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Everything posted by Guy

  1. I have... no words. Perfection! [edit] I guess I had some words?
  2. I just want DLC for the existing Wii U library, particularly Splatoon. That would be a rad treat. Also make it so I can enter Splatfest matchmaking as a team of like-minded dog/cat/messy/whatever enthusiasts.
  3. We need a new HYPE TRAIN image for these things, with maybe Iwata watching from the depths of space as a friendly ghost alongside Yokoi and Yamauchi.
  4. Excellent!
  5. Thanks for the games last night y'all, sorry I was a bit in and out - was trying to ensure our pizza was successfully delivered to our seemingly non-existent-on-sat-nav-abode. Now for Splatfest! Ugh.
  6. Be cool if we could get the game up on the NE Extra Life stream somehow.
  7. Still need to open and give my haul a go. I'm actually a bit afraid of loving it. The price of this is borderline insanity. When you break it down... one of the £15 packs with a character and vehicle literally contains a Minifigure worth £2.50 and a Mixel amount of bricks that would normally cost £3.00. Oh, and a hyper expensive NFC thingie that probably costs like... a whole quid. Even with LEGO tax those packs are probably still a fiver too expensive. They seem to be chucking loads of exclusive accessories and printed bricks in too which is just damn cruel... This approach is gonna eat the money of the AFOL community for a long time. It's devious, it's greedy and it's goddamn genius from business perspective. How long until they release some sorta amiibo style device to fake out the NFC accessory?
  8. GOAT Mario game becomes even greater.
  9. Got my wave one haul in today. Wii U starter set, Portal, Simpsons and Back to the Future packs for now. Consider me in for the long haul - may TT Games and LEGO have mercy on my wallet.
  10. I agree on many of these points, especially the game type variety and map variation - it's all very samey and would benefit from some new stuff early on. As for Warzone, I thought it was a mess at first, but I'm really digging it after sinking a few hours in. I actually think I prefer it to arena at the moment which I never thought would happen. I actually used vehicles for the first time in a Warzone match yesterday and I've never willingly used 'em before in past titles. Keeping my fingers crossed for the unlikely return of Headhunter, the greatest thing about Reach and some of the most ridiculous fun I've ever had in Halo multiplayer.
  11. At least we got a cool amiibo I guess.
  12. I'd be down for that actually, it's disgraceful I haven't played with many of you yet.
  13. Returned to The Dark Tower earlier this month, currently on Wolves of the Calla. Wizard and Glass before it was absolutely fantastic, so expectations are naturally super high!
  14. Guy


    Probably gonna hop in for Uncharted 4, so will likely grab Destiny on PS4 then. I really love the Xbone, but it's really hard to find people to play some games with.
  15. Guy


    I reached level 40 on the Xbox One version, whoop! Also managed to get hold of the blue glowy skull mask for Festival of the Lost which is pretty cool. It's still such a lonely experience on Xbone though and the PVP modes still do nothing for me. PVE, however, is great. Glad I picked this back up with The Taken King.
  16. I still think the GameCube and Wii U are fantastic too, endless hours of fun, whereas the Wii was largely forgettable outside of maybe 3-5 decent titles. Nothing compares to the N64 days though, multiplayer bliss and for many of the reasons others have noted in their own posts. Damn fine system with a great library that has unfortunately aged terribly, haha.
  17. Went N64 too. I had a lot of fun on that system.
  18. I ordered the big bundle, but will probably end up cancelling it closer to release. Just wanted them all secured on the off-chance I decide I want to collect 'em. I still plan to end my collection with the Smash Bros. series.
  19. All up on Nintendo Store. Ouch @ dat price.
  20. Played some of this last night, it's really fun. Dressing as Princess Zelda has never felt this good!
  21. This made me laugh. Official Nintendo comic has sassy pigeon explain how to not be a horrible troll in Mario Maker.
  22. I'm likely gonna cave tomorrow and buy it, but after Master Chief Collection I don't know if I want to support another potentially broken 343i release straight away. Things seem okay so far, but the game hasn't gone on general release yet... Feels like a wait and see approach will be best, but the Halo tool in me is craving...
  23. Like, £27 shipped. Looking at some of the prices it goes for, it was actually a bit of a steal. Although the price has been dropping a bit recently. Expecting it to arrive and be some fake-ass circle filled with chocolate.
  24. I had this issue and basically had to buy a wired USB etherner adapter to get things running properly again. Definitely not ideal for people who don't have their router or modem close to the console. Maplin sell a decent one for £15 that works with Wii U here: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/usb-20-to-ethernet-adapter-a31gy
  25. Finally snagged one for a reasonable price on eBay... Been slowly building a little late Year of Luigi collection up in the last few months. Not exactly excited to embark on a costly quest for the 25th anniversary coin next. Probably gonna be the one I skip.
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