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Everything posted by Murr

  1. Another one to the list. Finished Season 2 of The Walking Dead. Fuck me, Had read it wasn't as good as season 1. I can kind of agree to a certain extent. But I still loved it and got so attached again to characters.
  2. Anyone watch Payback and / or Raw last night? I went into Payback expecting the worst, but it turned out to be a pretty damn good PPV. Ryback vs Bray was the weakest on the card, but I did genuinely enjoy the rest of it. The Tag match was phenomenal, and the main event wow. I was 'marking' out like a mother fucker during the
  3. I saw Alien Antfarm and P.O.D last night. Blast from the past. Hoobastank headlined but we didn't really care for them so went to wetherspoons and got a little drunker than anticipated. drinking on a school night used to be okay, now...well... I feel horrendous.
  4. Well there's the end of that pipedream. Wasn't aware of that.
  5. Another Nintendo thread that got ugly. Anyways here's what I realistically expect to see from Nintendo and what I would love to see: Realistic Predictions: StarFox Wii U shown and release date confirmed Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Maker, Devils Third shown and dates confirmed Mario Kart 8 More DLC More Amiibo's Splatoon DLC Smash Bros DLC Retro game revealed - Likely to be Metroid Nintendo NX talked about briefly Nintendo Mobile division announced possible games shown. Pokken Tournament confirmed for WiiU Hopes and Dreams F Zero UX for Wii U revealed Metroid Universe for Wii U 100% revealed Animal Crossing Wii U revealed Super Punch-U-Out for WiiU revealed Metroid and F Zero DLC packs for MK8 Nintendo FX full reveal Older Amiibo's restocked and more available.
  6. Not convinced by that. Didn't play Unity, but it looked rather boring in comparison to Black Flag (Which I genuinely enjoyed). This looks like another boring AC game with some batman features thrown in. The setting and location is a selling point I'll give them that, but it looks like Unity again which just didn't interest me whatsoever. Sure we'll be seeing more if it at E3, but yeah so far not a likely purchase.
  7. 2 PPV's in a month then aye. I can deal with that. Sucks ass about Daniel Bryan being injured again. Wonder how legit it is that he took alternative medication practices on his last injury which caused this problem. Enjoying Dean Ambrose getting a bit of the spot light. Don't want him hanging around midcard to never get any higher. Personally think he along with Rollins and Reigns should be 3 of the future main event guys for a long time now. Personally would like to see Rusev go up a step too. Thought his feud with Cena up to Mania was excellent. But time to let it drop now and push him up again. He could be a very convincing threat for the WWE Championship if you ask me. Wish that Bray Wyatt had something more than singling out one wrestler every month to torment. He's gonna be stuck in Limbo. I feel bad for Sandow, I loved his intellectual savior of the masses routine a few years back, and he came into his own with Mizdow. Now he's Macho Mandow with Axlmania.. hope this gimmick works for him, but unlikely. The dude's never gonna get a mid card belt shot is he? After the hype of him winning Money in the bank too. Shame.
  8. That was damn unfortunate dude, and I was legitimately rooting for Sheffield United to do it (Cause fuck Swindon). Could be pretty fucking violent fan clashes in the Championship next season. Bristol City vs Cardiff Bristol City vs Leeds Bristol City vs Swindon (Potentially) Switching to Barcelona, Crazy to think a few weeks to possibly months in La Liga, people questioning how long Enrique would be at the helm of Barcelona as they didn't hit the ground running. Now here we are nearing the end of the season and Barca have one hand on La Liga title, Into the Champions League Final and in the Copa Del Rey Final. Not too shabby. Changing to Man United, Pretty happy to sign Depay so early. LVG saying it was to prevent PSG getting him. Good I'm glad they didn't dillydally with it. Now get Hummels and Clyne next.
  9. £4 each from Lidl: Late to the party getting season1 but loved it, so ordered season 2 as soon as i'd finished 1: In an attempt to stop my cats scratching the furniture:
  10. I moved my WiiU downstairs for ONE Night, to play Mario Kart 8 to provide entertainment for the group of chaps that were at my house to watch the boxing at the start of May. I left my WiiU there once the boxing had finished (at just gone 6am) and left my game pad charger on the floor next to a pile of games. I went to bed at gone 6am, woke up at around 12ish, went downstairs and the thin part of my WiiU game pad charger had been chewed pretty much right through. Pretty sure I know which of my 2 cats did it, but innocent till proven guilty I guess. So that's frustrating as it doesn't charge the gamepad at all now. Nintendo apparently don't sell official gamepad chargers in the UK and I've read that 3rd party ones just melt the gamepad battery. Quite the conundrum I'm in. Especially with Kirby already out and Splatoon and Yoshi arriving soon.
  11. Well got 3 done since my last update. Walking Dead Season 1 & 400 Days DLC for PS4. Talk about late to the party with this one right? I've played episode one back on the 360 at launch, but never picked the rest up for some unknown reason. But it's been a game on my radar since then to pick up as a complete collection. I was fortunate enough that my wife pays attention to stuff I talk about and she surprised me getting the retail physical edition of season one with the DLC for PS4. Literally took 2 sittings to complete and loved it. The 2nd Episode was incredible. I loved feeling like I was actually playing a real role in the zombie apocalypse. The ending... WOW. Season 2 has been ordered. Never Alone for PS4 One of the PS+ games from last month. Was tempted to dip into it during Christmas sales (which feel like last week seriously where the fuck is the year going?) but didn't dip in. Enjoyable little game and pretty cute. Little bit frustrating towards the end, the final level was a little bit "Come on now", but I think it's due to the fact my interest dropped a little after
  12. Added alot more since last time: New to the list - Million Dollar Arm Quantum of Solace The Hangover The Avengers Guardians of the Galaxy (Rewatch) Avengers: Age of Ultron The only 2 new actual films I hadn't seen in the above were Million Dollar arm and Ultron though. Enjoyed both, especially Age of Ultron of course. 2015 so far: January Birdman Big Hero Six NightCrawler Fox Catcher American Sniper February Dumb And Dumber To A Million Ways to Die in the West Edge of Tomorrow Horrible Bosses 2 The Interview Sin City: A Dame to kill for Guardians of the Galaxy The Inbetweeners 2 John Wick March Big Hero Six (2nd time watching it) Tangled How to Train Your Dragon 2 The Fast and The Furious April Furious 7 Wedding Crashers Million Dollar Arm Quantum of Solace The Hangover The Avengers May Guardians of the Galaxy (Rewatch) Avengers: Age of Ultron
  13. Been with my wife 6 years today. And we're off on holiday tomorrow to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary. Time... Where you go?
  14. It makes me sad knowing I'll probably never own all of these. I've got all of Wave 1 & 2, and Ike and Rosalina, but I'm just gonna admit defeat in that I'll never own every Smash Bro's Amiibo. I MUST get the Yoshi Amiibo's though.
  15. I think it's still on course because...
  16. Another one down! Far Cry 4, Well I've completed the main campaign anyways, still a few bits and bobs to go for such as the hunting, racing basically the side quest stuff. Have to say I really really enjoyed it despite the odd bug. And as I mentioned in the Far Cry 4 thread, I was due a trophy, once completed my missing trophy appeared anyways, so yay! Pagan Min is one awesome enemy. Really enjoyed every exchange that was made over the radio when he contacted you. Just one cool, calm, suave mother fucker then like a light switch turns nuts. Really enjoyed the game and it's down to Pagan Min's character I think I enjoyed it so much. Next up Never Alone. Completed: Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) The Last of Us Remastered (PS4) Thief (PS4) Valiant Hearts (PS4) Abe's Oddysee: New N Tasty (PS4) Far Cry 4 (PS4)
  17. This time next week I'll be here for my 1 year wedding anniversary celebrations. I'm a little excited. Going to be a slow 7 days.
  18. Back to the Championship, and what a way to do it. 6-0 against Bradford. One more win and we're guaranteed league one champions. Would be a nice lower league double of League 1 title and Johnston's Paint trophy.
  19. Murr

