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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I suppose all we gotta do is move on and hope for something good to come round the corner. =( Poor Eenuh, forum hugs! =)
  2. I did think I had seen or heard it before, wasn't sure whether it was rumours or from the anime. =) Just wanted to see if anyone could (dis)confirm it
  3. Same chain -Arcadia- they said I would be able to use it in topshop/topman etc. The girl at the shop did say a lot of people had been refused credit. I was kinda embarrased to tell you the truth. its like we can give you this card loads of offers etc.... OH NO WAIT SORRY YOU FAIL AT LIFE REJECT = gutted customer = never wants to shop there again. Seems a bit silly really.. My credit score should be moderate at least, I've got 4 or 5 cards/credit accounts.. and plenty of direct debits, a job, and worst of all, MONEY. :blank:
  4. My mother broke our front door so I think i've been left house sitting for now. Fantastic. I was in ze town earlier today, and I walked home (2.6 miles to be exact) surprised at how it only took me 45 minutes on the dot. Now my back and legs are aching, maybe I pushed myself a little hard XD And I bought a new pair of jeans, which i didnt try on. If they are too small i'll just have to diet harder to get in em. =) I got rejected for a store card today >_< Fucking balls that is. The ulster bank gave me a credit card just before the crunch with 2.5k on it.
  5. I thought you were older o_o Happy birthday!
  6. Squuuueeeee! Its up, happy fucking days. <3 EchoDesiato - thanks for reminding me!
  7. Winrar = Rez for:
  8. I feel really god damn awful for no apparent reason. Considering yesterday I was higher than a kite, I'm wondering if maybe I should see a doctor or something. I'm bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. Yesterday I could have high-fived any random stranger I saw in the street. Now I feel like hiding under a rock forever, and never talking to anyone. Its really fucking exhausting.. lol. Talking of which, I was trying not to fall asleep at my desk for the majority of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, maybe that is what's wrong with me.
  9. I could well understand that... REAL depression takes over your life, soul, and even physically. People I know say, oh I feel depressed, and they really have no idea what depression is. They just feel a bit shit and suddenly decide that they have a mental disorder. My rhematologist says that if you don't use your body it will rot (regardless of wether you suffer from a medical condition or not). I think the same theory goes for the brain. If you are really depressed you lay in a slum, not leaving your bed, not going out and doing things... you aren't using your brain, and it will affect you.
  10. yeeeeyyy! I can?!?! :awesome: Ahem... The last thing you want to hear in bed with your "partner" g0!
  11. My day was okay. Diet is faring good so far. Had a panini with lots of cheese for dinner which might have been a bit naughty... But I had only cereal for breakfast and porridge for lunch. Its good mixing up my eating patterns a bit, I fell off the bandwagon this time last year because I ate the same food every day. Have to try new things etc. A boring diet is the fastest thing to turn into a "eat everything you see" diet. Had to inject myself again, made my sister squeal. Its not really that sore when you do it yourself, nurses just jam the bloody stuff in, but when you do it yourself you can be as slow or fast as you want. So its relatively painless. ^^ My skin is a million times better, and most of my arthritis pains are starting to go away, yey ^^ But I feel new pains coming with the extra exercise i'm doing, so I have to kinda be careful that I don't overdo it. Overall I feel like I'm in the process of turning my life around. And I can say that feels AWESOME, with a capital A Did I say I lost 11 pounds in one week? FUCK YES. I r winrar!
  12. New linkin park live album, classic, I'm on it *adds to list of must buys* I wonder if there will be a new studio album at any time. Love to hear some new LP tunes
  13. I agree entirely with this post. I think suicide can be very selfish when you have a lot of people that love you, friends and family, and whatnot. I've had really dark times myself, and there have been occasions (very very rarely) where I considered if it was worth living or not. But then I realised that there are thousands of people suffering like I am, and it would destroy my family if I went through with something like that. Some people aren't as strong, maybe it is selfish, but we all have weaknesses. I bolded the part that rings very true.
  14. Sorry folks, we are a bit short-staffed today, would any of the passengers like to co-pilot?
  15. Zebra crossings! oh god! Don't get me started. There's a whole load of them in ballymena, just off pretty busy roundabouts. You step out onto the first lane in one direction and someone stops, but the cars in the second lane (two lanes on each side of the road) can't see you, but don't even fucking bother to use a bit of caution! I've nearly got hit a few times because of this. Or people just speed off the roundabout, see you rightly, but go on over anyway. Also there was a zebra crossing in my village, which has now been changed to lights (easing the manic traffic problems, because it is also right off a roundabout). People still walk on out across the road without even bothering to wait. Really ignorant of pedestrians to do that, I think they all have a friggin death wish.... Its not bloody hard to see the big lights! For a while the cars were stopping even though the lights were operational, but I think they've mostly caught on by now.
  16. Its looking pretty scary for a lot of people. My aunt is on the brink of losing her house. She's got a ton of negative equity now with all the house prices falling, and a mortgage she just cannot afford anymore. I want to be moving out within the next few years, but I just can't see it being viable on my own. I won't get a mortgage I can afford, and rent is just as damn bad! My job is about as stable as a 3 legged chair, and there just aren't really any good jobs in this area. =( Hopefully this blows over, sooner rather than later, before we all end up in poverty.
  17. Got hit up for cash by some greasy fool that I used to know. Basically hes the ex of one of my "friends" from school -who has fathered her two kids-. He's on the dole and doing shifts for mum and dad at the pub they own. Yeah, and he was asking if I was single and such -ew- He also tried to hit on me when he was seeing said friend. oh and he has the blackest teeth i've ever seen on an early 20something year old. Stinkin. Rather stay single thanks XD Day was a bit boring. Planning out some exercise time over the course of this week. My mum showed her concerns earlier, thinks I shouldn't be walking all the way home (2 maybe 3 miles at most). But then she tells me that I need to lose weight and exercise etc. Rawr parents.
  18. I liked it it was somewhat different. Perhaps not what I would listen to on my own incentive, but a nice track nonetheless. Oh so quiet, while being a good tune, is a bit overplayed for my liking.
  19. The boy did look somewhat embarrassed. (Eoghan Quigg)
  20. Krauser II is just the most awesome character ever. There ain't too many animes that pull my interest like this from the very beginning, but this one really did. Can we not post manga spoilars without spoilar tags plz (if they are spoilers, I didn't risk looking closely enough at them)
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