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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. I seriously hope that its not a microphone.
  2. Order & Watch! Data Butler. Request Manager. All very exciting names Im sure.
  3. I will try not to cry: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/673/673900p1.html
  4. Very funny. But you forgot to paste the link. Aha, I found it: http://www.thepbf.com/ . Man Im good at internets. Click on the white man in the picture.
  5. You should get a big alarm, with a big loud sound. Something that would wake up the entire neighbourhood.
  6. And who bought Tetris? The hardcore gamers? No. The old folks.
  7. Sorry to hear. Hope you get your stuff back.
  8. Westlife ey? I rather have my teeth pulled.
  9. Do you pat him with your stylus?
  10. So maybe its a 1.5 ghz processor? I was thinking around 2 ghz, but still it wont make a big difference. Why do you think people buy DS instead of PSP?
  11. These demos are eye openers. It looks very simple to play a fighting game.
  12. Cool. In addition to the controller moving in 4 horisontal directions, you could also use up and down for perhaps jump and crouch.
  13. Maybe someone should make a list of routers best working with DS?
  14. What do you think will be most fun? Ask some students what they think. Might be useful.
  15. I know this program called Photoshop. Its really great.
  16. Dont be so pessimistic, were not living in the dark ages anymore. Perhaps current visors are bad, that doesnt mean there wont be any good ones in the future.
  17. Hello! I was sitting around reading news, and reading comments by people. There was this guy, he wrote his ideas to what Revolutions remaining secret could be. He had realised that if you applied the technology in the controller to a headset, you could have Virtual Reality. And therefore he concluded with the remaining secret of Revolution to be VR! I have to admit I loved his idea, and VR would make Revolution the coolest. But of course the idea is crazy, and very hard to believe. But... something that isnt crazy is how well the controller would work together with a VR headset. And then it hit me, how perfectly the controller would work with a VR headset. If you had a VR set, this would be the way to play. It made me think twice about VR and Revolution. I remembered Miyamoto saying how he wanted games to break out of the TV screen. The Revolution is almost a VR machine, but you dont wear it on your head. You wear it in your hand. Its almost the same technology. We just need some cool goggles. Someday the goggles will be here, and then we will have a great controller.
  18. The camera angle looks wrong. I think we wanna see where the ball is going, not how it looks. Better work on it till next time. :p
  19. What Im interested in knowing, is if the Revolution will be able to show pictures in jpg or bmp format. Or play movies in mpeg or avi format. And if it will be able to play normal music cds.
  20. *Gives Konfucious a gold star*
  21. Japan, september 18, 2006. America, september 26, 2006. Europe october 11, 2006. I was thinking that releasing in america around july 4th would be a good idea. But who releases consoles in middle of summer anyway?
  22. Excitebike 64 ___
  23. I have Norton and have never experienced something like this. Im likely to think its your computer there is something wrong with.
  24. Call me cwazy, but doesnt the DS have 2 processors? One ARM9 and one ARM7. Im also thinking it could be the physics engine, wich is almost like a second CPU. I dont believe dual core is 10 times harder to develop for.
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