to pay £100 Extra for something that now doesn't appear to be compulsory with console. Mark up some Kinnectless Bundles at PS4 price and you'd have my attention Microsoft.
  8. Managed to see a 28 second version of the leaked footage. Mother of god. I need an official trailer, it looked fucking brilliant. "They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy!", *Voice in the background* "What a bunch of A-Holes!" Aww Yeah them Gifs above
  9. When I was younger my parents would take me and a friend camping every year in the summer holidays. We'd go to the same place, same resort and I'd love it. The kids entertainment play bard type thing had time crisis in it. 30p a game. I spent SOOO much pocket money on this beast - Completed it multiple times, Other kids would be all stood around watching me play it, So fun. Again when younger, My dad's local pub (now my local pub) Would have one arcade machine in at a time, and I'd go to the pub with my dad and play on these machines when they were in. They are by no means the best arcade machines around, but the hours I'd put into these games when I was younger. The only proper arcade machines I ever used really.
  10. No but seriously, it'll probably a very boring game
  11. Murr


  12. Football Football Football. Bristol City involved in a 9 goal thriller yesterday. 3-0 Down at half time to Coventry, Pulled it back to 3-3 by the 75th minute. Concede a goal a minute later to be 4-3 down. Equalize in the 85th minute. Then 86th Concede again and lose the game 5-4. Couldn't handle the feels during that game, Nuts. However, Moyes competitive era off to a win, 100% trophy success under Moyes so far.
  13. Nice, did you opt for 2 palm & 2 normal trees then?
  14. So this just happened while playing football on my lunchbreak... fun times
  15. Trap Version of some retro soundtracks. https://soundcloud.com/trapnation/physical-type-victory-road Maybe not to everyones liking, but the Victory Road intro. love it. EDIT - Throw some Dubstep Megaman to the party too - https://soundcloud.com/tags/chiptune
  16. Have any of you re-designed your Island for bug harvesting specifically? been reading about it, people leaving 2 palm trees & 2 trees in the middle of the island, but cutting down their bushes and flowers. Have any of you tried this or have any other methods of tree limitations for bug harvesting?
  17. Will have to watch it out of work dude, Youtube is blocked here
  18. Even though he played 'The Gas' Got to congratulate Rickie Lambert on making it to the England squad. Made the leap from league football to premier league football with ease last season. Hope he actually get's to feature in the match. @Ramar Gervinho to Roma for £8m? You must be chuffed with that business.
  19. I've answered that as "I like to finish things!", then explained further with "If tasked with something that i'm struggling with due to not having much experience with it, I go out of the way to garner more knowledge about the practice needed in order to complete the task, when in reality I could ask a colleague for advice or help" Unfortunately doesn't look as good on the "Team player" type questions. I don't mind working in a team, I mean I do work in a team now, but get my mind on something and i'm stubborn and want to beat it. strange i'm not like that with computer games though
  20. If there is a jug of water on the table, pour yourself a glass when a question you cant insta reply is asked. Gives time to think what you want to say and shows the interviewer your comfortable. Take frequent swigs of your drink throughout the interview as again it gives you time to think answers over and also shows the interviewers that you're okay and still capable of doing things under pressure. (taking the time to drink during an interview can be seen and keeping calm thing in pressure situation, silly right?) EYE Contact... not like intense staring the shit out of them, but make eye contact when they're explaining things to you, when you're nodding in agreement, make eye contact. Don't just wander off and look around, stay focused on them. Don't play with your hands on your lap, put them on the table infront of you clasped together. When explaining things though don't shy away from using hand gestures (contradiction right?) Probably the hardest thing to do though is try to keep your voice stern and clear. don't mumble, don't speak quietly. dont rush your words out. They've asked you there to talk to you, so talk to them. Use examples of things in your previous jobs or experiences similar to it. If they ask questions like how would you deal with an irate customer? If you've dealt with one before you that example as what you'd do (if you dealt with them well that is :p) Honestly dude the interviews I've done that's the sort of stuff I look for. Granted I haven't conducted any interviews in 2013, but prior to that i'd conducted quite a few. It's just the persona of confidence needs to come from you, as you walk to the room, as you take your seat, as you talk to them, as you explain your previous experience.... etc. Good Luck!
  21. Think Moyes has taken a U-Turn on Nani, I expect we'll see him feature alot this season, I just hope we get all that potential out of him. Anderson... gotta give him an A for effort, but he's just been pretty unlucky with injuries. He's pretty confident player on the ball, and has some great bursts forward. Agreed Kagawa really needs some game time too. Would like to see more of Hernandez too this season. Rooney departure would be a blessing in disguise for half the United squad in terms of game time they'll acquire. Will be interesting to see the starting 11 against Wigan. Should also mention been very impressed and happy with the youngsters that Moyes took on tour. Would be quite nice to see some of them feature in Carling Cup / Early FA Cup rounds. Chuck some of them on in the EPL if the games all but won.
  22. Yeah Fellaini would be alright, but love the smoke and mirrors routine of pursuing other targets all summer, when deep down we all knew it'd be Fellaini that joins us. The RB situation is a little scary agreed, Jones can cover reasonably well, but would be ideal to have a legit RB competing with Rafael to get the best out of them both. Zaha for our player of the season. I can feel it.
  23. Unfortunately wasn't following it then with the Punk 'Pipe Bomb'. I watched a video of it last night, and wow. That was some mic work. Now stupid question as I know 98.8% of WWE is scripted but.... That sounded like legit rage. Was that scripted? I read he left WWE after winning the title, but Cena pleaded with him to return? Or to sign a new contract? Is that true? If so fair play to Cena for recognizing how much the company could lose out on if Punk did leave properly. Also is it legit that, that's why Punk had the longest reign with the WWE title, repercussions of the pipe bomb explosion. Really interested in it, as it would seem it was a turning point in the WWE, and as mentioned earlier right now it feels like it's going in a good direction with roster and HHH having more involvement. Just wondering how much of the Punk Bomb was legit and how much HHH or Vince played in it?
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