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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. pinch their phone and check theirs in the exact same place, if its not the same then chances are its the phone thats dodgy
  2. I pay £100 a month to live at home... If I had to fork out that much I would be out of the door! Maybe she thinks you are moneybags because you bought her the laptop?
  3. Epic long medical history GO - Squint. Diagnosed at 4 months. My left eye by that point was turned in so far that I had to have surgery at 11 months. eye nearly disappeared "under" my nose completely. And another surgery at 23 months. - Psoriasis. Diagnosed at 4 years. This was the start of my immune disease(s). My mum noticed a scab on my arm. fast forward about 10 years, after hundreds of topicals, I was about 50% covered. Started UV light therapy (essentially a magnified tanning bed). 3x summer sessions. My mum said I used to smell like I'd been put in the oven for a few hours after it. After that It helped a bit, but on the third session i ended up with severe burns on my back. So that had to be stopped. Started on cytotoxic therapy (methotrexate) and was on it for a few years, didn't do a thing. Then went on anti transplant rejection drugs (cylosporin) for about a year, which again did nothing. Now on an immunosuppressant which has taken me from >60% coverage to <1%. The only thing is, its pretty toxic. So in theory I can't stay on it forever, but if I come off it the psoriasis will come back. - Slipped discs - aged 16. - Arthritis/Spondylitis. Diagnosed arthritis at about 21. Querying spondylitis due to back pain/stiffness. Had xrays not so long ago. On the cytotoxic (again!) for it because I noticed I got a sharp increase coming off it. But its doing nothing for the pain. Arcoxia also, but I rarely take it. - Raynaud's - about 21 as well - Hands go numb and white in the cold. Have to wear gloves from about oct to feb if I go outside. - bowel disease - 23. Post swine flu vaccine (not sure if theres a link) pending biopsy and blood results. Always tired, I can sleep for 12 hours each night very easily. Get spells of complete and utter exhaustion during the day where I just phase out completely. (which is related to this) - ataxia - not diagnosed but ever since I've had the bowel symptoms I've been considerably more clumsy, falling over and injuring myself a lot. My balance has gone to utter shit this year. Muscle weakness that I havent had before. - Cluster headaches / Migraine - Had these for yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars. Diagnosed about a year ago. Insane auras/pain/dizziness. Only very recently have I had cluster headaches. The pain is like a drill boring into your head, unlike any migraine/headache pain. Sometimes my whole right side goes numb with the pain. - Double vision / DVD / Squint reoccurance - Considering surgery. DV pretty much constantly. I'm also astigmatic/long sighted. /life story It's fair to say that my hospital file size competes with the best of the oldies =P It's about a ream now haha
  4. I think you'd be better seeing if you can get a free pg sim from a company to try first, rather than jumping into a contract... Ask your family what network they are on and how their signal is!
  5. I had a VERY nasty episode of diarrhoea/cramps for about a month after each injection, Crohn's is also known to be (initially) triggered by mycobacterium. I assume you had it before the swine flu vaccine? I didn't. I saw on the internet that some people reported that it triggered an episode but others were fine! Did you get the single vaccine or the double?
  6. I dyed my hair, and its all wet and messy, woo (you can also see my eye deviation in this picture, kindof) >_<
  7. Well people have jobs and lose them, and some people just want to look for a new job whilst still in employment. Not EVERYONE lives on the dole forever. 3 also has a very lax credit score policy
  8. waaaaaaahey free drugs, time off work! (and i'd get sick pay aka full money) mwahahah Did it take you long to get back to what you consider normal? I'm concerned about how long i'll have to be off work if I need surgery! aaaaahhhh that means its earlier than expected? That should be a good thing right? Aww I wish you all the luck in the world m'dear
  9. hahahaha hello! =P I didn't even notice you had a hearing aid. I noticed you seemed visually attentive, as in looking at people as if you were very interested. Never thought it was a sight issue. You cope so well day to day, and I just crumble. Jayseven ftw Yes well I'm sure mine could all be attributed to a core problem. My immune system works too fast and attacks its good cells. All of my conditions are linked to immune overproduction. (psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease) I'm starting to see worsening signs of ataxia, which is immune related, and also links in with my severe migraines. Just shows that such a core process in your body causes disruption everywhere... Sometimes I just feel funny. Like parts of my body feel angry. The blood rushes to that area and it pulsates. My skin always gets very angry when its traumatised too. I just feel internally wrong. @Ine It can work in any direction, mine goes up and out, and my right side deviates as well as my left (but to a different degree) they student and nurse were examining me and talking in what felt like a bloody foreign language haha.
  10. Yeah there are other brands, but they are all insanely high in sugar, and the options one was the lower-kcal range. But saying that I do like nearly all flavours. Mint's nice, and cinammon sounds to die for! :3 My mum loves the Cadbury's fudge ones, but I find their stuff to be very powdery tasting, as if they've added flour to bulk it out or something.. But the fudgeiness is pretty goooood.
