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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Wow. The modern colours Mario sure sold out fast.
  2. I don't feel like I've grown up at all, I just keep getting more stuff to be responsible for and keep balanced... I miss working part-time, drawing comics and playing Halo 2 all day.
  3. Thanks for the heads up on this - just booked tickets!
  4. The new anime season is probably the best it's ever been in terms of plot and animation. Animation in some of the Gym battles has been absolutely awesome. I really need to set aside some time to catch up with it. [edit] Second X/Y opening is so rad:
  5. Coin looks really awesome in that photo. Can't wait for mine to arrive. [edit] Just chucked down the last of my stars on the block coasters. Total recent haul has been... - ? Block and Regular Block Coaster Sets - Goodbye Coin - Credits Soundtrack Also bought the Luigi diorama from eBay. Pretty pleased with my lil' collection. Gotta speak to the lady and see how many Stars she has kicking about on her account - we still have a 3DS code to redeem and she hasn't linked hers to her NNID, so could end up getting something else if there's nothing on there she fancies.
  6. Newest from me - homage to Mason's furnace escape from The Rock in the film... The Rock. 40EF-0000-0033-7C8B.
  7. Welcome Kimishima, your name is really fun to say and type. Hoping this was taken into account when selecting him for the position.
  8. It lets you keep your Stars if you delete a stage, useful!
  9. Here we go - new underwater New Super Mario Bros. level from me: Sunken Treasure Trail B74E-0000-0030-4746 I was able to beat it, but it took a few attempts and for me to remember how to control New Mario with his wall jumps and spinny float jumps. Really great level.
  10. I created my first level just now, Funghi Deliveri! and would love to know what you guys make of it. It's a mushroom 'escort' level. A74C-0000-0020-A827 You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  11. I created my first level just now, Funghi Deliveri, would love to know what you guys make of it. It's a mushroom 'escort' level. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  12. Just found out the gamepad range will reach the office upstairs. Get in!
  13. Not with 10,000 Marios could I beat that bastard.
  14. Level 6810-0000-0018-0D18 is a masterpiece. Super Meat Boy style glory.
  15. Is this the first taste of Nintendo's loot crate style service? http://store.nintendo.co.uk/merch-memorabilia/super-mario-box-limited-edition-exclusive/11165471.html?widget_id=117667 [edit] BEATEN. Now I have to give Serebii a load of Pokedollars.
  16. Guess it did arrive after all. Good job updating the tracking Yodel.
  17. Nothing for me yet, I guess Yodel can deliver up until 9pm but I'm not holding out much hope for it showing up today. Tomorrow as planned I guess! If you ordered from Nintendo Store, check your shipping box before tossing it, apparently they've included a 30th Anniversary Pin badge in there.
  18. Got my Credits Soundtrack through today!
  19. Nintendo Store order over here (amiibo/shirt bundle). After this fiasco I'm now even less likely to use GAME again.
  20. Wow, seems really cool. It begins.
  21. Mine is surprisingly out for delivery this morning. Get hype.
  22. Aaaaand shipped. Yeah, still definitely not coming tomorrow. Roll on Friday!
  23. Awaiting dispatch here. I am definitely not expecting this bad boy until Friday though.
  24. Great thread! Pretty excited to give this a spin - definitely on the cards for the next gathering with friends.
  25. Guy


    Are you lot all rocking this on PS4 or are there any Bone players about? Feeling the itch.
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