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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. What the fuck are they playing at!! Nintendo bring back your seal of quality!!!
  2. Yeah, that's EXACTLY what I said above. What is wrong with this? It just means you can't unlock the cups, that's all!!!! Is it that big a deal?!?! This is better because you can create your own cups In a way!! Can't wait for this game!
  3. What if the latter turns out to be way better than 'classic'? Mine hasn't been dispatched Which means it won't be here tomorrow, meaning I can't play it til monday!!! Devastated!
  4. Yeah, NIntendo can get away with it because they're incredible. But it takes not much effort to have best of both worlds! It's so frustrating. And I'm playing devils advocate slightly because I'm not an online fan, I hate voice chat on 360 (and have NEVER used it on PS3) and aint even too fussed about DLC but I still want it for all the people that do - and the days when I do want it
  5. With 4 americans! How you unlock 5 player Brawls?
  6. In the WIi version can you set how many races and which tracks - like the DS Version? If so then you can pretty much do the GPs anyway! Set RACES: 4 TRACK: Ordered and then choose the first track as the first in a cup! Voila!!!!
  7. I didn't mean in terms of releae hellfire, the WIi has so many great games and loads more to come, I just mean with respect to some decisions they are making - omission of vital modes, not giving 3rd parties the tools/confidence to really implement online, no voice chat, no hard drive etc etc. They're very simple things. I just feel Nintendo need to capitolise on their incredible success and not sit back
  8. This and no more heroes are waiting for me at home! Very excited and can't concentrate at work I'm a little more excited about NMH to be honest thought Smash is building and building. Gonna have a big blitz on it tonight and maybe venture online, though will probably get battered!! How is the lag?
  9. Yeah I hope so too. This is the only forum I use (because I think it's nice and personal) but the online boards are a joke, hardly any online gaming happens!!! I browse other boards sometimes and see LOADS of online gaming happening on even obscure online games like Starfox!
  10. I went to Franklin College too I imagine Rock Band to come out late summer early autumn in Europe. I really want to get the Wii version as it's much more of a party console so no faffing on gaming nights; but if it's the same price with much less features then I'll prob get the PS3 version!!
  11. It's been a bad time for NIntendo in my opinion. Mario Kart, whilst I'm sure it'll be amazing, is sounding very rushed and very limiting; I'd rather they put another 6 months to perfect the options and such and brought it out at xmas as their big xmas game!! And the whole storage and voice chat farce!! It's beginning to get frustrating! Nintendo has such an opportunity to take hold this generation and they are fucking up the really simple stuff!!!
  12. Grimsby? I'm from Grimsby Well I grew up in Immingham. Then moved to Grimsby after Uni (I live in Lincoln now) though work in Grimsby. Anyways, I just can't see Rock Band being the same price on the Wii. I just can't see it!! I'm disgusted at this though, I may not get it at all and stick with Guitar Hero. Games Developers/Publishers are really beginning to piss me off
  13. I'll still probably get it for the Wii anyway as I'm not a massive online fan and can live without the DLC, but it's the principal! Wii version better be cheaper!!! I just wish Nintendo fans were treat the same as all the other fans. It's a kick in the teeth and they're talking out of their arse blaming Nintendo. Hasn't stopped other people - a poor excuse!!! PS What part of Lincolnshire are you from Aero?
  14. Really fucking annoying as I'd rather get the Wii version!! The 360 version will blatantly sell the best and they will use that figure to prove it won't sell well to a Wii audience - "Too hardcore". How times do we have to see to these wanker developers "GIVE WII THE SAME FUCKING VERSION AND THEN WE'LL SEE WHICH SELLS BEST!!!!!!!!" Winds me up!!!!
  15. It's a fair comparison flameboy. As a multiconsole owner the only one I'm getting is Mario Kart. I think a Halo will happen, GTAIV will sell more in the short term, but Mazzkart will prove have longer and better legs. Or I could be wrong and GTA destroy every god damn record under the sun!!!
  16. I'll be Spurs and I will destroy everyone in my path! I am unstoppable with Spurs - I just know the team so well, it's strengths, weaknesses, everything. My only with this game is that defending is one of my strong points in footy games - getting my defender in front of the goal, perfect slide tackles; I'm frustrating to play against. All this control is now gone......gulp!!! Still confident of trouncing you guys though PS I'm just starting the banter early!
  17. People are talking cack A little bit of light and it goes haywire!!??? WHAT? This is so much bull it would only go haywire if the sun was directly in front of you, but then you couldn't see!! The wiimote is infinitely better than a control bad, way more responsive for this type of game! Saying the clunky control pad would be better is as much in denial as Wii owners saying PS3/360 graphics aren't much better. And what has the tech being done before got anything to do with it being intuitive? The wiimote is WAY more intuitive than a control pad, hence ANYONE being able to play with it!!! Trust me, I have all three consoles, I have just completed Uncharted and have played through Crackdown and gears of war etc and using the wiimote for Scarface or Resident Evil 4 is INFINITELY better, more accurate and intuitive than a control pad. And don't even get me started on FPS's!!!!!
  18. Comparing which games people prefer, what's wrong with that?
  19. How could you hate using the wiimote? Too accurate for you? To intuitive? It's pretty slow yeah, when you're used to instant aiming it feels a bit dated.
  20. Cheers Dwarf. And when I say the first 2, I mean the birds eye view games. not the first 2 3d games
  21. The aiming is just slow, there was SO many times I was thinking about the wiimote and how awesome it would be (and I wouldn't have died nearly as many times). I really liked the game, something a bit missing though; the platforming sections were amazing, and the shooting stuff hit and miss; the puzzles were WAY too simplistic too. Oh and the jet ski bit really did my head in too, it just wasn't fun! To do it I had to go insanely slow and pop people off from a distance, I just wanted to bomb straight through with bullets just missing me!!! The upstream bit was better though, not much, but better.
  22. Grand Theft Auto is one of the most over-rated game series out there (maybe second to Halo!); I loved the first 2 and was excited by the 3rd but extremely let down! Mario Kart on the other hand never fails to be awesome!! In my opinion of course (really hate having to put this epilogue after giving an opinion; it's the only way you don't get lynched on these boards nowadays)
  23. The PS3 version is BETTER!?!? That's a first isn't it? Really may get this then
  24. SO I can play American PS3 games? I've played Burnout on 360 and thought it was pretty good fun. What other PS3 games would you recommend? I have ratchet, hated DMC4 and also have Motostorm. There aren't really any other games I want. Orange Box but heard it's better on 360.
  25. Is the PS3 version identical to the 360 version?
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