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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Ahh. Still, wankers! I'm not a tight person, but it just really angers me when people expect to use/use your stuff without asking. I suppose that's why i'll never live with friends =P
  2. Ahh man my stomach is being a devilment! cramping up and paaaaaaaaaaaaaain. I knew it was a bad idea to go back on wheat. I just have to bear it til the biopsy >_> I've just realised... how sad is this: You last visited: 03-06-2010 at 10:31 PM I can't remember the last time I saw a date as opposed to "yesterday at hh:mm" I really don't have a life!! Even sadder that I noticed it!!
  3. That is sheer genius! Although I have to say, I'd be raging if I was in your position.
  4. Awesomeo. Not much happening with me, just trying to feed my 360 achievements addiction! =P Yes, not only is it jealous (nicely noticed gaggle) and condescending, it likes to tell you off for putting on weight and ask you why the heck it happened. Its like abuse!! *sits in corner with packet of biscuits, sobbing*
  5. hey jamba long time mdear? Hope things are well in blujam's land! (see what i did there ) -- Today I went to work, did some relatively constructive things, then wasted the rest of my night on my 360. Jumped on the wii fit and it was disgusted re my 340 odd days disappearance. lol. ;D
  6. I spent my day on the 360 and achieving a mere 40g's. How uncool! Never realised that a console could be as addictive as crack, until today. God damn achievements! God damn dyson for convincing me to buy this bloody thing!!! It's all your bloody fault!! =P
  7. My sister has had glandular fever for the past... week... and now i'm starting to feel a bit sick myself. God. damn. it.
  8. That was with £20 off and free eye test =P (yay for working for the nhs ) My prescription is a bit more than simple and I get my lenses thinned. And I got both presc sunglasses AND specs! (both of which are thinned) Thinning has gotten cheaper - £40 instead of £70.. So I'm saving heaps of money. And its kinda essential for me because the lenses wouldn't fit well in the glasses at full size. (i'm astigmatic, long sighted, quite a strong prescription)
  9. but then people were making less. Wages (as well as the min wage) go up every year, with inflation. So it all balances out. I was amazed when the ps3 and xbox360 came out, how bloody dear they were... I dunno where parents found £500odd to buy a console for their dear bratty child =P
  10. I bought prescription glasses and sunglasses @ specsavers today! £185! Was so surprised, my glasses are usually £300+!
  11. Ohmygod i have ulcers in my nose (which seem to be spreading) and they are soooooooooooooooooooo sore/annoying. >____>
  12. I think i've had 20+ phones... I get bored with them and buy cheap ones off ebay.. haha I've got the htc hd2 at the mo and im sticking with it
  13. All the dells (base units) in my experience, break very quickly. I'm talking corp use here... The machines are on a LOT of the time (the place I work is 24 hour) so that contributes, yet they all manage to break at around the same time (usually just over a year, maybe up to 2 years) all having similar faults (derived from overheating) faulty chips on the motherboard, or fan troubles.. And our old office had the same issues, even though they weren't used half as much. Can't beat the lovely monitors though. Wouldn't buy a Dell desktop in a million years. But the laptops are different tech altogether.. I find my dell a lot more robust than other laptops (Ive broken my samsung nc10 doing a lot less) and my laptop is sunshine yellow. Good stuff! Laptop overheats tend to be caused by "person abuse" more than anything else, contrary to belief.
  14. WHUT. Sleggin the scots, what ye at >___> The scots are awesome.
  15. Dell monitors are ludicrously expensive, but bloooody fantastic. We've got them at work and they just last foreverrrr. Both the trust and the board (government agencies) have contracts with dell. Shame the computer unit is balls. I swear about 20 of them are on the way out, all at the same time!! (i'd never buy a dell pc unit, but the laptops are fab!)
  16. I've got a Dell laptop, not a thing wrong with it, over 3 years old and the only problem I have had (pulled the sound conn off the motherboard) was done by me, accidentally.
  17. That's a bit rough, can they afford to lose custom or something?! I hear ya on the work troubles! Our system was upgraded over teh weekend and its basically gone tits up, struggles to do anything. So after half a days struggle with an extremely slow system we take the calls manually (lots of paperwork, god love the trees that got killed to do it) Boss calls up later in the afternoon -i'm completely swamped by work at this point- and asks if i can do something on ze computer for him. I politely said I had a million and three things to do on my desk. Bahah. I think we've got about a reams worth of data to process, I was so busy I didn't even get to open the mail.. 200 calls and about 30 dropped calls. >_> Meanwhile my colleagues are off fannying about and having "toilet breaks" and whatever else they do to skive. I just DREAD friday, pre bank holiday weekend seems to send people into a flurry of madness. AND my right hand hurts from the writing, left hand has come up in a fugly massive bruise from about 3 or 4 goes at it with a needle in one day. I'm not feeling so manic depressive today - just under a lot of stress! And a bit worried about the fact i'm not supposed to be driving/could actually have to stop driving altogether with my double vision and specialist referral (surgery, maybe)
  18. You could, in theory, say B. In which case that would apply to every living being of every sexuality. Do whatever you want, you're not affecting anyone else by being what you are. The ones who feel they have a right to be offended should go right to hell!
  19. I wondered who the bloody hell jean grey was when "she" added me on facebook!!! Shes a gorgeous little kitteh though..
  20. I do believe I have found the BEST PICTURE EVER.


    David Tennant and a kitten.

  21. hahah that is too awesome. Cats ftw :D



  22. - back in work today mental chaos - new system upgrade, which has borked the system - too much stress - boss leaving in august - I'll probably be asked to cover him 'til recruitment finds a new manager (with said pay) - think I'd crack if I had to do it - what sort of... representative am I for a call centre, lol (i dress like a pure gypo to work, jeans and tshirt, piercings and hair ha) - still feeling pretty shit - want to crawl up into a ball and die - feel like nobody actually listens to me and I get blamed for being not good enough - think i need to see someone about my mental problems before I go crazy and have a proper breakdown - this is a good way to methodically examine and reflect on my day - I really need to: A) Get a life B) Write a blog C) All of the above *Delete as appropriate
  23. Just because your internet is slow it doesn't mean a new router will necessarily fix it. you don't have wireless security? Why...not....? (someone could be whoring your connection hence fail speeds, but then that's only one of many many potential problems you could be having) the reviews on that website seem to have praise for it, so i suppose it would do a basic no frills job.. (fyi any standard wireless router should work with consoles) You are on virgin cable (as opposed to like bt/sky/talktalk) aren't you? that's what that router you chose is for
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