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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. I know what it is in real life, though I thought it was dipping your balls in a girls mouth - dipping into the wet! Just didn't know what it was in the gaming world! Same thing it seems
  2. Sorry, I meant whats it like using US servers to play online in UK
  3. Whats online in America like in UK? I'm pretty tempted, DEFINITELY getting NMH, unsure about Brawl!! Prob gonna wait for the UK version, though I think I could prob sell US version for what I bought it for when the UK version is out. But then all the things I've un;ocked......hmmmm.......seriously, how annoying is it changing the discs? I had a cube freeloader but I also had a NTSC cube so never really used it!!!!
  4. I'll take it Noodle, PMd you. So just to clarify. The freeloader is fool proof, idiot proof, update proof and most importantly Nintendo proof? If I buy one I can play NMH, Smash and any US game?!?!?!
  5. I think mat meant if you're just using the wiimote do you use the dpad not when its in the wheel! And Mat, BOTH use tilt tech!
  6. Yeah I will, need to kill some germans after spurs losing on penalties!
  7. I go with the soul theory The game probably does get better when you get good at it, but I suppose the game doesn't want me to keep playing!! I have too many other games that I'd rather play. Maybe if I didn't have so many games I would really get stuck into it, but nah!!!
  8. Are people allowed to be happy in this thread?
  9. It's alright, very well put together, looks great but it's just a hack and slash! Very cinematic too but it just aint doing it for me, Uncharted on the other hand..... I'm very excited about Ratchet too!
  10. Am I the only one who really thinks this game oozes mediocrity? It's so generic I may lose a kidney if i keep playing it!! Glad I'm swapping it for ratchet and Clank!!
  11. Surely if people are reviewing it they have the final version no?!?! It is worrying as there really is no need for it to be slow!! God, if you don't want the gerneral game faster than add another cc!!!!
  12. Don't know, some stupidly posh hotel and going to the Eden project - all text book stuff What's the gaming club? Where's it held and what games? Sounds pretty cool!!! Smash and Pro evo? Now you're just showing off PS So defensive controls are still pretty bad then?
  13. I swear it's gone "Since it takes a wile for the blue boost, it pretty much eliminates snaking" Is that a good thing for you guys or a bad thing?
  14. Next gen they'll have wii mote-esque controllers and it'll be better for them, I keep wishing I was playing it on the Wii, I truly would take lesser tech but with Wii controls!!! Anyways, the game is brilliant so that's all that matters, the screen tearing gets annoying as it happens quite a lot. If you've watched the making of doc, every time it goes to game footage the screen tears a lot doesn't it? That's what it does occasionally when I play - does this really not happen with anyone else?
  15. There IS NO snaking in Mario Kart Wii. The corner boost is done by just holding rather than waggling, it's timed, so if you're pressing jump/skid/whatever then it times it!!! Confirmed in reviews; particularly the review I'm holding in my hand in ONM.
  16. No, I mean it's insanely loud, not very well designed and feels like it could fall apart at any moment
  17. Bit of a bargain that! Much better value now though not as much of a bargain as people think, still need to pay £50-£60 to make it wireless!!!! And the arcade is not even worth considering.Alright though, still possibly the worst construction of a console I've ever owned though!
  18. You people are never happy I's a good review, they said the wheel is better than classic or GC pad, and also that bikes are awesome!!! They also say the online is just incredible with its options, but we all knew that!! Seriously, this game is just going to be amazing! Smash what?!?!?!?
  19. Yeah, I'm really enjoying the game, but the controls are so cumbersome, the wiimote would be amazing to play this game!!!
  20. 94% in ONM!! Make it sound amazing
  21. Trust me Jamba I read all your post and I thought what you said was ridiculous, or am I not allowed to say that? Am I also not allowed an opinion? I explained why I thought it was ridiculous, isn't that okay? Anyways, first review seems positive so that's great.
  22. Another 90%, Gamesmaster this time. I'm convinced this game is going to be incredible now!!! So long to wait, and annoyingly I'm away all that weekend in Cornwall, it's my girlfriends mums 60th birthday so we're doing.....I don't actauly know, but I'm not here to play pro Evo which is the important bit of information!!!!! Why hasn't yesteryear come back and blogged his play time!?!? Am I the only one waiting for his return?!?!
  23. Yeah they're both under warranty Owen. I have had a lot of problems with Sony products as I know a lot of people have. And it is no coincidence that this happens as soon as I get the PS3 when Ive had the Wii and 360 for over a year!! But yeah, I'm not saying it's a major fault or anything, but just really annoying!! I just think calling me a fucking gimp because I have a plasma TV is the sign of someone being a bit of ****!
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