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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. haha truth. I think if soag (veteran member!) had his way we'd be celebrating Christmas ALL YEAR. He texts me on the 25th of EVERY DAMN month of the year to remind me how long is left :P
  2. Well she didn't do 3 a day, there was a few occasions on which she did though. She went probably about 5 days a week, averaging maybe 1.5-2 times a day (really depended when classes were on) and if she had the opportunity to go to an extra class she took it. Her injury wasn't instant, she took a bit of swelling every now and then but put it down to working too hard, had a few days off it and back on. Then one day her knee locked up and wouldn't move at all. She can't straighten her knee at all. Which even makes walking difficult. None of us are immortal, so its definitely worth giving it that bit of caution. I live in a world of caution, I wish I could brutalise myself like that, but my arthropathy sez noo :P oh and just for reference, spin classes are most definitely not easy. Not like the American versions where you just cycle..
  3. Soo sick I've only got a cold but it rages on my weakened immune system and my lungs always seem to take a hammering and struggle to recover.. (had a chest infection for 6 months once yick) Supposed to be getting my second swine flu vaccination tomorrow, dunno if that will be happening. Spoke to a nurse today and she said usually its okay unless you've got a raging temp or on antibiotics, but then i'm a whole other case with my immune deficiencies. rang up the doc to check and she's ringing me back tomorrow. Meanwhile imma finish up coughing my lungs out. Damn family members that don't even make an attempt to prevent transmitting their germs!!! =( Ironically my dad moaned and moaned about it, went to the doc and got meds and everything. Made a big dramatic deal every time he coughed yet couldn't be DAMN ARSED covering his mouth. Fucks sake.
  4. Your supposed to have two gap days a week (with minimal strenuous exercise) to help your muscles recover or they won't increase in mass at all. They'll just break. My mother has osteoarthritis in her knee from the damage she did doing sometimes up to 3 spin cycle classes a day. She's crippled and can do very little exercise now..
  5. There isn't really a wrong or right answer! Heck, we had our town lights on at the start of November!
  6. You can say that about Naruuuto too! But yeah fair point. I will watch it sooner rather than later - long story short - had a problem with t'internets that I wasn't able to download without whoring everyones browsing (very slow) but my dad complained and its been sorted. So I shall commence downloadage soon. It's very similar to Sai's inky stuff. Fuck. Right. Off. I want it to be awesomesauce, like
  7. *is disappointed by your bleach-lacking list!!!* *still hasn't got round to watching one piece* WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT SHIPPUUDEN ANYMORE ¬_¬ just when its getting bloody good too.
  8. Sorry I was agreeing with you.. bad quote on my part but i was too lazy to find his post :P
  9. The only day that you can drink alcamahol at 8am, and you aren't called an alcoholic :P
  10. What insane world do you live in to get 3 months membership for £33... You'd be very lucky to get that over here for 1 month.. o_O
  11. Its been raining alllll day. Blergh. And I've got a really stinking cold. =( It was soooooooooo cold this morning, 1 degrees c! But my car wasn't frosty at all. Mysteryyy. Maybe the car fairies did it for me.
  12. Go to M&S, that's where we always go for our work ones. You can find lots of fancy nibbles. Pringles, crisps, nuts, sauces, meringues, biscuits, shloer, anything canned, basically anything that doesn't perish in the immediate future ^_^ alcamahollll! (if that's their thing)
  13. No you're awesome Giiiizmooo! Treat her meannnn and keep her keen :P (you know i'm right, i'm always right)
  14. For the love of god, not another bitchfest. Kudos to shorty, that's pretty sound advice. in terms of browser, use what you are familiar with, and if its crap try a new one. I think they all tend to behave differently on every computer! I know i've had problems with FF on one machine and opera was shit on another. Trial and error I guess.
  15. She's from Invernessss!! wooooo! (although the way her hip bone is jutting out in that pic is making me feel a bit queasy)
  16. to be completely honest, the processors on most netbooks are a bit pish for anything more than the basic stuff. And they are nearly all stuck with integrated graphics. I know for sure ts2/ts3 (your a fan?! High five!) will need more than a basic processor and integrated graphics. (full expansion packed ts2 can on rare occasions struggle on my 17 inch laptop with graphics support and decent processor) and the workspace is VERY limited at 1024x600 for my sunsung NC10. By the sounds of my netbook bashing you'd think that I hated them*, they just aren't appropriate for everything. *I fucking love my netbook
  17. yeah cars are pretty expensive, I only had the money cause I didn't go to uni so I can understand your situation. Hopefully your parents pull their finger out of their bum and help :P its in the middle of the town, no parking (well there is but its half an hour only parking - £60 fine :P) and the nearest carpark that's open is a good bit away (like in the outer parts of the town) not an especially long walk but its the fact that i'd be going after work, and it would be late by the time i'm getting out. Not amazingly safe in dark, quiet streets in ballymena. I've had a look and i *think* there's another gym (curves) but i don't know if its still open. I'll continue my research... and post when I finally decide :P
  18. looks like you made the right decision then flinkeh! All the more reason to get a car now @falcon - nice bartering there, they obviously value numbers more than a bit of a loss of money then! =P I've been considering joining a gym.. the one i really like is in the middle of town and its annoying to get parked at, meaning i have to park a good bit away and walk through the town late night... Hm.
  19. See i'm just full of good ideas! I do agree with Mooglez though, something to go along with it, plus the cost of the ingredients shouldn't cost too much. Maybe a dvd you could watch together while nomming your creation or something? =P
  20. Now you've put me in the notion of fancy wine/champagne/shot glasses!
  21. I'll give you a bit, mine's overactive!
  22. Get your baking skills out, its cheap and thoughtful (if you don't poison her in the process)
  23. I think the scale pretty much covers all bases... Bi-curious - where does that fit on the scale? As in a male or female that is pretty much heterosexual but has interest in the same sex (without acting on said feelings)
  24. urgh. my father makes the biggest fuss about a "chest infection" and coughs himself to death, oh so dramatically.. Doesn't cover his mouth at all which means I now have it. The supposed chest infection that wont spread. It's a fucking collllldd God why must some men be such pillocks about having a cold ¬_¬
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