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Everything posted by daftada

  1. Quick query concerning SD cards. I got an official SDcard but i can only save 126 files on it. its no where near capacity yet i cant add anymore files above this. Was this an intentional thing on nintendos part? Edit: Sorry does anyone have an ETA on s-video cables? I want Zelda looking sparkly! Thanks in advance.
  2. This was one of my fave N64 games full stop. It even distracted me from Zelda OoT for a bit. I loved the thoroughly british humour all through the game, some really good, puzzle-filled levels too.
  3. NES - Balloon Fighter SNES - Yoshi's Island N64 - Goldeneye 007 Cube - Tales of Symphonia GB - Link's Awakening GBC - Mario Bros DX GBA - Pokemon Sapphire DS - Mario kart DS Mega Drive - Toe Jam & Earl Xbox - Knights of the old Republic Xbox 360 - Gears of War PS1 - Final Fantasy 7 PS2 - Ico PSP - Tales of Eternia
  4. I think konami are supporting the VC and pop n twinbee are one of their most popular series from the snes days. Here's hoping!
  5. I've picked up some rare(ish) titles in some of my car boot raids recently. Picked up Gunstar Heroes for £4 Big sky trooper Mystic quest Headphone Jack Parodius Pop n' Twinbee and a few others My biggest bargain was Ultima 6 for PC. Bought for a quid, sold for £65!
  6. I went to see one of the episodes being filmed (With some life aid guru) and trust me it is incredibly funny. There was a flashback VT from Dean Learner's 'chat show' from the 80s, featuring Garth and Sanchez which was very funny. Can't wait to see the Garth Marenghi interview!
  7. I have a T-Shirt with Sanchez' immortal quote: 'Not my fault Dag. Monkey Bastard hands!' I'm wearing monkey hands to the signing. Oh yes!
  8. After months in Limbo, the amazingly funny Garth Marenghi's Dark Place is out on DVD on monday and the cast are signing copies in Piccadilly from 6pm at Virgin. If you've never seen it before you really have to check it out, its one of the funniest and most original comedies ever. I'm going to the signing, any other fans out there? Check out this site: http://www.garthmarenghidvd.com/ For more info!
  9. I was at the Mad Stad, absolutely awesome game! UUUUUURRRRRZZZZZZ
  10. Forsaken was one of my very favourite games for the N64, I have great memories of long multiplayer sessions on it. Plus my Lecturer at Uni was the Lead Artist/Animator for it - we got to see demo footage of Forsaken 2 in one of our tutorials.
  11. Nintendo said early on they'd be open to the idea of making things like the old Mario Party titles online. And if they're going to be making totally new titles for the VC (assuming they'll be using NES/SNES/N64 code) it's not going to be a major deal to implement online features.
  12. Donkey Kong 64. Biggest disappointment ever and terrible in nearly every way. And that bloody Jack-in-the-box.....Grrrrr
  13. Star Ocean's a good 'un. It's initially set in space but you spend 75% of the game on a Medieval planet. It has a great story, nice characters and a battle system not unlike Tales of Symphonia. It may be a bit different to most RPGs but it'd certainly worth a look.
  14. Im going for: A Kirby game Wii Racing Brain Training Nintendogs Exclusive RPG
  15. Hey! never take the name of T in vain. I think he might mean passing it around with the nunchuk attached?
  16. The speaker actually gives a nice opportunity for sections (or entire games) that dont need the screen to be played through. Imagine a bit in a FPS where your character is temporarily blinded, the screen becomes blank and the only way to locate your enemies is by listening carefully to the speaker as you aim.
  17. I actually meant herPes!
  18. The game's title is only one keyboard slip away from being a genital disease... Sorry, on topic, this should be pretty interesting. Cant get the video to work properly on my laptop for some reason but it sounds good!
  19. I'd like a mini game in Wario ware where you have to move the controller in 3D space with a sound from the speaker getting louder as you get near the desired point. Use the speaker to give tips in Zelda or Metroid Invisible enemies in Metroid that can only be located by using the controller as a kind of sonar radar. In Res Evil or Metal Gear, holding the controller to your ear like a phone during the walkie talkie briefings bits (forgot their name) A metal detector tool in Animal Crossing Wii, again using the speaker to indicate hidden treasures. In multiplayer FPSs, having individual sounds coming from the controller relative to your position. In GTA (if it happens) have the music from your car come from the controller.
  20. When you pronounce it in Japanese it does sound like that. Probably a play on Utopia.
  21. La Pucelle is the best Nippon Ichi game imo. Best story, gameplay and characters.
  22. Nintendo made a big announcement about Koch media taking over distribution ages ago, can't believe you didn't know.
  23. we have some character art from sadness straight from Nibris (http://www.hm-fusion.co.uk). Should also have a couple of mp3s from RotR when i can figure out how to post the darn things.
  24. I can't wait for this game, I didn't think i'd like the first one but it certainly grew on me after a while. I only managed to get as far as the 2nd disc before my US gamecube gave up the ghost. Don't suppose anyone would be willing to send me their memory card (or i send you mine) with a PAL save file around the beginning of the 2nd disc? I can't even remember what level my characters were at but I think Kalas may have been around 28-32. I'd love to carry on the game if I can get it cheap on eBay.
  25. Hmmm....Some of the answers Kuju gave in that interview are suspiciously similar to the ones they gave me when I interviewed them back before christmas. Seems they have a stock of answers ready for any Q&As that come their way.
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