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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Me and Pure Magic will be at the Grimsby midnight launch at Gamestation
  2. It IS the same legally, as in completely ILLEGAL. But it's not even close to being the same morally or ethically. Ive downloaded ROMS, I'm not ashamed, ive downladed music. Fact is, I downlaod stuff I wouldn't buy, so no one loses, now the VC is out I'll buy games on that (as long as they provide them), and if I download an album I like then I'll buy that too. I have no shame in stealing/downloading off massive corporations, I'd never do it to the indies though and companies I actually like.
  3. Can I just ask where the rumour came from that you get points with the classic controller cos it doesn't make any sense. I mean, you don't with the USA version so why should we? Also, surely it would have been confirmed by now if that was the case
  4. I cant believe the huge megadrive push. I had both consoles - and Mega Cd and 32 X and for me the SNES wiped the floor with the megadrive (which I also loved) I mean Super Mario World, FZero, Pilotwings, Super Mario Kart, Zelda and could go on and on, Megadrive also had great games but nothing compared.... Also Kurt, the SNES version of Jurassic Park was soooo much better than the Megadrive one, it had awesome Firstvperson sections in the building and the ending was terrifying! Also, Aladdin (I loved this game) was way better on SNES then Megadrive!
  5. Spectrum - Chuckie Egg Comodore - Little Computer People Gameboy - Motocross Maniacs NES - Super Mario Bros. Master System - Sonic The Hedgehog Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Super Mario Kart Megadrive - Shadow Dancer Mega CD - Snatcher 32X - Starwars Jaguar - Tempest Nintendo 64 - Mario 64 Playstation - Resident Evil Playstation 2 - ? Cant think Gameboy Advance - Advance Wars Dreamcast - Virtua Tennis Xbox - Pro Evo 4 Nintendo Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Nintendo DS - NEW Super Mario Bros.
  6. I can't believe didfferent europeanvcountries are getting different games, where is the logic in this? Wouldn't it be easier if we all just had the same collection? And if nintendo are going through with the awful decision to not release old games in new terrortories then I'm gonna scream - I want sin and punishment dammit!! Also, where are the spectrum and gameboy virtuak console stuff?! Virtual Console has the potential to be absolutely massive for Nintendo, they better not fnck it up!
  7. Didn't know where to put this so thought i'd ask..... What are peoples thoughts on GT pro and Monster 4x4, I'm picking one up for the wheel and wondered which one isn't AS bad as the other? Any played other versions or read reviews favourong one? Thanks
  8. I didn't know this game had a level editor, thats awesome. This game had any reviews yet?
  9. Are people really that bothered that we are not getting it at launch? We should be happy that we're getting a steady flow of games, we have enough at launch! Due to gamestations awesome deals I'm probably going to pick up monster or GT so Ill have the wheel, which will be awesome for ExciteTruck!!
  10. RC Pro Am Super Mario Bros. 3 Street Fighter 2 Turbo Super mario World Super Probotect Zelda III Excitebike 64 GoldenEye Blastcorps Chukie Egg
  11. I'd be surprised if this game didn't come out next xmas, i mean this game is the one I'm most excited about, over ANYTHING, but they've got to attack the xmas for the first xmas of the nextgen war, and Mario could be pretty unstopable, plus it gives them more time to perfect it, though they MUST have Metroid available first half of next year cos there aint any other super smash games, and we need one. Smash Bros. will probably also come out at xmas, or even get pushed back to 2008?! I think they'll retry wiimote controls and this could take a LONG time.
  12. The game is meant to be great, just a bad multiplayer mean its a little on the shallow side. I'll probably get it anyway as it's the type of game I'd just enjoy playing anyway. I also love Waverace on cube, the most underrated game on it of you ask me.
  13. We've got CoD 3 Exciting!!! Anyways, Gamestation are opening at 11:30!! They have 5 copies of Monkey Ball so had to preorder mine!! They are doing Wii and any game for £199.99 And Wii and any three games for £279.99Also doing a spend over £200 and get GTPro or Monster Truck for £19.99. Now I know GT is meant to be shit, but for £20 its a bargain, with the wheel!!! I wasnt expecting any deals so getting three games for £100, I was expecting £120 so its like getting GT for free!!! In a way.....
