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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. ooo how could you?! I voted for the UCU (& Conservatives) They changed our voting this year, last year we numbered as many, or as few of the candidates in preference, and this year we could only pick one!
  2. i went to vote and my next door neighbour was out at the polling station, bullying everyone to vote DUP. My mum tried to steal his stupid pamphlets =D bahaha. Now I'm making gluten free pizza. omn nom nom!
  3. well i'll be on other, through lack of choice... (northern ireland parties obvs don't count?) The Ulster Conservatives and Unionists (UCU) said it was offering the NI electorate an opportunity to influence Westminster government by voting for those who could have ministers in a new administration. In a statement issued on behalf of Ulster Unionist leader Sir Reg Empey and Conservative Party leader David Cameron, UCU said it wanted to "end Northern Ireland's semi-detached political status". That's where my votes going.
  4. pressure bandages are pretty good, and heat relieves pain too =) *thinks you should take a day off from working so hard!!* (unfortunately im an expert being riddled with arthritic wrists haha)
  5. Yeah, I'm struggling lots and still eating foods I shouldn't be. But at least it means that they can go on the no list. I find myself a LOT fuller on nonwheat products too oddly enough. Any info you guys have would be awesomesauce (but hold the sauce, it has gluten!) I'm finding this REALLY hard being used to just eating whatever and not really being picky at all, to being considerably limited.. In time i'll get eet. I'm going to source some ordinary non gluten bread tomorrow. I'll be so disappointed if toast is crap because I live for toast
  6. aw would you, that would be brilliant! Ah I knew I loved you for a reason!!
  7. bought pizza bases from tescos that are wheat-free Walkers don't exactly specify but some of them have dodgy ingredients that you cant be sure about, I imagine the flavour probably has flour in it so it sticks to the crisps. And if soy sauce is in the flavouring then its a definite no no
  8. "Sinn Féin is the largest group in the Republican wing of Irish nationalism and is closely associated with the IRA" (wikipedia) I don't think I'll be voting for them.. (and i never will) I'm sticking with the middle parties who want us all to live amicably.
  9. because the whole thing is a bit crap anyway? oooo i said it! flame meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Nah I dunno I'm just not so into the bumbly foolish doc. I mean yeah, ok, in its doses its pretty funny, but fuck off and save the world already. Amy is a mere mortal GOD DAMN IT. I do like some of the storyline, but I think the acting/character portrayal ruins it a little.
  10. It's like "old man at bbq" chic. Not a good look. Plus trainer socks are cheap as!
  11. but then again they could see you as a risk because you are more likely to be late or not turn up due to weather/travel issues. -- in other n00s my tummy hurts, really regret eating that pizza now =(
  12. fyi; Wheat (and all its forms) is gluten. I went to Tescos this morning, bought some pizza bases and some crumpets. Gonna try making some bread myself at the weekend - breadmaker for the win! A lot of Thornton's chocolate is gluten free too. Score =D I'm still learning to be honest, and I haven't got it to an exact art yet - bought a bag of crisps this morning but they made me feel a bit sick despite it having no obvious wheat ingredients (probably the flavour powder)! I don't feel that much better.. so it may be more complex. Haven't seen a specialist yet - just some suggestion from my GP to try it to relieve my pain. A lot of my medical history is trial and error, and I seem to hit many errors before any success =D It's all good though. I can still eat some stuff I enjoy (chocolate, pizza) so i'll be okay. And the crumpets I had earlier today were decent enough.. When I make an effort to MAKE something i'll try and remember to take photos haha I'm not really sure about the reintroduction, probably need to talk to a dietician or relevant specialist..
  13. oh wow that looks yum! On a cooking related note - looking more and more likely that i''ll have to adopt a non gluten diet....which basically means no bog standard bread/pasta/flour/biscuits/cereal/pretty much everything that contains flour. I freakin' love bread. I love subway. GOD DAMN IT
  14. yeah i was thinking along the same lines myself
  15. gaggle64 is now it, so you better keep away from heeeeem.

  16. very well sir, I shall play your little game.



  17. TAG


    YOU ARE IT!!!


    (no tag back kkthnxbai) :heh:

  18. psh, its your managers responsibility to find someone to cover if you are sick! If I was THAT sick there's no way I'd be going into work. The eye thing sounds like a case of conjunctivitis, you'll probably need some eye drops for that, so get your bum to the on-call doctor! Hope you get better soon d00d. (by the way conjunctivitis can spread to other people) --- I feel a bit rubbish too, my body is complaining after I had a subway so I'm getting a stronger notion that I might be in some way gluten intolerant.. Gonna try a few gluten free bread recipes to see if it helps..Trial and error generally leads you to more errors than it does successes! Self healing isn't as easy as you'd think.. And just a bit sad in general.. One of those days. I even went out for a big long walk in an attempt to get a bit healthier, and just felt horribly tired and sick. But I think I'll keep at it. No point giving up at the first hurdle right?
  19. It'll probably cost more to replace the screen than it would to buy a new laptop.
  20. yeah its cheap if you've got a small prescription (less than -1) but my sister is like -3.5 so it made hers more expensive..
  21. there's many bad points as well as good when you have a debilitating illness compassion, understanding, not taking what precious things you can do for granted.. p.s it wont matter when....cow....flu (lol) kills us all because we have the same genetics.
  22. If we keep modifying genetics we'll all end up with a similar genetic make-up, which means one day we could all get a disease/virus/whatever, then be completely wiped out! Yay human destruction!
  23. Yeah I know it has started to affect mine...hate people sitting on my left side talking to me cause that's when it looks awful =(
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