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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Love it. Can't wait to play!
  2. Gonna have to drop water for the first time ever, that fire starter is amazing.
  3. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    I've got game over in Arcade mode a fair few times, haven't beaten it yet. One single life, that has to be earned, is too difficult for my modern day spoon-fed gaming time. I like the challenge but I'd like less challenge even more. I dunno how many more times I can play with the freaking Gyrowing guys.
  4. I need them all.
  5. Wooooow this is some meltdown to wake up to.
  6. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Yeah. You'll switch 'em off at first but then you'll start missing that freedom and bam, they got you!
  7. I'll give this a spin, got plenty of amiibo to play with at this point.
  8. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    I think I'm almost done with this. Will never 100% it but do expect I'll occasionally return for arcade mode as with the previous games in the series. While the experience was fun, I completely agree with reviewers stating the game doesn't reward you enough for the effort you have to put in to learn the controls. By the time you feel at least a bit competent with them... it's almost over. Solid 7/10 though and another nice entry in the Wii U library.
  9. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues. Barrel rolling is slow and half the time I try to do it, it doesn't even work right.
  10. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Holy crap @RedShell, that is amazing...
  11. Miitomo has gone quiet for me too - I still enjoy checking in on it, but it's pretty clear the launch momentum will be dead soon without some hefty updates, or changes to the way it works. I believe the name is built around Mii as in 'my' and the 'tomo' component, which Google assures me means friend, or friendship in Japanese. Quite like the name, it's odd but it has a suitable meaning behind it and it definitely stands out with that oddness. I think the biggest issue with the name Wii U was the confusion with the original Wii and most people seeing just the gamepad in the marketing, leading them to believe it was an add-on to a system they'd bought and had collecting dust for years by their living room TV.
  12. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Nice series of tweets from Nintendo UK this morning, with the opening dialogue from mission one being tweeted from each team member in sequence. It was a lot better than my complicated explanation above.
  13. We recently got a PS4 with this game. Have only seen the other half playing for a bit but damn, it looks mega stylish. I gotta get in on the action this weekend for sure. I'm prepared to die.
  14. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    The game is... I'm still not sure the controls have clicked, but I can understand reviewers saying the experience feels very dated. In some ways that's kinda nice and familiar, doesn't feel like it needs to be anything other than a Starfox game, but people are going to be arguing about the value proposition for a while. Moments when the controls and gamepad view all snap into place are awesome and I'm looking forward to my next play session. Welcome back, Fox. Sorta.
  15. Incredible artist. My mum used to play his music every time we went out in the car so a number of his biggest hits are pretty much cemented into my brain. 2016 is taking them way too fast and way too young. RIP.
  16. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Nice job on the Twitter shout out up there guys! Royal Mail tracking claims my copy has arrived, awesome. It's finally time!
  17. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Short was really nice, enjoyed seeing the characters interact outside of the battlefield. Tracking on my copy has updated to Location confirmed, sending supplies so I assume it's arriving today.
  18. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Anything above a 7.5 is good for me. Surprisingly high reviews for GUARD though! No wonder they released it as a pack-in.
  19. Guy

    Star Fox Zero

    Mine has shipped. Getting hyped now.
  20. That new rumour sounds pretty okay to me. The screen only really needs to be as big as the Vita screen and it'd look/play great. I still want the NX to be a handheld that can play its games on the tv, via streaming - this new rumour kinda indicates that the system would eventually reach that point - it'd maybe also play Android/tablet games to hook in the mobile app market as well. I know that handheld mostly games look shitty in full HD on TV, but they could maybe release some sort of downloadable graphics pack or patches for each game that would somehow re-render it all and make it look snazzy and not like... well, a handheld game on a TV.
  21. That Splatfest... I agree they should let us keep the shirts. Some of mine have been excellent in looks and stats. Cross-play across USA and EU is great, when can I slog through Splatfest with same-team friends?
  22. I joined up when it was Cube Europe after lurking for ages during a period of forum research trying to work out if an import GameCube would run in colour on my tv - it didn't.
  23. I'll pay regardless because I'm a tool, but hopefully they at least make it a decent package in-line with their competitors.
  24. Played Pokemon Snap from start to finish this evening. Such a great little game.
  25. The only PS2 game I own is Shadow of the Colossus. I had a copy of Journey of the Cursed King once too but I let someone borrow it and never saw it again. It's true to say most of the best PS2 games have since been ported to better hardware. The controller is awful too, I can't believe it took Sony four generations to start getting the Playstation pad right.
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