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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. ProjectGithamRacing3? Its a good game but how different is it to number 2? And kameo and Perfect Dark were depressingly disppointing (after looking forward to them both for a LONG time). None of them compare to Zelda. And also the PS3 launch is good yeah, but how late is it? I would put money on you not playing many launch games for more than a couple of hours bceuase theres some good ones and a lot more good ones coming out over the next 2 months.
  2. Do people realise the machines been out about 8 weeks? I'm not saying people cant be disappointed but people certainly need to be realistic. I'm more than happy with my Wii - Zelda was amazing and IMO the cube evrsion simply cant match it so its worth it just for that one game. And thats not including the fun Ive had and will continue to have with Mii's, virtual console, the other channels, Sports, Play and the fun of playing with the wiimote on the other games - Monkey Ball, Rayman, Red Steel, Madden, Wario Ware, to me playing these games with the wii mote makes them more fun than equivalent titles on any mahcine simple as that! I love it. And for people to say theres no good games simply isnt giviung games a go cause theres loads of good games. If you mean AAA games then refer back to my opening sentance - be realistic!! The Wii's laiunch is way better than any other launch inc. 360 and definitely inclusing PS3. Guess people love to moan! And if people look at the release list of the coming months and cant find a handful of good games then....well....youre hard to please.
  3. The game is great, yeah its short but its so much fun, if you have other people to play it with then definitely get it. As a sidenote my Rabbids TShort, plush and figurine came today - great quality; absolute bargain. Now I eargerly await the rest to come in stock
  4. Oh so it wasnt for being utterly insane? Who was his other account? And why did he have two? Have they both been banned!?
  5. Completely off topic but why was solitanze banned?
  6. It'll be full price. Looks great, my type of game - please have a good high score table system, I want scores for collecting stuff and how fast you go through the level, or a combo like Monkey Ball. Also, who else wants the toys that are on the box?!
  7. Okay, does anyone know where you can get rabbids toys, because I know someone who really wants one. I dont even know if you can but surely there will eventually, there toy fodder!!!
  8. Of course it wasTelly. Not making Street Fighter Turbo is stupid, why release the inferior one other than to make more money in the long run? Argh!! Probtector is awesome though!
  9. Could someone explain to me the multiplayer mode please. Is it true you have to COMPLETE the single player game before its unlicked? What the fuck are Nintendo playing at?
  10. God there are some fucking idiots on this forum!! The guy who was complaining about Monkey ball and wario ware saying the stykle is great but the COULD be done on the gamecube!!! What is your fucking point? So what they could be done on the gamecube? The gamecube doesnt have a motion sensing wii-mote nunchuk combo!!!! People love to bitch and moan about shit, which then makes the intelligent ones amongst us bitch and moan about thri stupidty! It bores me but I feel that strongly about it I have to reply The wii is proving a mega success, that means developers will back it in a big way, the easiestvthing to do at the minute is to port over end of last gen games with wii mote control - SO WHAT?! I'd rather have them than not. And they won't be developing for last gen fpr much longer, it's a knock on effect thats all, dont worry about it! We'll soon get the goods!! Am I the only one really hapy with wii sports, zelda, red steel \CoD3, rayman and monkey ball? Is that not enough for the first month of a console? With Wario Ware, Excite Truck and a brand new (possibly actually decent) Sonic coming in the firstv3 months of the new year? Is that not enough!?!?
  11. Course it will have the classic levels, but how amazing will it be being on an ice planet and space surrounding you!?! Awesome! This game NEEDS to come out in time for xmas!
  12. No I dont agree at all - I feel people who do are just very short sighted; there's something you need to remember: IT'S BEEN OUT A MONTH!!!! Look back at any console, this month has more decent releases than I can ever remember!! The PS3 is in a much worse state than the Wii and you'd never be able to tell that much that the 360 has had a year head start. Look at the games that are coming out - was Zelda compromised or better on the Wii? For me way better. Does Mario look like it will be compromised? Metroid? Smash Bros? Of course not. Is EA supporting it in a big way? Yes. Of course theres going to be a lot of gimmicky games; there always is, there was with the DS. It's a brand new and pretty radical new way to play games, there needs to be a lot of experimenting and due to the popularity, unfortunatly theres a lot of cashing in. The Wii's future is VERY bright!!
  13. I'm getting this game, I'm sure it'll be great, but why do nintendo not implement obvious features ALL the time!?!? Would it have been that hard to implement the same multiplayer as the Gamecube? At least, it should be even more comprehensive than the gamecube version!! And no high scores!?!? What? It's such a simple feature, why remove a reason tovcontinue playing the game - Nintendovare so frustrtaing! Thevdont inlucde obvious things: Wii Sports: Why isn't there a high score table on this for the training games? Why doesnt it show youvwhat medals you have too? Wii Play: Why doesnt it have a high score table including everyones scores? I could go on with most of their games, but little things which would add a ton of replay value are always missing!!!
