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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. christmas should have a sequel.
  2. westlife are the worst band to come out of ireland - snow patrol ftw!
  3. They usually arent much of a problem to install that i know of. i think windows will detect them. If your using a router you generally wont need a modem, i think modems are for direct connection to the internet. (dial up?) with a router you are connected to the lan, and the router provides internet on your machine through the NIC. Modems use a direct link. sorry if it doesnt make much sense
  4. its on the wrong hand for starters
  5. yeah im just too organised for my own good unfortunately :P bought mine like at least 5 weeks ago! Theres no more shoppin to be done now anyway as i somehow managed to break my atm card - lucky i did do all my shopping or id be royally screwed
  6. We used to have one about 80cm but last year we decided to get a big massive one mines 7ft. Anybody gettin real christmas trees this year? come on guys pics!
  7. aw your christmas tree is nice.. 9/10 heres mine Im too lazy to hide all the presents i bought :P
  8. I would but i dont think people are gunna take it seriously. and im a girl - men are generally useless at buying for girls :P
  9. Well it works you cant deny that i meant it as a last resort.
  10. Boyd and Dylan topless - wow!
  11. aww yay well done Mr_odwin
  12. That really is hateful when that happens! Id try a full spware scan & virus scan as Ramar said. Does it do this on all profiles or just yours? If all else fails i find a reformat would work well, but that solves almost anything edit - is your C drive very full, i found this was a problem for me shutting down, try goin to C:/ drive and then Tools and do the Disk check & defrag.
  13. Not neccesarily problems, as JonSt said, upgrades and maintenance, its a massive site. If they don't keep it maintained it will be broken
  14. i had problems with firefox since i got it, its slow, and it took a notion to die every now and then. And on three seperate pc's it stopped working altogether. Not a single problem with Opera.
  15. What is the point of this.... please..just..stop
  16. yay! good taste man!
  17. oohh the guy that played Joe scully was wrongfully fired - ohh ohh scandal! Izzys pill popping and Steph nearly lost her baby cause of it...god why doesn't she grow up.
  18. i reckon it was deleted - thus why hardley anyone knows about it.
  19. Who knows, i think he did it on purpose and is watchin all the threads on here to see if his name is being mentioned.... HI OFFERMAN!
  20. hes been gone like 2 weeks where you lot all been?! :P
  21. i don't like anything really risky - i just have a weakness for lots and lots of chocolate offerman no longer resides at revo btw.
  22. haha i spent probably just as much - had an awesomely large number of shiny cards - so therefore i ruled. then i ended up giving them away cause i would have developed a problem
  23. i write stuff then if i try to add to it later it all just seems wrong. when i get inspiration for a song/story etc i never have anythin to write it down with Then if im at college or doing a project and I need inspiration, trying to force ideas makes me get serious block
  24. very true and you get downgraded for planning a speech too much so beware of that. I planned nothin for my speech. the subject i talked about was very well known to me, and its better picking something like that cause you feel more at ease talking about it.
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