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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I give it 23.5 hours.
  2. He really is insane BADASSness. "In a league of his own". Awe.some. Love love love Stomps all over bleach (anime) completely at the mo! (where are the awesome viazard when you need them eh)
  3. Yeah I'm exactly the same, and a lot of companies won't cover certain chronic conditions either! Which sorta defeats the idea of comprehensive medical cover
  4. Have you considered paying for private health care policy? *sends lots of hugs and loves your way for a speedy recovery!*
  5. 4chan for pr0 advice. clicking joints is usually air escaping and harmless in itself.. overclicking them on purpose is not good because it stretches the tendons attached to the joint (you are effectively pulling the joint out of place and all connective tissue stretches with it) which wears them down and can cause a lot of pain/disease in older life.
  6. well if you aren't interested now, it isn't likely to get better as days go on =P I'd say leave it for a while (esp with circumstances) and if theres still a bit of interest, i'm sure you could work it out if you really wanted to.
  7. lol oh dear, I know i post some personal stuff here, but even I don't go that far!! Could be anything from piles to a skin tag (yes they happen even there!) so go get eet checked out! As far as health complaints go, i've got quite a few of them, but i've got a medical background in the nhs too. It's always been an interest of mine, but unfortunately my health complaints really prevent me from training up to professional level. (nobody wants to employ/train such a sickness liability)
  8. No... the general public didn't want to know about that embarrasing itch =P Awesomeo on the job man!
  9. I feel the same! It's very easy to "cover up the cracks" to get on with life and such, so much you actually almost forget how shit you feel half of the time =P
  10. or cigarettes! (hey smoking helps when you're on a diet, lol!)
  11. Yaay good for you dude, and look at you now, hot stuff
  12. I think all former "fatties" do. I met so many people at weightwatchers who were at their goal. All they did was worry and point every single thing in a bid to STAY the same weight. At least when you are fat you have the whole being skinny thing to look forward to! Just keep at it and remember to treat yourself every once in a while I just don't have the willpower and I keep getting problems thrown at me, left right and centre, so the healthy living gets thrown out of the window. It's really not as easy for everyone, or how a lot of "skinny" people imagine it to be. Some people can get away with eating junk all the time.. Just makes me very cross that people can so easily criticise.
  13. I haven't got a single BIT of musical talent... The only part of music I ever passed was the singing part - we had to sing a choir song and replicate some notes the teacher played on his piano. I got perfect scores on those every year, but failed MISERABLY at everything else... Reading music/theory all just goes over my head. And i'm a bit clumsy too Ah well, my talents obviously lie elsewhere
  14. 120lbs?! Jesus christ, that's amazing dude! (wish I had the willpower!)
  15. blahblahblah. saw rhematology today. My back has been playing up a lot lately, so he organised an xray to be taken. It's either an old injury playing up (i had quite severe slipped discs x4 when i was 16)or psoriatic arthropathy/ankylosing spondylitis. I just think its more than just an injury. My back is not normal, and its declined a lot very recently.. when my injury was like... nearly 10 years ago. The rhematology doc "tapped" my spine (felt like a hardcore slap but i doubt it was) and then the xray staff had me sitting in awkward positions to get my spine aligned correctly.. So i'm feeling a bit achey and sorry for myself :P Nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. When was the last time I had a positive post here? Probably when I passed my (driving) test well over 6 months ago, lol!
  16. They can change little things (like how the woman on mars did actually get home) but the big important things will never change.
  17. Thats not true at all, every single person is different. I know martin himself doesn't find it easy to put on weight. Also theres a condition fat people get where the body overproduces insulin after long term unhealthy eating, and it's proven that it destroys attempts at dieting (lots of insulin in your body + not eating as much food = extreme hunger) so losing weight isn't neccesarily easy. I've made it no secret that im "fat" and a "dieter" but I've no intentions of claiming money for losing weight. A person should want to do it for themselves, not for money (just like the smoking thread)
  18. He didn't try to rewrite time, he was giving Vincent some more happy times in his life before the inevitable happened. It was Amy that thought time would be rewritten, whereas the doctor was sad but you could almost tell that he knew it was going to happen regardless.
  19. if its not happening all of the time it probably would be your bank that's at fault. Sometimes they lock your card if there's what they determine "fraudulent activity" or if you are in arrears.
  20. I realllly liked the plot of the episode. Just tore at my heartstrings when he was taken to the gallery ;__; I'd say it was my favourite. I like the whole messing with time/changing the future theories/stories. Ginger babies!
  21. The fork thing happens in my office too. And the night staff steal your food if you leave it in the fridge for ANY period of time. I swear they must be extreme fatties, because I know there aren't a huge number of them. I came into work with a pack of 6 corned beef slices and had 2 left the next day. >__>
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