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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I loved sabrina, kenan and kel, drake and josh and all those silly american shows pure awesome in a can.
  2. because you are a lovely person ell. Don't be so hard on yourself. You should make a decision so you don't end up leading both of them on =)
  3. lol it so is over :P I killed ell (by total chance) and he was an investigator, so the goods really lost one of their essential players. What a shame... :awesome:
  4. Happiest thread evar. Have a good one coolness!
  5. Absolutely (especially the bolded parts). It takes an incredibly strong person to pull themselves out of realy depression. Real depression isn't sadness you get over in a week. Its pretty much long term. My workmate had a really bad day today, shes got a serious case of bipolar disorder. Such a lovely girl. We chatted today about how she felt, and she thinks she might need to speak to a therapist. I think its good for friends to be there for each other, depression or not.
  6. this sounds like something taken from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Great film.
  7. It doesn't suck all the time. That's you. Hehe, I kid. Yeah a lot of the fillars are a bit sucky but meh, I still likes it.
  8. oh rez, I'm so sorry to hear that, must have been so traumatic *lots of hugs*
  9. Funny thing is she is as cool as a cucumber about it. She's a nurse, knows what's happening, got it dealt with as soon as she realised etc. She said she was having some pain from it, which isn't really the best news. But she dealt with it sooner rather than later, so i suppose that gives her the best chance really! She's only just turned 40 too! @molly: thanks, it is really crap, my uncle was suffering a lot the few days before he passed away, its pretty heartbreaking.
  10. Us girls always have to stick up for each other mkay? -- In other news I found out my aunt has found a lump on her breast =( They can't remove it because its near to an artery. So if its cancer she has to face chemo. Ever since I was little our family was never affected by cancer. Then my uncle died in august and now my aunt has this nice prospect. =(
  11. That's not odd, I have a very sensitive back too. My physio touched my back and I nearly fell off the table XD
  12. I haven't suggested a song! I suggest rogue traders - way to go! *high fives haggis*
  13. Didn't you say that your college was special needs in your last thread? That's terrible for the students... Seems a bit harsh on you guys too. Union rep is teh way forward. Don't give in to that treatment dude! All the best!
  14. Who knows these internet women can be strange and desirable things LOL.
  15. I'm pretty sure it was too, sometimes the men need kept in line
  16. Don't you know us ladies ARE the FBI.
  17. Next time I'm getting a train in the mainland I'll let you know. We only get shitty paper tickets in the good old N of I =(
  18. Or good luck for me
  19. Couldn't decide between these two, but ReZ you are winrar. Go.
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