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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. 3rd parties are making hardcore games. Not softcore games. Nintendo themselves doesnt make games only for the core gamers. They make games for everybody. If Nintendo wants more core games for their system they will have to start making core specific games to show that it can sell on the Wii.
  2. Possibly because its called Little Kings Story. Im very much looking forward to it.
  3. How about spending some of that money on making more games for the core then? Instead of sequels how about making something original for the core gamer for a change?
  4. Doesnt look very bad. The action looks smooth and fun.
  5. That purpled hair person is a dude.
  6. Cartoon Cover-up Porn! http://www.zootoday.com/lateststuff/archive/2008/09/26/cartoon-cover-up-porn.htm
  7. Its all about the price. I would buy a costume for a game figure if the price was right.
  8. Tomb Raider Underworld -> 21 november.
  9. Hey if this sells well maybe they will release RE5 on Wii??
  10. Monkey Balls played with balance board?
  11. Because every gameplay element found in this game can also be found in casual games like Wii Play and Excite Truck. It is obvious that they were making this game with casual players in mind.
  12. Thats pretty good for a casual game.
  13. So... this is basically Phantasy Star Online with a different name?
  14. PS2 ports FTW!
  15. It looks amazing.
  16. Is it possible that the Retro guys left because they had little impact on how the games would turn out?
  17. Honey and Clover is the epic lolz. Its has drama to it as well, but the comedy and viewtiful lifeslices makes it very worth watching IMO. Oh and beware of the intro surprise.
  18. How about a image for people without avatars instead of the text saying "this persons avatar"?
  19. Even if this game gets the casual advertising treatment Im not sure casual gamers are going to buy it. Maybe if it is advertised in a really simple way.
  20. If anyone wants to play this game they can still get a copy of the GameCube or the DS version. Its EXACTLY the same.
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