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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. 1/ tech talk 2/ sennheiser headphones are win. I have a pair of HD 215s and they are epic. Not a bad price these days either.
  2. Eoghan, Alexandra and either Ruth or JLS will be in the final 3 I reckon.
  3. I don't actually know. Its pure freakin' madness here. I like it but I know i'd get really tired of the crazyness all the time. People just push you around and run in front of you, really annoying! Well said i'm a country girl XD
  4. Manchester is so much fun I found the best place evar - selfridges, on the bottom floor, the food department I don't think i've ever seen anything like it in my entire life! <3
  5. Yay for moogleviper! Prof layton is epic!
  6. I'm freakin' wired on lucozade and various other junk foods/sugar. And the stupid lifts haven't stopped zooming up and down over the past 4 hours. *dies*
  7. Very amusing, I think it would drive me mad after a while tho tbh
  8. I love putting together flatpacks. How desperately sad am i?
  9. cut + colour - £62 later. Amazing to think that the brown used to be platinum blonde. The colour will probably fade like a bitch X(
  10. Aww, baby Odders does look cute =) Congrats dude!
  11. I'm in Manchester with my sister for weekend/Christmas shopping Great fun except my freakin' hotel room is like right beside the lift. Noisy as. I had pizza in Pizza express and it was omnnom. Subway wins because you guys get double cheese option. But on second thoughts its probably better for my diet that we don't in ballymena!
  12. She's never explained why she doesn't like going to the later films?
  13. 4chan - where everything on the internet goes to die. That sums up my opinion.
  14. If she wanted to tell us she would have, to be fair.
  15. Guys can we not leave be, the girl wanted to leave for a reason, and that's her business. Its not for us to disect and discuss like a science project. Don't forget Jamba is still on the forum! Yeah I know its rubbish that she left, but hopefully she will come back soon.
  16. aww hellfire *lots of hugs* Cancer is a load of shit. Takes far too many lives. =( Thoughts are with you
  17. You are thinking too hard about it. credit card -> paypal. Paypal -> ebay sellers. If you have an issue with an ebayer and Paypal wont sort it out you go to your credit card. Credit card company deal with ANY money that goes out regardless of the place it is going to. But you go through paypal first.. You have to prove you have made reasonable contact with paypal, then after that the credit card company takes over. This is why its awfully handy to have a credit card for teh internet purchases.
  18. mr dane - that video was rocking - you look super cool :heh: ell - there's just something really cute about you in the last pic XD
  19. ANY money that goes through your credit card is covered, but your better to go through paypal first if you have issues afaik. I ordered stuff online that didnt turn up and they refunded me all 100odd pounds of the money i had paid. I think it also covers if the good are unsuitable for job, not sure about the legality part tho tbh!
  20. And once you get 3 or 4 of them it can get out of control, and remembering to pay them! Its better to keep well away if you cant control yer spending, my workmate has over 6k on her credit card :/
  21. Yey, congrats iun!
  22. Do you have access to another computer to try it?
  23. no wai! That's the whole point, I don't have the patience to make myself look decent hahah
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