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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I don't have any gaming related tats but I have a couple of normalish ones. I'll maybe get some pics. Got a dragon design on the inside of my left arm (boy it hurt like hell) and a flower pattern on my leg. I wanted to get the cursed seal on my shoulder (a la Uchiha Sasuke - naruto anime) but shoulder tattoo might be sooore! I'm more of a piercings girl tbh, tattoos are permanent and can't be removed, but piercings can!
  2. I saw a fox on the main road once before (its running along a forest - i imagine thats where it came from) It was roadkill the next day Such a lovely fox too
  3. I bet you don't really look overly bad, given you are really tall (gotta love a tall fella )
  4. I feared I would have to repeat myself My friend had two accounts of fraudulent activity on her debit account. (both were mobile phone companies.) She hasn't seen a penny of it back and probably never will. Its been reported to the police and the bank she's with will do shit all to help her, or give her the money. (abbey national)
  5. I procrastinate anything that isn't fun. My room needs cleaned, my dyson needs emptied, suitcase from last weekend needs unpacked (lol) Need to consider paying credit card, need to leave ebay feedback... the list is endless and incredibly boring Need to be stricter on my diet (that's the worst one of all!) For the majority I come home after work and im too exhausted to do anything, so i go to bed.
  6. Why? If you are sensible enough there shouldn't be an issue. I have 4 credit cards and i've never overspent or had any problems. I did post about this like a few weeks ago but I cant be bothered finding it. Basically you can't recover any fraudulent activity. (whereas with a CC the company sorts it and pays you back nearly instantly) We all say oh it will never happen etc. But one day you'll regret it when it does. *sigh*
  7. Your body can be as different as half a stone or more during the course of the day. Its best to weigh yourself in teh morning after going to the toilet. It's when you are completely empty and has the most accurate day-to-day reading. (and the lowest )
  8. My hands are starting to hurt again, think my wrists could be on the way to dislocation. Fuuuun. Wanted to pull forward my rhemy appointment. My next ones due in Feb, and there isn't a single slot. They said I could be seen as an extra patient, ie emergency type appointment... But I don't feel the justification for that. Just feel rubbish and tired all the time. All I seem to do is work and sleep. Makes my life feel kinda empty
  9. You don't get banned for inactivity.
  10. So strawberry sounds...well...ok. They have gotten rid of the coffee?! And Mars? fs if I wanted a mars bar I'd buy one not fecking revels. That really is annoying! Fudge sounds okay mind you. In agreement with all of this post, especially the bolded parts. Hax the n00bs that voted for coffee to go, it was my utter fave alongside orange! Absolutely got it in one mr ReZ. We shall beat them with sticks...n stuff. And the raisin ones are awesome. I liked revels the way they were minus the peanut and with the yummy raisins. Why fix something that ain't broken. N00bs.
  11. I think I probably have enough weight for every bloody skinny person on this forum, no joke 5ft10, 16 stone. My height seems too carry my weight well, or i have dense bones or some shit. No-one ever believes I am the weight on the scales =) (which I suppose is a good thing!) According to my BMI I should be 10 and a half stone - which is a long way to go XD
  12. linky and linky (which were both VERY easy to find on google by the way *cough*) doubt they are likely to care if you reregister tbh. you wont get any of your games back tho.
  13. Wise up triforce you skinny malinky Nothing fatzors about you whatsoever.
  14. I was going to buy Sennheiser HD 555s, but they were a bit pricey at the time. (good 6 months ago) so i opted for the 215s - which were £60. £100 is a lot for headphones
  15. My bmi is 32 I was closer to 17stone at the sheffield meet. Been losing weight since I got back. Aiming to get my bmi on the lower end of the overweight scale (maybe 26/27 at most) by the end of next year. I worked out my ideal weight (roughly say BMI 21/22) as 10 and a half stone. I think I'd look anorexic at that weight
  16. Yeah your freakin' tiny duuude. Most people don't think i'm 16 stone, but the scales dont lie.
  17. Thats the sim card thingy, same size as a debit/credit card. It really is. I'm disappointed that the touch screen feature is only available for typing numbers in. Seems a bit pointless... Oh and @ the GHD conversation - I don't think they are worth £140 tbh My £20 pound Toni&guy pair are actually quite awesome. and i think Ashley and i have the same straightners. That just makes us awesome.
  18. I basically wanted a qwerty phone on o2, not fussed on slider or whatever. I had a Nokia 6822 (it sorta flipped over?) and it was win. Saw this phone in the o2 shop in Manchester. Had to have. They didn't have it in any of the like 3 stores there so I ordered it online. I can say without a doubt that it is one sexy little phone - with a lovely big screen too. ^_____^
  19. hum. I've been having sharp pains down my neck/shoulders and my chest. But I got my new phone, and im relaxing in bed so all is well! Still a bit sleepy from the messed up sleeping patterns while away in manchester, but it was so worth it Dreading weightwatchers tomorrow, but well, I can't go back in time, and holidaying was a treat I don't do for myself very often. I think when you diet you do need little breaks of being bad and letting yourself go a little, or you would go freakin mad. XD
  20. New phone gets! lg KS 360. Tis purdy <3
  21. Diana brutalised that song. I'm aware she's still sick or wtvr, but it was a terrible choice of song. And I don't like her in general. Why did the finalists not have a celeb mentor this week?
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