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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. I prefer this to Halo Couldnt get on tonight, couldnt connect to the servers like ironflame Try again tomorrow
  2. Same here, my girlfriend came in and made me get off (though by the best way possible ) Definitely play more though, you're good player
  3. I'm in a base deathmatch! Search for it, theres about 5 of us in there. If not we could do a new one - your call
  4. I think the Wiis better value than the 360 but not as good as the PS3 is my honest opinion. Does that make me a fanboy? I've said things could be better but I guess I just don't give a shit as much as you guys; all I was saying that the slating the guys get, they deserved a bit of applause for what I feel is two really good releases!! But I'm not allowed to say that....... And I agree, I WOULD love Zelda to be in HD and amazing graphics, I guess I'm just not that bothered it isn't and still found the game to be more beautiful than most 360 games!! The thing you have to realise, is that Nintendo simply COULDN'T do the console you want. Nintendo were in absolute shit the last gen, which isn't long ago at all. People were tipping them to bow out all together. Nintendo HAD to release a cheaper console to get people to buy it, they HAD to try something completely new and get new gamers because they cimply couldn't compete in the business. AND IT WORKED!!!!!! If Nintendo did what Sony and MS did they wouldn't have sold many consoles (or games), simple as that. Nintendo did what they had to do, and succeeded beyond everyones imaginations!! I think they should be applauded for that. But then I guess that makes me a fanboy..........
  5. And I admitted I'm a fan too? - aren't we all? Why are we all part of a Nintendo forum if we're not. If fanboy - please tell me, what does this mean!!! And I never compared us to Sony and MS? Someone else did and I commented on it - am I not allowed an opinion? Please tell me why because we don't agree you have to call me a fanboy - I do not understand the mentality of this; but then I was past my teens a long time ago
  6. Massive fanboy? What does this even mean, it seems to be used in a negative way as a kind of last ditch insult when people have no debate left. But what the fuck does it mean really? Am I a Nintendo fan? Yes. Is it blind? No; it's based on YEARS of genius! But thats a different point. The Wii ISN'T just a powerful Gamecube though is it? It's all about the motion sensing controllers, it's all bout the new channel system and BUILT IN WIFI!!! Speaking of built in wifi, I bought a 360 and had to pay an EXTRA £60 to make it wireless!! Bargain that is. The pS3 is GREAT value for money, the 360 is THE worst built console I have ever owned and I have owned pretty much every single one - the Jaguar and 3di were both better built!!!! But again that wasn't my point either - it's common in psychology that when someone can't win an argument they resort to arguing about something else (as a side note this ALWAYS happens in relationships, keep your eye on it). Could Nintendo treat us better? Of course, but people on here are fucking brutal!! PS To be honest, it was meant to be a light heart, slightly more positive thread; rather than the usual bullshit negative crap that gets posted in EVERY....SINGLE......THREAD!!!!
  7. A premium price for a slightly more powerful gamecube? Huh? Firstly ho is £180 a premium price? And secondly what the fuck is it being slightly more powerful gamecube got to do with the Wii - THAT'S NOT ITS POINT!!!!! Slag the DS for being barely more powerful than the N64 too if I was you.......!
  8. Trauma Centre isn't anything to do with Nintendo is it?!?! Also with Microsoft - one they don't make as many games as Nintendo. And two, they have no market in Japan so translating the game for western audience is WAY more of a priority and prob done simultaneously!!
  9. Good one James. Also you have to think about supply issues - this game is going to sell a million copies in a week wherever it launches - JPN, USA, EUROPE. Simple as that. Maybe Nintendo can't that many (as well as all the other games they have to). Maybe they want to release the game, make sure they can supply enough until it evens out, then release in the next territory, demand levels out release in the last territory - viola!!! Better than releasing a few hundred thousand in all territories at the same time probably is a shite strategy!!!
  10. EDIT. DCK, we said exactly the same thing
  11. Fuck I am on my own I guess I just don't really care about the releases as much as you guys!! Though I think it's hilarious how you slag off NoE not advertising, release dates etc. Do you really think they have much say about these things? They get a budget and get told when that game can come out!!! It's Nintendo whatever region we're talking.
  12. You can join a friend mid race, watch them finish that race and then join in the next!?!?!?!? What an awesome idea!!! This is going to be amazing - please, please please let this be the start of an amazing online service Nintendo - a separate channel is a great step forward, extra content, text chat - but just a little more please AND IT'S ALL FREEEEEEE!!!
  13. I guess I really am the only one impressed with NoE at the moment! I can just see how difficult it would be to translate Brawl, I would rather they gave us a release date and stuck to it than keep delaying and delaying (which I know they have done!) We will get Brawl before the summer!!! And on a personal note, I much prefer Mario Kart (and need Wii Fit ) hee hee They'll announce Brawl for this friday tomorrow, I can feel it.........
  14. Oh for fuck sake.......... I applaud you Nintendo! I'm not apologising though because I never bitched in the first place!!!
  15. This is AMAZING news!!! I really thought it was going to come out at xmas!!! All the people who slag off NIntendo - I mean, the first 6 months are going to be insanely impressive - Wii Fit, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Wii Ware..... I just can't wait to see what nintendo have for us for xmas!!! BIG things ahead!!!
  16. This is for all you people (my eyes on you Owen ) who constantly moaned about NoE - no, moaning is too polite, viciously ripped them apart, questioned their skill, integrity and intelligence. I think they deserve an apology and a small round of applause with the Mario Kart and Wii Fit news (please no one bring up Brawl) - credit where credit is due!!!
  17. Kav have you changed the settings of all the sensitivity's and turn speeds?
  18. He's blatantly mocking the idiots that say such things. The game is incredible!!!
  19. I have Ghost Squad, Res Evil and Lego Star Wars and I would say the best co op game out of them is most definitely Umbrella Chronicles!
  20. Batallion Wars is VERY strategic, but you CAN also just go for an all out attack (though likely lose ) It's a great game and I can only imagine who much fun online is. Does anyone know if this game has LAN?
  21. I'm going on now if anyone wants a game, I'll create a room called N Europe com as usual
  22. Nah I don't care, you're always cool on these boards I knew you were just saying what you thought, which is the whole point so thats great. And yeah a great short game is better than a dull long one; chatting with my mate about CoD 4, and I think it's genius is almost the fact it is so short - it's intense for pretty much the whole game, now if that went on longer than eventually it would dire, but at the end you're left after going through a real experience!! Saying that, it was still painful to play on a control pad after the joy that was Metroid (thank god I did Bioshock before Metroid)
  23. Sorry to start an argument guys I was just saying that in my opinion both games I really couldn't get in to Anyways, it boils to one FACT that no one can argue with. The 360 is over rated and the Wii is under rated
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