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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. aw i remember mine so well it was terrible, and i blagged it like ramar did and got 40/50 yay for me and my obnoxious confidence
  2. with 2 fans very nice... watch how you put it in with air flow and that just check the hot air is being blown out.
  3. probably just a good idea to get a new psu anyway high wattage ftw
  4. hehe you didnt put a band :P BLINK 182 ftw :P
  5. yeah just pop it on and it should show up on windows - format partitions et voila.
  6. 1st january!?! pft thats what boxing day is for!
  7. the best places ever to work (pay wise) are phones shops! I applied to Orange, and they said they would give you between 5 and 8 percent of sales, depending on the score on the secret shopper. and you get really good pay, like 5+ per hour. but its like almost IMPOSSIBLE to get a job there.
  8. ackk no you dont work in 2 jobs!! i did that (one 37 hour week and one 16 hour week) in two weeks i was going insane. It rocks having so much money but you don't half have the time or energy to spend it! I start my christmas shoppin early, cause i dont like relying on the last paycheck before christmas - maybe im just strange.
  9. i'm not okay is by My chemical romance google is your friend here
  10. you call me stupid, but the topic of this thread involves someone that paid over 600 dollars for a box. makes sense. yes. lesson of the day - read the whole page you damn people bidding
  11. you could buy two of them for that price, with the box and...*gasp*...the actual system!
  12. youre saying people that like mcfly are sad, but your not allowed your opinion of them? IRONY FTW
  13. Well stuff goes out of stock over here pretty quick, so like i was saving myself having to stress about alternatives to buy people.
  14. but..it like nearly is december....dude.
  15. yeah - did someone seriously spend 611 dollars on a bludy box?!
  16. awk but gettin into the christmas spirit is fun i got all my presents bought a month ago, spent a damn fortune - about £70 per person. i didn't really want much tho, just a few cds or sumthin would do me rightly.
  17. Yeah my friends all worked in mcdonalds and it was similar to that, part from the good pay, it was min wage. Staff meals wtf!
  18. I definately agree with that, no interviews - happy days! thats how i got the job i'm in
  19. Well 4 weeks today until christmas! we got our tree up today and its looking very pretty and its put me in the christmas spirit! Has anybody started their christmas shoppin yet, anything you looking foward to santa bringing? sorry if this is a lil bit early but ya know i got excited
  20. Is that where offerman has disappeared to suddenly?! you've got his face havent you
  21. best post ever
  22. jeez thats bad! the first job i got took me a whole year to get, i was really begining to lose hope. i got paid 4.10 an hour (min wage me being 18) When you get a job you will be cursing the day you did, thats what happened to me My job was flippin slave labour, no one else ever did any work. Now i work in an office, the job is hard, but we all work as a team, and i now get paid 5.20 an hour which is a lot better. Dont lose hope, youll get employed eventually.
  23. well wouldn't they try and match the skin tone as much as possible? I could see it from the point of view that if you have really bad scarring on your skin you would be so much happier having a "normal" face that the bad things seem a lot less.
  24. he was a mod on here and tech talk, and he was very pervy
  25. but is he as much a pervert as offers was?
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