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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Not allowed to be positive? I have a better life because of the medication and care that so many specialists provide me. I couldn't afford health insurance/medication myself, even without paying tax.
  2. I bought ugly betty too! Its so awesome <3
  3. We had snow today, its was freakin' awesome. Snow in october = winnrar. I lost another pound at weightwatchers! Yey! Stable weightloss (be it annoyingly dragged out) is probably the best thing for me. Massive weight loss all too quick tends to come right back on. I seem to have made a friend in a nice girl that goes there, we both started on the same week, and we chat and have a giggle n such. =) And there were 2 men at the class tonight! My boss called me in today. He had noticed that there was a few weeks about a month ago, where I had missed my targets (not by much tbf) He said he had noticed the fact that the amount I was now doing is double my target. He wanted to tell me that it is appreciated. Yey =) I feel all warm and nice inside haha. I explained to him that I was on meds that cleared up my arthy and helped with the tiredness, to which he replied, "can you give some to the rest of them?". So pretty epic day.
  4. ooooh purdy, did you work out the insurance?
  5. You do know that by drinking a bottle of lucozade, you are probably defeating the purpose of going to the gym? And it rots your teeth. Tut tut.
  6. I have to say personally, I'm not a big fan of hsm. I'm only posting because I see a lot of pidgeon-holing here, and its really quite saddening. Why can't a straight guy like hsm? Just cause perhaps the majority of straight men don't, doesn't mean ALL men have to fit this rule/trend.
  7. I pay about 300ish in taxes and national insurance. As to the comments about the single white childless male - uh - I'm not entitled to anything as a single white childless female! Besides - benefits are only for people that need it. If I lived on my own I would struggle by but I'd probably cope. I get waaay more back than I pay in taxes. My medications are £180 per week. Probably just short of what I earn completely. This is why I thank my lucky stars that I live in this country where I get my medication for free.
  8. Wow you look freakin awesome letty ^__^
  9. o thats good to know. I doubt ill be using it during the flight, might be a bit awkward in the seating, as its a fair size. Still have to check with the size restrictions as well. If it doesnt fit theres no way in hell i'll be putting it in the hold.
  10. Funny this thread just came up! I was actually wondering - can you take a laptop as hand luggage these days? (obviously with it turned off)
  11. Your point being? This is where people talk about sex. If you don't like it go awaiiiiii!
  12. Why do you feel bad for feeling good? *big massive n-e hug for j00*
  13. I used to get that back in the days when I went to college. (a good 3 years ago) I bet it doesn't get you too far! I don't think I could go back to living on such pittance (comparatively speaking) but I really hate working full time Never happy eh.
  14. Snow forecast this week, great news for my arthritis, but I do love snow! On closer inspection my ear piercing is definitely rejecting (rawr) Debating as to whether I should just remove it completely now (I'm known to have problems with healing) or let my body push it out itself. (could cause scarring - but I think I'm a lot less bothered by this) Luckily its not sore unless I poke at it. Trying to make myself tidy my room, but 1) I'm tired 2) Internet is muchos distraction.
  15. Well put. So many women buy "boyfriend jeans" (I think that's the in term??) and I have a pair of male etnies on =) Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But its supposedly so much odder for males to want to wear female designs. Women seem to have it a lot easier, sadly =(
  16. I'll agree that's its probably partly to do with it. I have an auto immune disease too, my immune system is on overdrive. Means everything heals fast, but usually in a traumatic way, including excessive swelling, psoriasis attacks on wounds etc. Maybe its someone's way of telling me piercings and tattoos aren't for me XD
  17. RAWRAWRARWWWWRRRRR >_< This really puts me off getting any more piercings, I know my immune system will only kick in and do the same. It healed the piercing amazingly fast (with incredible trauma), but now its rejecting after less than 6 months.
  18. Sounds like a friend motherboard or a fried graphics card. Is the graphics card and cable to monitor firmly attached?
  19. Rawr. I can't be bothered to drag the piercings thread from teh dead, so my rant goes here. I've noticed over the past few days, my rook piercing has gotten more loose than normal, and its a little sore.. Think it might be rejecting According to my piercer its quite common. I hope not cause I went through a weeks worth of paracetamol from the pain of it healing >_<
  20. Yeah I agree, as I said to George on msn, he's got quite a smallish frame that pulls it off rather well, but despite that he doesn't look at all girly dressed as a man!
  21. My mum started cutting up a cucumber as i read this page. Bizarre. Cucumber is heavenly. <3
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