  14. I'll probably be asleep after playing the Wii all night, getting up soon to restart, and if all me housenates are still asleep then I could check some one player stuff out and create a hundred Mii's!!! My girlfriend is over for a few days, we finished Prince of Persia last night (amazing game) and are moving on to Wind Waker today - must finish before Thursday!! Or when she leaves.... I love having a gamer girlfriend, first I've ever had, though how I've tried to covert......
  15. Surely this is through composit cables, it won't be this fuzzy with component!! And we are thinking of getting it, at least renting it - 4 player co-op? Yes please!
  16. Just a question didn't know where to ask it. Are Far Cry and Splinter Cell confirmed launch games for us? We're just trying to figure out what games to get at launch. My other housemate is getting CoD3 and one more - if Far Cry is out he'll get that, of its not he'll get Monkey Ball and I'll get Rayman (a game I was going to get for xmas!)
  17. Just found out that me and my hosuemate have Wiis confirmed for launch at Gamestation, and they are doing a midnight launch!! Awesome!! So that's 2 wiis, loads of wiimotes and games for a Wiiathon all weekend!!!!
  18. Me and my housemate are both getting this, £5 for the game? Yes please, I'm sure duck hunt, pool, lazer hockey and find mii will be entertaining enough for £5!
  19. INterview with EA on gamespot said Tiger SSX godfather and one more are coming out first half of next year from EA on Wii!! Pangya golf may have a cartoony presentation but the actual mechanics sounds awesome, in one playtest they were saying that it DOES understand a proper golf swing (relatively) and that a nongamer friend golfer was awesome at it instantly!! I think Tiger Woods will be a great game, though I prefer Pangya's style for golf games, as the control is still awesome (if the previews are to be believed). But then I don't like golf in real life. Absolutely love Touch Golf though
  20. I'm sorry jamie, I like your posts normally, but I disagree completely with what you say. Red Steel is supposedly disppointing but by God did they try and even the bad reviews have said its fun and has moments of genius in it. Rayman has been getting really good reviews, don't know what you are on about there. As for Far Cry and Splinter Cell being lazy ports, where do you get this idea from? I'm sorry i didn't know they were out? Sorry I didn't know they'd even had a review. Personally I've only read positive playtests on them both. Fact is, the Wii looks stronger because of their games notweaker, and I applaud them for it.
  21. Who's 'we'? Aren't you getting a little nervous? I'm 18th on Gamestations preorder and I'm getting nervous about getting one!!! I can remember getting my Orange Cube sent from America whilstvat Uni, my girlfriend at the time who I was living with hid it from me - I had no idea it was going to arrive so quicly and I accidentally found it in my wardrobe - along with Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron and Smash bros. Joyous! Only to find that my tele couldnt display the NTSC signal in colour! The next day io borrowd £500 off my mum and and bought a 32" widescreen tele to playit on - awesome all round!! I have had the other consoles at the first xmas (NES, Gameboy, Megadrive, Gamegear, PS, SNES), the mastersystem I got randomly a couple of years later with the money from my great nanna who died and the N64 I got the summer after release after working in a chicken factory in between college terms!! Lovely! The SNES was probably the best though, me and my older brother always used to open our presents before xmas and play on the games and stuff, we played so much street fighter 2 before xmas it wasn't even funny! Can remember finishing Donkey Kong Country BEFORE xmas one year!! Hmm, went off on one there....sorry!!
  22. I cant express how much I want this game. Is there any idea when or of this will come out in the UK? If not then I can't wait for some 3rd party gives us a way to import!!!
  23. Whats the cross hair all about? This game better use two remotes (none of this nunchuk bull), and it definitely not be a point where you wanna punch game with different buttons being different punches....Though actually that does have potential. Hmm....
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