    Far Cry 4

    14 odd hours into this, just reached the North. I'm one less trophy than I should be cause... fuck me that why. I noticed on my progress menu that I'm 3 missions past a mission that's meant to award a trophy, but no dice. But when doing a miscalanious thing later on in the same sitting I got a trophy. So a little annoyed on that. Can't say I've looked but can you restart missions (story progression missions)? Will be pretty ticked off If I get the next mission based trophy but dont have that one.
  20. January Birdman Big Hero Six NightCrawler Fox Catcher American Sniper February Dumb And Dumber To A Million Ways to Die in the West Edge of Tomorrow Horrible Bosses 2 The Interview Sin City: A Dame to kill for Guardians of the Galaxy The Inbetweeners 2 John Wick March Big Hero Six (2nd time watching it) Tangled How to Train Your Dragon 2 The Fast and The Furious April Furious 7 Wedding Crashers 3 More since last time - The Fast and The Furious, Furious 7 & Wedding Crashers.
  21. @Agent Gibbs summed it up pretty much perfectly. Never met Paul Walker, he never knew I existed. But his death was such a massive one for me. Base on how much I love these damn films. I adore this franchise which some people think is a bit weird. I've told them that Furious 7 was my most anticipated film of the year over Avengers and Star Wars. Yup, It was. I really liked the nods to the previous films
  22. I just got off the phone to the vets. So the cat was actually a girl, so replace little guy with little girl above. But she was also microchipped and the owners have been to the vet's to collect her and take her home. She had suffered damage to her head, So putting my hand down to soften her head as she was twitching as her head hit the road, I feel a little better that it may have prevented as much pain. But still... The owners were of course upset, but thankful someone brought her to the vets. Peace of mind that the owners have her now, obviously gutted for them though.
  23. And I feel terrible about it. On the way to work this morning, I saw a small black and white cat get hit down by a white van. The van didn't stop and drove off. I pulled over and the poor little guy was twitching in pain, and his head was banging the curb due to the twitching. I put my hand under his head to stop him banging it on the road / curb, and his twitching slowed down. I had some bin bags in my boot as i'd lined the boot of my car while transferring rocks and plants from my parents to my place. I lined my passenger seat with these bin bags, and picked the little guy up as gently as I could. He was still just about moving. I turned round and raced to the closest vets as quick as I could, but unfortunately I couldn't get there in time, and he stopped moving on my car seat. I banged on the vets door, that was still locked as it was only 7:30am, holding him as gently again as I could hoping for the best. They let me in and rushed me through, but it was too late he had gone. My eyes started to water as I explained how it happened to the vet who let me in. She was very comforting and praised my actions, told me to not beat myself up about it and I'd done a good thing to stop in the first place. It's so strange how weird i'm feeling. I'm incredibly pissed off with the van driver that left the little guy. I'm surprisingly upset that this cat passed away despite it having nothing to do with me. I'm going to call the vets shortly to see if the cat was chipped and if they've managed to find the owner. I'm not sure how to feel when they tell me they have or haven't found the owner. All I know is I'm in work right now, replaying it all over again in my head. It's really quite insignificant to some. Telling the story to people in work, and they don't quite seem to be as concerned or have that much sympathy for the little cat. I just can't wait for this day to be over to go to my parents house, hug both their cats that were mine when I lived there, and then get to my house and spend the evening with my 2 cats. Genuinely devastated for the loss of a cat's life that was nothing to do with me.
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