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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Have completed the Mario Party series now, with just Mabel and Nook left for the AC wave 1. Gonna have to get myself a Gold and Silver Mario at some point soon, not looking forward to paying scalper prices - anyone got any recommendations where to buy? Another thought... are the Animal Crossing amiibo selling poorly? Have seen them reduced in loads of places recently and USA people have been seeing them on clearance too. Might be due to the poor game implementation, or maybe just less popularity than the other Nintendo characters. I'd assume they're selling well in Japan...
  2. Need that Redoroid. This is going to be a horrible quest but I missed the original print and can't miss this one. Scalpers are gonna be all over the lil' guy.
  3. You'll use the sticks for a bit then switch gyro back out of curiosity and realise how much better it is. There's no going back after that.
  4. Just caved and used a bunch of GAME credit to buy a load of discounted Animal Crossing and Mario Party amiibo. In my defense, the KK 3 pack was only £25 and each of the Mario ones were only a tenner. These fucking toys.
  5. I would love a London Nintendo store. My wallet would not, but that guy is a pushover anyway.
  6. Going into the new year in a much bigger and nicer place, having put aside a nice starting amount to build some decent savings and having had one decent holiday last year with some major caveats and lessons learned. Plan for 2016 is to keep saving, start drawing again as this year has been a wash on that front and also work on getting that goddamn first tattoo. Oh, another cool holiday as well - except upping the stakes this time to TWO cool holidays. In terms of goals, 2015 went better than I expected.
  7. The last hurrah after months of amazing free updates...
  8. Works for me as long as the game runs smoothly. Most games I've tried with independent displays on tv/gamepad run like anus.
  9. Oh wow. Gonna need me one of those, and maybe those sweet looking original sprite cover plate sets.
  10. Merry Christmas gang, have a blast! <3
  11. Fun few hours. Slightly contrived in places, few tears were shed. Overall a fine continuation of the OT - the new cast was fantastic and all brought new and interesting things to the table. Roll on the next one!
  12. Gonna have to grab me the rest of the Mario series ones at this rate. And maybe a KK and Nook. And ugh.
  13. Amiibo are 2 for £18 at Smyths. Good deal!
  14. I'm fine with these announcements. I remember wondering who the hell Ness was back in Smash 64. Getting a sixth FE character is worth Cloud and Bayo. Awesome roster in this game, definitely delivered for me.
  15. Shovel Knight appears to have been delayed on the Nintendo Store. 14th December is my new projected shipping date...
  16. Those last three posts are like... the definitive amiibo experience. Welcome to the addiction, brother!
  17. Give me that amiibo support.
  18. Hey dudes, this sounds good to me. Thanks for the heads up @Shorty. @Animal, I've PMed you a refer a friend link! Hope it comes in handy.
  19. Can't disagree with that. Everything else is great, but more of the same stuff we've seen for years. Splatoon started out mega unique and has only gotten better as time goes on. [edit] Lol, it also won best shooter. Love it.
  20. Someone created an English language patch for a bunch of the text in the game, needs homebrew faffing to get it working though and reading GBATemp is like looking at an alien language. Seriously, I totally get we're not supposed to be doing this stuff, but despite modding my Wii and reading a fair bit into the stuff on 3DS, the entire process is still a minefield of methods and steps that make my brain ache. Will wait for the English release, or cave on my next trip to Japan. Whichever comes first I suppose.
  21. After initial frustration, I really like the trickle of content for this game. Keeps it... dare I say it... FRESH. I already have the purple Splatoon cushion, have grabbed a green one to keep it company on the couch. For those of you wanting these to provide any kind of authentic cushion, splat those hopes, they're made of a really soft and foamy material.
  22. That thread title. Pulled me in and smacked me right in the face with the Japan only. Seems like a good promo tho, would be a nice thing to get here as well.
  23. Got the Mario Kart Waluigi badge. The best badge.
  24. Time to play.
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