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Everything posted by Ormingstoke

  1. Apparently the R2 box set (not the Amazon exclusive Master cover) is double sided, The Doctor and The Master on one side, and the R1 cover on the other, like how season 2 had The Doctor and Rose on one side and a Dalek and Cyberman on the other.
  2. Just buy it off play or somewhere, I got the PC version for a very respectable £17.99 there.
  3. Weird that. Me and my mates encountered the same problem on the N64 version though, we were playing with 3 players and on Bowser's Castle, it would run ridiculously fast, just like that video, and just on that race. Never known anyone else to encounter it though, was just damn weird.
  4. Was Clerks II, probably been overtaken by Casino Royale now, thought that film was bloody fantastic!
  5. Can always rely on rokhed to come and bitch about new Doctor Who, even when there's nothing to bitch about. This was a fantastic clip, still not convinced about Catherine Tate, but can't wait to see the rest of it. How is the TARDIS flying down a motorway anymore stupid than it going back and forth through time and from one end of the universe to the other? Exactly, it isn't, it's just that we've never seen it do that before. Can't understand these people that a) refuse to like the new Doctor Who, and b) insist on watching it just to go on about how crap it is to the people that do like it.
  6. Try Woolies, I ordered my 360 this time last year (12th November I think) and they got a premium one out to me on launch day.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICoDFooBXpU Pretty funny clip from this week's Robot Chicken in which Mario and Luigi visit Vice City, and Yoshi meets some of the inhabitants of Racoon City
  8. This game is looking bloody amazing, can't wait to get my hands on it. Really am hugely excited at the prospect of a 70 hour Zelda game.
  9. I think it looks great, wasn't sure on the character models when I just saw shots of them, but when they're moving around it looks much better. Really looking forward to this. Nope, Grunty's Revenge was a parallel version of Banjo-Tooie, a what if. Both games are the second game in the series.
  10. I thought it was common knowledge that it wasn't actually a Mario game, surprised so many people here didn't know.
  11. Farscape: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N6MgUHVfYc
  12. I really do love this show, and it hurts me to say that I didn't love last night's episode, it dissapointed me. Really, what was the point in bringing in millions of Daleks (which was a bit I loved, the shots of hundreds of 'em flying above London exterminating everything was great) only to have them all sucked into a wall a few minutes later? I think that had the very end been better, I would have forgiven the episode, because there was a lot of great stuff in there (I even liked all the Rose stuff, I was just waiting for this "best cliffhanger ever" (according to RTD) to come along), but then it's just a baffling ending with Catherine Tate in a wedding dress, and some dreadful title for the Christmas special, and it just put a cap to all the bad stuff, ending with something I hated, made me dislike the episode. Why is she there? This is Doctor Who, the Christmas special will get ratings whatever, it doesn't need a big special guest star. Would have been so much better if Rose had been the one in the dress, or Sarah Jane Smith, or if the black Dalek had rolled into the console room screaming "exterminate". But it wasn't. Ah well, I'll still be there next year, I just no longer believe that this show can do no wrong. Pretty sure twas a black one, and it's just the light on it thats making it look a bit lighter. The ark was sucked into the void though, so they'll have to come up with another way of bringing them back again, which is a shame, 'cos that was a good way.
  13. We don't know that (unless you believe the Star, who were making assumptions as noone as seen this episode yet), it's my belief that these Daleks were a backup plan during the Time War, that the Daleks realised there was a possiblity they could lose, and so sent some Daleks into an alternate dimension, so whatever the Time Lords did, the Daleks wouldn't be completely wiped out. The sphere weakened the barriers when it initially left this dimension and went to the other, and it was this weakness that allowed the TARDIS to cross over at the beginning of "Rise Of The Cybermen" and repaired at the end of "The Age of Steel", and the Daleks again weakened the barriers when they returned and the Cybermen exploited this weakness to come to an unprepared world. We'll find out for sure tomorrow.
  14. Hertfordshire, we all used to know it as "Knock Down Ginger". Haven't played it in years though, great fun, you need a spot where you can see the door from and not be seen yourself though.
  15. I'm pretty sure it's Knock Down Ginger.
  16. It was 100% clear that he did die, the Daleks exterminated him. Rose said "I bring life" and brought him back.
  17. Don't really see why so many people are complaining about the Torchwood mentions when they're less frequent than the Bad Wolf ones last year, and if you listen to the commentaries they've said that though it is Jack's spinoff show, it also comes into play in this year's season finale, like Bad Wolf. It was done terribly in "Tooth & Claw" but other than that I've had no problem with the Torchwood mentions.
  18. Been playing about 7 hours now, wasn't that keen on it at first, but stuck with it and am starting to really enjoy it now. Seems a bit similar to KOTOR, which I hated at first, but ended up loving and had to run out on release day to get the sequel! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong though, I've got 3 quests on the go, all at a point where I have to do fighting in, which, I'm sucking at and not sure what I can do to improve. I've got pretty good armor, and a blades sword, but just can't kill the buggers. Currently stuck trying to find the count in K'Vatch, trying to kill the sponsor in the sewers in the imperial city, and trying to kill the graverobber and his mate.
  19. According to the "Tooth & Claw" commentary it's both. Torchwood may be the name of the Captain Jack spinoff, but apparently they also play a large part in the finale.
  20. Whats the point in bringing out 2 versions, I could understand putting Wii features on the GC disc, but it seems a bit pointless to do it this way. Anyway, looks fantastic, definitley be getting the wii version though.
  21. Looks good, but I still don't reckon this is the fabled "Mario 128", as it looks very similar in style to Sunshine. Looks like great fun though, will be cool to see how they make a whole game out of it.
  22. Hope we get a new trailer today, watched the 3 we've got so many times I need a new one! Some new gameplay movies would be nice too, and the promise that this is absolutely Twilight Princess' last visit to E3.
  23. Jabba was originally a man, and they filmed his scene in "A New Hope" with him as a man, the scene was, however, cut before the film was released. By the time they got to Return of the Jedi, they decided to make the character a slug, there was no explanation needed because noone had ever seen the Jabba scenes in A New Hope. The reason that Han steps on Jabba's tail in A New Hope is because he was walking around a man, not a giant slug.
  24. There's also that 6 films rolled into one, the Ultimate edition, John Williams was said to be working on new score to help the it all flow as one long film. Would be insane that, don't know if it was ever finished or if they're still working on it. And of course, theyd make one version using the special edition original trilogy, then later with the original original trilogy. There's the 3D versions of the original trilogy next year as well. In the DVD edition at the end of Jedi during the celebrations one of the planets we see is Naboo, with Gungans jumping up and down on top of one of the buildings shouting "weesa free". Really tiny thing, but JarJar was so annoying any reminder of him is awful. In the original version of New Hope, Han shoots Greedo first, in the special editions they decided that Han was too honorable and good to do that so changed it.
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