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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Dear god, my computer will roll over and die. Better get a graphics card with 256 MB of RAM.
  2. You know Half Life 2 has some chaotic scenes. Though there is lot of unchaotic other stuff to, more than there is chaotic stuff.
  3. Until death do us part. Wonder if death will result in a spicy burger?
  4. This E3 will either live up to its hype. Or let us all down.
  5. I totally agree with the above post. If Nintendo didnt make the "motionthingypointingdevice" their main controller, there wouldnt be any Revolution. But I also have to say that even Nintendo expects their competitors to follow their path, and "copy" their ideas. I hereby present you with this evidence, an interview with Perrin Kaplan. Read at the bottom. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/690/690417p1.html
  6. Sounds like the nervous rambling of frightened fanboys.
  7. The wire provides a faster connection, between the addon and the controller, than a wireless connection would. At least I think that is the reason.
  8. You know it could be something new and cool like Zelda. Or it could be something new and slightly less cool like Nintendogs. :p
  9. Blame the European Union! No Media Player? Its like buying a car without a stereo.
  10. Oh dear, poor Microsoft...
  11. I dont think it looks too shabby, these are from the PC version. I can agree to it looking a little funny here and there, but it still looks very good. All the trees and bushes move in the wind, and cast shadows on the ground. And you can probably reach that mountaintop in the distance.
  12. Hah! I knew it! I can smell a rat a mile away! Ok maybe not, but there wasn`t too many things telling me it was a great game either. Just "realistc weapons", "realistic sounds", "big explosions". Instead of "great story", "great gameplay elements" and so on. Does this make any sense at all? You can tell a FPS is crap, when they market it as an FPS, instead of a good game. Ok. I dont think it is crap. But I dont think it is the game of the year either.
  13. He means the 360 is more powerful than Revo overall, but in some areas Revo is doing better. What those areas ar we dont know. They could be good or bad.
  14. He has like 1 teeth in the bottom middle picture. It could definetly be better. :p
  15. Wow, some cool new scenes there. Especially that fantastic scene where the boss does those cool things against Link. And where Link uses that cool ability to defeat those scarey monsters.
  16. Sorry, It doesnt seem to bring anything new to the genre. I would like to play it, but not buy it.
  17. Will anyone care if we have to purchase it on a DVD to use it?
  18. I dont want a portable Revolution... the battery would get in the way of other technological treats.
  19. I dont think we have much choice if we wanna protect ourselves as much as possible. I dont think they will put cameras in normal peoples home, though mistakes could happen. It is either that or a reduced security situation.
  20. The graphics look like Everquest 2 graphics, wich isnt a bad thing i guess.
  21. Here, maybe this will help. Personally I would pick the NEC MultiSync. http://reviews.cnet.com/Monitors/4521-6529_7-5021402-1.html?tag=dir
  22. Here is the real logo:
  23. This is the type of games we need for Revolution. Games where you can sit back and relax, and use as much time you want making your move.
  24. I think its been confirmed that logo is fake. Update: here is a picture to prove it. And another.
  25. 4 gig of RAM? Sounds a bit overkill...
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