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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. What do you mean forced? And what is afaik? I've got the new model, 40g. PS Does anyone want to swap Uncharted for Burnout?
  2. My copy didn't arrive on Saturday! Damn Jesus and his Smash ruining ways!! This HAS to be here tomorrow though! Can't wait. Shame as me and my housemates had a gaming day on Saturday so would have been awesome for it!!!
  3. June isn't that far away though. I get the feeling we aint hearing anything from Nintendo till E3 which is in July!!! It really makes no sense for Nintendo to delay Brawl this long, but I can see it happening!!
  4. I really can't wait for this game!! Annoyingly I'm away this weekend, hopefully it'll get delievered on Thursday so I get SOME time with it. Then the week after I will be playing this and Smash Bros SOLIDLY!! Don't know what I'm going to do when mario Kart is out too!!!
  5. It wasn't in the DS version! It'd be good but I aint that bothered. But the Wii version DOES accumlate the wins and losses in a single session doesn't it?!?! It better, this would anger me way more than the Grand Prix thing!
  6. This BETTER come out for the Wii or I'll be seriously pissed off. I really liked Secret Rings and the "next gen" Sonic was a joke! For Sega to screw Wii owners now would be a kick in he ear! Anyways, LOOKS amazing and hope for some more on-rails platforming action!!
  7. My big worry is that for us Europeans Smash Bros is going to be our big game and we'll have to wait till next year for this big game!! I really hope I'm wrong on this and Smash comes out early summer. Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong all sound amazing! Plus Pikmin, Wii motor sports, 1080, Waverace, Fzero and Pilotwings for next year!!! And then Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda for the year after that?!? I could handle that
  8. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Yeah I'm excited for it too; need to do more exercise And my girlfriend can't wait. Just wish there was an opporutnity to downlaod future aerobics and yoga programmes...... Does anyone know how many aerobics sessions are on it? And Yoga?
  9. So to summarise?!?!?!??! Does the update block anything? What are people on about using the freeloader to play PAL games - why do we need to do this?!?! As a side note Nintendo really are beginning to take the piss with Brawls release aren't they? It's blatantly going to be the big xmas release for us!!
  10. You've never been able to to Grand Prix in 4 player! And you couldn't do grand prix in multiplayer on the DS version. I don't know what peoples objection to it is!!!
  11. They don't, we've known for ages they don't! Get used to it
  12. You're joking me! So it's pretty useless already? I guess I better finish No More Heroes and get some playtime out of Smash before I update again! Prob with Mario Kart!!! Come on datel sort it out!
  13. If this is real and for the 360/PS3 I will be fucking disgusted with Sega; the game was shot for the 'netgens' and secret rings was a really good take on Sinic and sold over a million copies. If they use that success and make the game for the PS3/360 they are just shitting in the mouths of Wii owners!!!
  14. I HATE hearing people playing online, most people are complete morons it winds me up. It's something that doesn't bother me whatsoever. Chatting with friends is okay, but generally it's a huge NO-NO for me!!!
  15. Fuck battle mode! Whats this about single races only? I guess it's like Mario Kart 64, where you just race until you get bored or whatever and keeps track of your wins and losses - it keeps tracks of your wins and losses right?
  16. I thought Jamba was just on about DLC in general and not WiiWare!
  17. AAArgh!!!! What the fuck!!! What about Saturday? I can't wait til Tuesday!?!? I wish I ordered the freeloader and Smash when the fl was first announced but I bottled it! That'll teach me to have glass patience, rather have none at all!!!!!
  18. Sorry I really should read over what I've typed afterward Basically I'm looking to invest some money in a game being developed for Wii Ware as a starting point to continue the development through a game department of my film company (we're called Blueprint: Film, so Blueprint: Game; or something like that.). I don't have LOADS of money though I could invest 10-20k; though I'm really good at funding and have a great relationship with Screen Yorkshire who fund game development. Just wondered if anyone knew anything here or even where to go, or to ask......
  19. As a side note does anyone know much about game development? Especially Wii Ware, how much does a game cost to make and about indie developers licensed by NIntendo (o r is it project based). I have a film company and I'm thinking of investing into a game for Wii are ready to step up a game branch of the organisation. It's something I'm serious about, we could even do lots of filming, motion-cap, CG for the project - and obviously chief game tester If anyone knows anything I'd love to know more,,,,
  20. Yeah definitely; hopefully should be here by Friday, shipped yesterday from VGP (Canada) so I'll be having a weekend on it. Have you already got it? Getting the much needed practice
  21. Why is that him being an asshole (arsehole?)? Isn't that just their strategy, why does that make them tell everyone go fuck themselevs. Maybe they want the attention on Wii Fit, Smash and mario kart!!!
  22. Freeloader received. Smash and No More Heroes disapatched; unbearable excitement for their delivery ensues. Brilliantly me and my housemates are having a gaming weekend; hopefully they'll like Smash, they they may not We'll see!!!
  23. Fastest selling game for Nintendo of America - EVER!!!! 1.4m copies in a week! http://www.gonintendo.com
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