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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. yay i love yooooouuu too man
  2. Chris tarrant bugs me full stop hes just trying to be a new version of noel. NO ONE beats noel.
  3. wow thats a flippin good job for the first time using the software. well done
  4. I finished my nat diploma last year and i, like you, left ALL of my work til the last minute. I kinna missed exams (mine was all coursework based) cause they were over in a matter of a few hours, but my assignments took me forever! the second year & second term is the hardest especially if like me you didn't do the assignments from the first term whoops! I was never ever motivated to revise for gcses, (i had slipped discs and missed my mock exams) but i thank my lucky stars that i managed to do well
  5. deal or no deal is teh sex! Best gameshow in a long time, and im glad to see noel back The idea of the game is so simple jus the way it should be! millionaire is just rubbish and i really don't like whatisface that presents it
  6. fierce_liNk- your profile definately tells a lot about yourself. oh and drummers always rock hardcore stylee \m/ but you have no gender i see...hmm :S edit ah damn forgot to put a score....9.5/10
  7. wow i love your sig, awesome colours, and flashy lookin text 9/10
  8. i love jeremy clarkson he is so funny id put most celebs in room 101, they are all obsessed by being in the papers and rich....to name a few - Paris hilton an her buddies, Pete & jordan, Posh and Becks, all of the cast of changing rooms, 98% of pop artists. Q.F.T
  9. there might be lil things beside your plugs on the back of your pc, to show what goes where.
  10. not really any parties for me, had my christmas dinner at work, a few naughty ann summers type presents which was awesome.
  11. I love futurama just cause its something completely different to most of the cartoons on the list. flying spaceships, fossilized dogs, cyclopes and evil robots
  12. Your attitude to life is fantastic
  13. aww i feel for you all, seems like we all go through sadness & depression sometimes. i know how hard a long distance relationships can be..its super frustrating. I (along with many it seems) had a lot of depression and it was beginning to take over my life, i have a very serious skin disorder and it got me down all the time. But i did as dukka did and pulled myself together. You just gotta get on with things really.
  14. i would watch out for cheap & fast hard drives like mine (maxtor 200gb 7200rpm for 80 quid) cause they can be a bit noisy
  15. my phone nokia 6822 with full qwerty keyboard for my incredible text useage http://www.nokia.co.uk/nokia/0,,72267,00.html ......if youre really that bored
  16. yeah you got it right on the mark Thing is.. some brits go to foreign countries and they love trying out the culture, doing things a bit different to the norm for them. Heck most of us have probably eaten chinese food at least once! We don't tell them to be PC and not have their culture. Why should our culture be beaten into a "safe" statement. PC For teh Lose
  17. Never in a million years. I had surgery on my eye when i was younger, and it was deadly sore, and i still have a scar which hurts when i look towards my nose. my friend had her nose fixed for medical reasons, and it was scary :S blood and ugh
  18. someone thats right for you WONT CHEAT. sure i wouldnt be that damn happy if someone cheated on me, but these things happen.
  19. looks like the piercing and mebbe added the white light spots to the eyes of teh bloke, and perhaps cleaned up the girls right cheek (the one showin the most)
  20. dont read my other posts then
  21. Just hope to god teh bf doesn't come after you! The girl shuda said no, or not let herself get so drunk she'd do that (if that was the case) dont stress yourself over it
  22. ah noes neighbours talk is dead since i been away and offerman is gone so now its just me to perv on the sexy neighbours men. oh la la stuarts brother - sexy!
  23. wow dieter your tree is sexy! 10/10
  24. hahaha steph really put sky in her place! hormones ftw!
  25. christmas should have a sequel.
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