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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Pre-ordered the Zelda collection. I'm holding off on the next wave of Mario ones (Waluigi, my boy, you were the hardest to resist) as they're ripe candidates for a price drop in a few months. Thank God my insane lust for these things has long passed.
  2. Interesting. Maybe it all depends on the game or developer? For example I'd expect Nintendo will develop titles that fully work in both docked and portable mode, whereas other developers could port their high-power console games over to run on the docked system and, rather than do even more work to get the game working on a comparatively under-powered handheld, create a different (mobile-style) experience (complete with a lucrative microtransaction system) to give players a different vers- Aw, who am I kidding? I have no fucking idea what's going on with this thing anymore. Just reveal it already.
  3. Nicely done! Have a radical honeymoon! I look forward to lots of American food reviews.
  4. What are the odds someone will open this up, hack the OS and swap out the internal storage to make it play the entire NES library?
  5. Man, if I ever make a Kickstarter bingo sheet my first square will be... Project update email begins with 'crazy few weeks'".
  6. If they can't stop people streaming, I just hope the game will turn out to be awesome and this leak will result in us all being ridiculously hyped
  7. Massive fuck up. With their online system as it is, can Nintendo even do anything to stop the game being played (and streamed) by means of a forced update/patch? Hopefully impressions are positive, a wave of negativity might KO this before the first review even hits.
  8. Guy

    What's up man? :)

  9. Fucking dead at Alolan Professor Oak. Professor... Palm?
  10. I fail to see how this is a bad thing. Will gladly shell out for some Mario fun on my iPhone. I'm sure this is coming to NX as a cheap eShop or "app" download.
  11. Just got spanked for a customs charge with Parcelforce with a Goodsmile Company order for FIGMA LBW Link. Ahhh.
  12. I was initially really excited when they revealed this. I've been going on about a 3DS Mario Maker port for a while in conversation, and it's great the game is gonna be available outside Wii U's limited install base... but that crippled online really fucks it.
  13. I think that was better than I expected. Lots of amiibo to keep me spending and some nice surprises. Mario Maker on the go sounds like something I'll enjoy immensely.
  14. Haha, glad you liked it dude! Not sure if you fancy a creepy, slow paced, rotoscoped highschool slice of life, but Flowers of Evil is pretty good. So good that I'm delaying the ending by never watching the last episode - meaning I can't say for sure how it ends, but I hear it's somewhat inconclusive!
  15. Finally got a fourth N64 pad with a decent stick. So glad I can now stop going into CEX stores and asking them if I can have "a wiggle on the N64 controller in the window." Combined with the Enko sticks coming from Kickstarter some time in the next few months, I should be set for optimal N64 controlling for a good while... or a single game of Mario Party.
  16. I like you guys, I like listening to you speak and I like video games, this bodes well for me.
  17. I would, without a doubt. I buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games at this point.
  18. It's pretty excellent. Great acting from the young cast members and a solid soundtrack. I really enjoyed the concepts explored and the different callbacks to so many movies I love. Duffer Bros, please give me more.
  19. Nice additions to the collection there. Talk about value in some of those games, wow.
  20. I have Snap on cart so will probably give the VC release a miss. Miiverse interaction might be able to sucker me back in though.
  21. Still digging all the variants on existing Pokémon, and that sandcastle design is... definitely something else.
  22. Latest update: - Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed. - - - Trainers must confirm they are not driving in order to continue playing. - Made improvements to the accuracy of a curveball throw - Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses. - Fixed achievements showing incorrect Medal icons. - Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time. Please choose your new nickname wisely. - Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS and re-enabled the feature. - Added visuals of Team Leaders Candela, Blanche, and Spark. - We’re currently testing a variation of the “Nearby Pokémon” feature with a subset of users. During this period you may see some variation in the nearby Pokémon UI. - Minor text fixes Nice update and lots of decent changes coming up. I can definitely get behind that new tracking method, hopefully their next focus is players in rural areas without many Stops to hit up...
  23. I've been having issues with eggs too. Had a bunch that got stuck on 0.2km for hours a couple of days ago despite me moving around the city at my usual pace. In my experience, the hatching tracker has always been wonky. Sometimes it tracks on the bus, other times it'll not track for ages and then suddenly everything is all hatching unexpectedly.
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