  14. Okay, after playing Tony Hawks Downhill Jam on the DS a lot (the game is AMAZING!!!) I've come to the (reaffirmed) conclusion that the Wii is (in theory) perfect for this type of game, here is why: In these types of games (fast, trick heavy sports games) you need to be pretty dextrous, somethingvwhich would and does turn off casual gamers and even normal gamers - to be good takes a lot of time and effort. Now this is something I am willing to put in and have with Downhill Jam, but the one thing that is difficult is the regular jumping off the ramps to then perform the hand twisting combo's. The button layout and the shear frequency of jumping makes it so hard (i've only just got the game, I'm sure it gets easier). But my point is that with the wii-mote you won't have to play it for hours just to get competent, because flicking the nunchuck up and tiliting it and the wiimote to flip and spin will be just so intuitive - it's going to be awesome IF the nunchuck can handle subtle movement!
  15. I'm really looking forward to this game, but like a few others am I bit worried also - it doesn't 'look' like you have much control over sonic and with the camera angles being so wild (but pretty) then how accurate is that control?! It could be ana amazing proper Sonic 3D, or it could be a game you watch more than play - here's hoping for the former!
  16. I think Mario and Metroid could EASILY be released on the same year, its Smash Bros. that I think will move to 2008, and the game I'd rather see pushed back..... Nintendo NEEDS two huge games out (at least) each year, and a quality title out every month - Wario Ware this month, Excite Truck next; that's what we need every month
  17. Anyone seen that thing on IGN where youvcan access all your PC media on your Wii - itunes etc...... It sounds really good but I don't understand how it works, I don't like the idea of my PC contents being accessed by the internet!
  18. 6/10? I think it'll get 7/10 minimum!!! I think this looks pretty awesome though I'm slightly worried about the main controls being nunchuck tilt - I didn't realise it was that accurate, but in throey it's looking really strong; and i also presume Blur will be Nintendo exclusive and the others will get SSX Tricky 4 with even more realistic than real life graphics!
  19. Confirmed..........by who? Though June 07 is a great time, meaning Mario can still comevout xmas meaning that is two classic games spread out enough, awesome news......if true.....and if in Europe!
  20. solitanze do you realise you are absolutely insane; your fixation on scores and your weird presumptions on what a game will be like from no knowledge is Nintendork-esque, though to be fair to dork he doesn't do that anymore and nothing as wildly as your Galaxy prediction. Also, what do you mean COD bounding box - weird that you compare iot to Red Steel by using COD control method. And anyway, you clrealy havent played COD on Wii because the control is amazing, especially with regards to the 'bounding box' situation!!!
  21. The Wii does make games more fun and FPS controls are awesome - have you played CoD 3?! Ofvcourse its early in the life of the Wii, but Wii games are WAY better than 360 games from a year ago and Zelda is better than anything - thanks greatly to the wiimote and nunchuck!! And Metroid will be amazing,vthough I really hope it comes out before summer, but theres almost zero chance of that!
  22. Whats this home button pressage thingy? Does it save your game or something? Whats the deal with it?
  23. I'm glad there's this thread, the official one turned into a Zelda slting with bitching and defending, it wasn't an enjoyable debate!! Good call on the ruppees thing, pretty annoying. I wish some of the items were needed a bit more, a few of the new ones were only needed in that dungeon - the spinner was needed at the castle but it's such an awesome item there should have been more need (though I found one part of Hyrule field that needed it). The last castle felt weirdly unfinished - I only went round half of it and got to the end, but that may have been its intention.... It was great but just felt a little weird. I absolutely love having sword fights in the game and using the special abilities, I would have looked more opportunities to use them, especially in the sword fight with Gannon, which I loved, but there seemed to be too much of a 'technique' needed (wait for him to charge and then hack to fuck!) rather than a sword duel!
  24. I'll defend CoD 3 - it's aesome on the way, but only if you don't care about the graphics compared to the 360; I don't care and I actually prefer it to the 360 version - thanks to?........ The controller, seriously it makes it so much fun to play with (after an admittedly steep learning curve) but I love it. As for me Excte truck and Wario Ware definitely. I really want Pangya and Trauma but Pangya has no release date and I've seen a June release for Trauma HURRY UP DATEL!!!!
  25. Hi, okay, I have set up many wirless routers and never experienced a problem and have tried (I think) everything! The ISP is Orange and the house uses a Livebox (god these things are effing shite), I gave them my old ADSL modem router combo (Belkin), ignored the livebox and plugged it straight in - now the computer reads the box but it just isn't connecting - its got excellent strength etc. But its just not reading it. Anyone think of anything I can do? What I think it could be is that you HAVE to connect the router to a computetr via ethernet at first, to set it up, and then you can connect wirelssly, is this correct? I don't have an ethernet cable to try it, I'll do that tomorrow, but wondered if anyone knew what could be going wrong or if this is definitely the problem. Any help would be much appreciated.
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