  11. they can use prisms and things like that on a very young child and their brain is able to then use the two eyes in synch correctly. young children are easier to manipulate because they haven't form any solid habit. Whereas my eyes have been functioning on a separate basis for 20 years. They said it could end up making it worse and confusing my brain too :/ Thanks eevil! ^_^
  12. I really really went off ordinary tea for a long time after going EG! It's that good :3 I dunno how people make hot choc with all milk, that would be icky for me. I like making it as if I'd make tea. Water and top up with a bit of milk. Just the right amount of milk without making me feel really lethargic before bedtimes! WHITE HOT CHOCOLATE!! Why did options stop making it. Man it was so good.
  13. very interesting nontheless!! At the minute its all very vague and unsure. I've got constant double vision because my eyes are trying to work together after so many years of not. Close up double vision chaos, and far away is just like distorted view... I can see two images and they flicker. I had a squint at 4 months surgery at 11 months (left eye) surgery at 23 months (right eye) The specialist I spoke to noted that it was very quick to get surgery, but by that point my eye was nearly totally turned in to my nose, it was starting to disappear. I suppose I would have gone blind without intervention.. ...which then caused this DVD, 20 years later. I've had it for years upon years, but it got increasingly worse until now with all the problems. Most of the time I could have focused out of the DV but now its gotten to a point where its completely mentally and physically exhausting to do it all day! Nothing is sure, I've got so many complications/history/medications that nobody has a foggies about any of it. Nobody communicates. Eye specialist knows nothing about drugs, Rhematology know nothing about eyes, skin know nothing about gastro, gastro knows nothing about my spinal arthritis. They all have a cause and effect on each other, and I just get so frustrated and want to shout at them all. I dunno how an op would go, they haven't said if it would go ahead or not. I'm thinking my weight would defo be an issue as well. p.s that looks freakin' nasty (also awesome in a weird way haha). :nono: I can see the slight mis-shape there to the pupil, you still have that? Does it affect your sight? I understand how tough it must be for you, sight issues can be so hard to come to terms with.. I hate that I can't see properly, and mines nowhere near as severe as yours!
  14. I went to the eye muscle/squint specialist earlier this week, (think I was the only patient over the age of 5 haha) basically my eye has been doing an odd squint of a thing, and they did all these tests with lights, reading lines, and funny things to look through. Seems that i'm more complicated than normal, and need to be referred to a specialist. I've got DVD (dissociated vertical deviation) and its not just a bog standard case either. The nurse practitioner said it'll be something to put in my lenses (prisms I think), or surgery. Neither of which are perfect. And she said she personally didn't want to go the prescriptive prism route given my age (because young children's eyesight tend to correct by itself as they get older whereas adults don't.) So I'm looking at potentially very serious surgery that may or may not even solve the problem. And apart from that i'm having insane balance problems, not sure if its related at all. All the precision in my movements has gone to hell so that's potentially more crap i don't need in my life right now OH and the biggie, did a bit of research and its highly likely that the swine flu vaccine has triggered my bowel problems (crohns) so if you've got a family history don't bloomin' get that vaccine >____> Meh, I'm just struggling with everything. I'm trying to get my health on and evenish keel so I can make an effort to lose weight to help it more. But it's so hard. With the balance issues its hard to do normal stuff without beating the crap out of my body at the gym. And my medications are just buggering up my sugar levels so my diet is just a mess. Immunosuppressants/cytotoxics are known for putting on weight too, and i'm on both. Just can't bloody win. Meds help problems, meds won't let me lose weight, which is attributing to said problems. I havent discussed any of it with my doctor yet, but i'm thinking its serious timez. I dont want to end up with a BMI of over 50 and it be too late to do anything. I just couldn't bear being that person Just feel like i'm constantly losing no matter what I do. Bloody crap. crap crap crap!
  15. Tea was a big ritual in our office now, still is in a different way. We all used to take turns to make for everyone. Now we have to go out all the way to the kitchen so we generally get for ourselves. Boiled water on tap too, no more damn crappy kettles (we used to get through 2 evewry 6 months haha)
  16. Don't let me near that button when I'm depressed because i'd do it without thinking. Otherwise no. Life has a balance, bad and good. Without the bad nobody will ever cherish the good. You can't always see it but its there.
  17. There were days when I used to drink starbucks' americano coffee and that stuff just feels like smashing your face off a brick wall. I just can't tolerate that kind of caffeine in my system any more, i'm really getting old =P In my old age i'm sticking to tea!
  18. THIS! Or some caramel/chocolate digestives =) omn nom nom Earl grey > all.
  19. last night i had a weird episode where my brain just stopped working, all my balance centres went off >_< climbing up the stairs was a task, banging off every possible thing (wall, bannister) on the way. I've not got the greatest balance or articulate control of my body, but that was really bad =( another part of me that's a bit faulty! I get days (read: most days) where I can fall over by just standing...still.
  20. funny that, I was eating these today:
  21. My body doesnt regulate heat very well at all (common thing with aggressive psoriasis) This time of year i'd suffocate with any covers >_< But then in the winter i'd need loads of covers!
  22. You too McPhee, birthday of the neeeeerds, woo! damn right son!! Shame on you =P Thanks to everyone else too, love you all
  23. I had this one once upon a time, and it was very good, I recommend it ^^
  24. i agree with goron, shes obviously not interested enough to bother. Better off without if you ask me!
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