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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. no wai! That's the whole point, I don't have the patience to make myself look decent hahah
  2. For me a guy has beautiful eyes and I'm pretty much all his. Nice hair helps too.
  3. Its more exciting than actually getting the presents! My friends always got their presents early, and I never understood why... By Christmas time the novelty had worn off! *is getting in the Christmas spirit now*
  4. That's what I thought too. Even at the age of 22, I just love getting up in my pjs and opening pressies! I'd be disappointed if someone spoiled Christmas and gave me everything early! =( and lets be honest its a bit bratty and/or demanding :/
  5. Funny thing is my da is supposed to be the expert! He didn't have too much of a clue lol. Just add it to the awesome that is Raining_again. *boogies*
  6. pure raging. My father decided that I needed this panda security software. Obedient daughter I am, I deinstalled AVG 7. Installed this panda security thing, and my laptop wont boot, whatsoever. Great. So he moans about me having uTorrent and spyware (uTorrent I rarely use and I'm really careful about what I download!) So I decide, right i'll deinstall panda in safe mode. Went back in and did a system restore to when AVG was installed, and it didnt run because the kernel was fucked up the ass. So luckily I somehow managed to update it. Windows was seeing it as installed but the files were missing, basically. So I'm not a very happy camper right now. More pissed off at the fact I was left to sort it out myself after being demanded I installed the thing, then blamed for having spyware. *grumbles* but on a good note, I did get it working!
  7. So do I, it would be lulz to the extreme. *votes for Daniel next week*
  8. wth?! That's so silly, why cant you wait until Christmas like everyone else
  9. Yeah I agree. My debit card details are only ever put on the internet when there's no alternative, like when you sign up for a phone contract. Credit cards are *usually* easy to get hold of once you are 18. And if you are worried about having a huge spending limit, you can get the company to stop it from increasing any further, its pretty easy to do afaik. I started off with a £200 limit and now i've got about 6k over a few cards, I wish I had asked them to stop it a long time ago, its a little dangerous having so much money you don't actually own at your fingertips.
  10. That's fair enough I wouldn't expect you to vote lots of times, each call costs money, doesn't it? But people that moan and did nothing about it could have basically swung the vote - but they think that the stronger singers will definitely get through, therefore don't vote.
  11. You lot are all moaning about that boy still being in, but I wonder how many of you actually voted for the ones you wanted to stay?
  12. I was in Starbucks yesterday and they had Christmas music on, and they had a special cherry coffee thing for Christmas too. But then our town lights were turned on 4th November, bloody madness. Christmas shouldn't be anywhere near beginning until mid-Nov at the very earliest. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas I really do, the sights, the smells (Christmas festive candles for the win!), the happy festive cheer, all the love in my family... But its just a little too early and it doesn't feel AS special come the big day.
  13. Not really a suggestion and not really a question, but I wanted to say kudos to whoever lovely staffer made the banner! Its damn sexy! ^__^
  14. If you get your lovely paycheck in and decide: oh yeah i'm gonna buy something online - that's all well and good but then what if they person you buy it off doesn't send you the item, or charges you too much (and maybe even empties your account).... you know you aren't actually covered at all? Credit cards companies legally have to give you the money when you fill in a form, then they fight the company or frauster themselves. I've had problems before and my credit card company (capitalone) dealt with the whole problem, all I had to send was a receipt and details of any contact i had made with said person. My work colleague has has fraudulent activity with her debit card (well over a year ago) and she still hasn't seen the money back, whereas I got mine as soon as they received the form. Yeah you can report it to the police and your bank and whatever, but god knows when (or if!) you will ever see your money.
  15. Debit card isn't secure online, dear god I hope nobody uses a debit card online *facepalm*
  16. Yeah according to MyAnimeList it is 12 of 12 =( boo. Hopefully there's like a second season or something.
  17. Well said. You men might enjoy big massive boobs on slender women, but you don't realise the practicalities of having to carry them around on such a small frame. disproportionate boobs = lose
  18. Kudos to you odders! That was epic. Daughter as cute as ever! Unfortunately I can't sing a note so i'll pass on the singing thing!
  19. I knew somebody that used to claim to know boob sizes a mile off. Tried to guess mine and missed by a mile. Literally. Lol.
  20. I'm a sucker for geeky types >_< And, yes, you can't beat a good irish accent. And bewbs. Of course
  21. Aye, maybe. Might get a piercing that wont reject next time. I think its just the nature of my body that stuff heals and then rejects so fast. But I really loved my roooook Uber super powered immune system for the LOSE
  22. QFT, then you can get people like me, that have absolute nightmares with nose piercings, then no problems whatsoever with ear piercings. I did take your advice wolfie, I took my rook out, maybe I already told you. Its uber weird not having a stud in my ear anymore - i really miss it! And the swollen lump thing in my lobe has gone down without me having to remove the studs too =) Yey
  23. Thanks guys. Bit of a shock tbh, we all thought she had the all clear. But what can you do really, just gotta hope for the best!
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