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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. For me control >>>>>>>>>>>> superficial kudos points
  2. This is awesome news, I was excited about this game anyway, love golf games and this i meant to be awesome. Online sweetens it even more!! Is there a release date for Europe?
  3. I didn't buy a plasma for gaming I bought it for everything! And don't be such a cock Caris; I know you bum Sony but don't be so defensive!
  4. All I'm saying is that the Wii, DVD's, 360 is all fine and I've left them on their respective front ends for a lot longer than a minute or two. My first day with a PS3 and that's what happens!
  5. 43 Left Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 King Kong Luigis Mansion Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Super Mario Galaxy Wario World Starfox Adventures Chibi Robo Donkey Konga DDR Mario Mix Hulk Ultimate Destruction Second Sight Battalion Wars Wave Race PN03 Killer 7 Wind Waker Zelda Collection Fight Night 2 Viewtiful Joe Pikmin Pikmin 2 Tony Hawks 3 Sonic Mega Collection Resident Evil Mario Golf Prince of Persia Prince of Persia 3 Resident Evil 0 Eternal Darkness F Zero Die Hard Vendetta XIII Splinter Cell Sould Calibur 2 Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Sqaudron 3 Pool Paradise 1080 Animal Crossing Donkey Konga (JPN) Donkey Konga 2 (JPN) Had probably 150 in life time though!! And already got 37 Wii games I am still wanting the other resident evils, Donkey Konga 2 and the JPN version of Donkey Konga 3!!
  6. But surely at that level ANY bonus is better, no? Eventually you really can ping everyone and it's more satisfying when you do
  7. It IS the PS3's fault!! What kind of fucking gimps designed the brightest neon front end you could imagine; I hardly left it on at all and it's still there. Maybe my TV is particularly sensitive, but its an expensive quality TV and I hold Sony completely responsible for it. I know you'll all say I'm being ridiculous but this really does add fuel for my hatred towards them!!
  8. Something worrying has happened to me, earlier I went through the themes and though the air paint one looked really good with the neon stuff etc. Anyways, I turned my PS3 OFF and the flowers and icons are ghosted on the black!!!! Burned in the screen!!! It's a brand new 42" Panasonic plasma!!! Does anyone know if this happens and it fades or if this is a serious problem!!!!
  9. Playing through this game much more, does the game GLITCH a lot for anyone else? Maybe a lot is much, but at certain points it glitches, horizontal shifting in the scenery? Hope so because I'm worried it's my TV or something. Anyways, amazing game!!!
  10. Jamba, that's a pretty ridiculous point there - how isn't the first home console version of a game going online a big change? How about upping from 8 to 12 a fairy big change? How is motion control not a big change? How is 16 brand new courses and 16 more retro tracks not worthy? You may slag off the retro tracks saying they're not new, but I hadn't played the SNES tracks in years and love playing them in DS. Anyways, really excited about this game, but IGN's lukewarm respsonee is worrying!!! Though they seem to have never really rated mario Kart!
  11. Yeah Mario Kart for me but i think Smash Bros would trounce it in a poll here!!
  12. Vertical split? What you on about? And why is Super Mario Kart "crazy hardcore" I don't understand. i love the game and it is probably the game where there is actually a big difference between characters, but crazy hardcore?!?! Hmmm. For me I'd have to go with the DS version, awesome, awesome game, though enjoyed them all! And no decent tracks on Double Dash. Are you insane!?!?! It has the two best tracks ever - Baby Park Ride and Yoshi Circuit (my personal fave!) Yeah I hope this game gets faster too with loads of hidden depth (ala Mario Kart DS)
  13. The reason is the tele. Have to change the display settings on the PS3, really annoying but VERY common problem, especially with LG teles!
  14. I bought the PS3 because of blu ray. I already have 360!! Plus the only non Wii game I'm TRULY excited about is littlebigplanet Cheers for the suggestions guys, didn't know loco roco was on the store - downloading that immediately!! I really want Orange Box but I heard the PS3 version was WORSE than the 360 version, can anyone elaborate?
  15. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Pre-ordered at GAME. Really looking forward to this, life too busy to play any sport currently so this will be my only choice What are the chances of there being downloadable exercises? Would be great to get new yoga, aerobic routines!!! Also, does anyone know how the aerobic and yoga exercises work as that's what my girlfriend is particularly looking forward to. Is there loads of Yoga stuff? How many different aerobic routines?
  16. Send it back and get the Wii version. I can't believe with a game like Bully you would get the 360 version anyway - ANY wii controls is better than none, extra mini games, it's not about graphics anyway!!! The 360 version has NO benefits COOKIE: Can you detail the Wii controls. Are the 3rd person controls ala Scarface?
  17. Am I the only one who thinks this has some amazing potential!?!?!
  18. To be honest the lore only gives clues to how to get the extra treasure. When it's finished there's treasure chests above the level names when you click on them on the map, these chests are the treasures you HAVEN'T found yet. Go on those levels and just experiment, doing mad things produces treasure. An example to get you started: On the soup level (can't remember the name) if you play the flute tune backwards you get some treasure. It's things like this that reap reward
  19. Hmmm, I maybe classed as one of the oldies being born with a ZX Spectrum 56K rubber keyboard in my hands!! I've had pretty much every single console and handheld bar the 3di and PS3 (and I've just ordered one of them). Nintendo have always been my main love in gaming..... As for have games got better, I'm sure people will say no, nostalgic is a wonderful thing. It's a trciky one, the last generation I was truly bored and thought that's it for me and gaming, than a certain Nintendo DS got released and got me excited again, then the Wii came out and I was truly hooked as much as I have ever been. The fact I've got a job means I buy shit loads of games, but don't really play through them all! It's weird, getting a game years ago was a big occasion because I couldn't afford many and xmas day was amazing cause i'd always get 2-3 games. Now I just buy every game I want so the special feeling has gone. I probably don't get the same buzz from gaming as I did with the SNES and N64 years, but it's a a different one, I'm truly inspired by the Wii and playing games with my family is an experience I haven't since those first years with the spectrum when the whole family would play Chuckie Egg, Attic Attack etc. Now most of my family have DS's and all really enjoy the Wii, for me this is an amazing thing. And my girlfriend loves the Wii, my non gaming friends do, so it's a great experience playing with them! I mean my girlfriend has played through Zelda too!!! Incredible really. In general terms i think gaming has become something great, online gaming in particular will continue to amaze and with new technologies - Wii, Z Camera etc. gaming will continue to be special for gamers long in the future and will be better experiences than what we get now. But I always feel gaming (well anything) is more special depending on where you are in life!!
  20. Now those are some frustrating impressions. Dampened things a little for me to be honest. Probably be amazing anyway but they don't sound too impressed!!
  21. Guy with the bazooka was annoying It's stupid how he can blow someone up right next to them and not get blown up himself!!!! Shame there wasn't more of us though. I tried changing the level a few times, no one bit Oh, and got Mortal Kombat today, cheers buddy!!!!
  22. The game will use NEW friend codes.......brilliant isn't it!!!?
  23. Unless we want to make it 10 for Kav, or just 9pm and stay on for Kav at 10pm. Depends how long people can play for Fancy having timed matches!?!?!? They're much better!! Change it if you can!!! We're started by the way -JOIN US!!!
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