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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. This makes me appreciate the originals even more. Though they look good.
  2. In my opinion, games are far from reaching their full potential. It isnt all about coming up with new ideas, but rather using current ideas in a better way. Think of the movie industry, you think it will stop? I dont think so.
  3. Wow, good thing you told me.
  4. In america it does not matter what you say, but how you say it. I feel sorry for him, people are laughing at his expense all over the world. It cant be funny being cold and alone. We should start a fund, the save Jack Thompson fund. Then our hearts shall be warm. *Add dramatic music*
  5. Wow, mess arranged in a prettier way.
  6. Somewhere in my brain, it seems like Animal Crossing is the most likely candidate for a MMO. It is something everyone can play, it is simple and fun. Who wants to bet?
  7. I think Nintendo gave them the EVIL EYE. And perhaps they are afraid of the nametaker.
  8. Vista wont suck. Only your computer will.
  9. Looks like that style I saw in that place somewhere....
  10. Lol, yeah its probably a subliminal message from Nintendo.
  11. As a matter of fact, i have made some animated GIFs for my own mobile. Its very easy, you just have to get the right size.
  12. Checkpoints! Custom Maps(free maps with you setting rules)! Base building! Multiplayer! *faints* Be nice, not everybody knew forehand what Big-Tac was saying.
  13. Forget about school. Think about what it will be like to work with the subject. Thats what you should base your decision at.
  14. Part of the fun (and horror) of a FPS is the aiming process. That fun kinda got lost in the Metroid Prime series. Of course you could dodge and sidestep, but it lacked some depth to it, if you ask me. Imagine what Zelda would be like without a shield or option to block. It would be fun to see some kind of shield in Metroid, perhaps a energyshield?
  15. You cant play a screenshot or revo secret for very long, it has to be Twillight Princess.
  16. This is funny, because I have heard other things: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/xbox-360/xbox-360-launches-in-korea-sells-150-units-156980.php
  17. Handheld my behind. Ther is no way im draggin that piece of crap with me to town.
  18. Stay away from Jamba!
  19. I have to say Arnie, cause I think hes played in cooler movies than Stallone.
  20. Check on the ducking, and trying to look around corners. Occasionally trying to avoid incoming fire has also occured hehe.
  21. A bad example of PSP loading times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH3dc7IZVPc
  22. Flasgship Studios - Hellgate: London - A first person shooter roleplaying game, with randomly generated worlds and online coop play. Online games, online games, online games.
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