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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. It is a virtual reality system, you wear it ON your head. Therefore its called the Nintendo ON. The video was made by a Nintendo fanboy from spain. He made it for fun. It looks very impressive (helmet design somewhat retard looking), but its just a fantasy. If you make any more of these threads the Spanish Inquisition will come get you.
  2. Why do the Germans have spades? Mario Kart makes me wanna throw bananas at others.
  3. I would not recommend listenening to those guys, they dont seem to know what they are talking about. Revolution is prefectly able to play MMO games, but perhaps in a smaller scale. We will have to wait and see how the future for Revo turns out. I wouldnt worry to say the least.
  4. I would get a Seagate or Western Digital if I were you. They tend to be more reliable.
  5. First of all, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The possibilities of the Revolution controller is what excites me most. The fact that you can move your hand within a 3D virtual space, is to say the least, very exciting! The other is how great it will work with 1st person shooters, making them most comfortable to play on the Revolution. And also the fact that its making games simpler to play, and might attract new types of gamers.
  6. Siemens M65. Its very strong.
  7. WTS Master Sword pst!! very cheap!!
  8. I wanna make my dick smaller. Ahah haha. Sorry, its all your fault really.
  9. Movies: Leon, Little Budda, Man on the Moon, The Abyss.
  10. You play your PSP by throwing it in the air and clapping your hands?
  11. How about Barbie doll house, with movable dolls. Wahey!
  12. I dont think this is a confirmation. I think they are looking into it. Pokemon would be fun, but a fantasy game would be more fun.
  13. I think you are right about him just hoping. Who wouldnt like to have a game like World of Warcraft on their game console. It is a very popular genre, and a very profitable genre.
  14. How about a t-shirt saying "I rule." or persons name +"rules". Or perhaps the Nintendo original seal of quality. I think that would be cool, but you would probably be sued to death.
  15. Hmm I wonder how much Simpsons is gonna win with. Hmmmmmm.
  16. This isnt eye toy. The controller is just a simpler interaction device, for all the "normal" games, and the revo games. Nothing is fun if its repeated over and over again. The interaction between you and your game is the key here. And with the revo controller, it will be all much simpler. But, you also gets ways of interacting with the games, that has never been done before. I dont think you can compare the eye-toy to the revo controller, because it has so many more options. It isnt just made for making you move within a 3d space, its made for making the interaction with games be and look simpler.
  17. Lol. Funny thread ahoy!
  18. You could turn it around, and ask what you would think of a person having sex with your girl friend. There in lies the answer.
  19. I thought superman was dead? I mean he got killed in some episode?
  20. Em... what are you talking about?
  21. They broke the internets! Waaaahh!
  22. Im feeling the holy spirit. Dont worry they are fake.
  23. But not mine! Ahahahhahaha! Here are some more: ASK Appeal Server Kontrol! DUST Demand User Satisfied Tramp! UOG User Order Guide. Pshhhh.... im empty. I will go take a nap now.
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