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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Medal of honor 2 a 5/10 is ridiculous, the game is great. Its pretty generic, doesnt look amazing but the controls make it so much fun to play and online works really, really well. I keep saying it, but after playing metroid and even more-so this, playing a pad is very clunky and frustrating!
  2. Anyone else got this? For £17.99 I'm tempted but wondered what everyone thought? Is it still fun yesteryear?
  3. Thanks Bard, I'm on a research frenzy with the play so that's great. As for Godot, I've seen it a few times, and although it is fantastic to watch, like all Beckett's I just refer reading them!
  4. It would take me a long time I will give you lots of info on it in a couple of months if you want. And it will undoubtedly be performing at the crucible in Sheff if that's where you live (I live an hour away from Sheff and worked with a few companies). PS Very quickly the play deals with a guy who suffers from solipsism and at the point of failure lives through his life to find the excuses/reasons for his failure changing, manipulating and losing control of his memories. It's called Laminated because it's about the things we can look at but not truly touch (it's the main visual and language motif). Similar plays? Spleandour I suppose. It's contemporary in it's style but it's heavy on language (the guys a writer) and storytelling, so quite traditional in that sense. There's also a bit of puppetry in there (there's an allegorical children's story that he never could write (his masterpiece))
  5. A new play I've been writing for a long time called 'Laminated'; it's been confirmed and accepted by the Arts Council and is going into production next month ready for a tour in the summer! Though July is too early for it Oh well, sounds like it will be fun though.
  6. So what's the plan? Meeting in London in the summer? I'll be up for that. My new play is touring the UK in the summer/autumn, if it's on I could get every one free tickets if you fancied a night at the theatre
  7. Edited But yeah, can't wait till it comes out
  8. I'll add you both. What times best for you? I'm guessing you're getting the game on the 17th Maase?
  9. I know theres an online board but everyone other than the mods think it's shit. I believe in democracy and it seems the people want to create online matches in the wii (or DS) board. So here it is, the thread that will inevitable be deleted Anyways, the games out, the games online is great and I would love to play with/against all you guys on here who have the game so if anyways up for a game today then lets sort it (not a fan of playing complete randoms) My nation username is darrenleebolton Hopefully get a good game going today! Lock the room and just have us!
  10. Mii's is such an amazing thing, I'm really happy this mode is in and I think all games should do this when and where possible; it's just a lot of fun, everybody who plays wii sports loves the fact they are playing as themselves. Also, when I get a football game I inevitably create my own team of all my footballing mates - just changing the names and hair colour! Actually creating a team of them in miis?!?!? Genius!! I do wish however that you could put singular miis in proper teams but i understand that, however much it would fulfill my dream of playing for Spurs, it would look ridiculous!! As a side not, there has never been a game I have been this excited and nervous about!
  11. anyone up for a game now? Played one level of the game and it seemed really good, yeah it's basic but the controls make it SO much more, the controls are really incredible. I was expecting it to be really good, but I was surprised how fluid they really are. Online is flawless so far. Really good fun, would be much better when we all geta game going in a locked room. I suppose my only niggle would be that I would prefer an option where you just have timed deathmatch games rather the constant in and out way of doing it, like the feeling of partaking in a match and see who wins!!
  12. I didn't know it took that long? I thought it was good that the releases were more staggered, there was a lot of games at xmas and we needed stuff in the new year.
  13. Sounds great; Ive got some makeup artists coming tomorrow night, have to entertain them But I'll get away (long days shoot sat so good excuse) and then crack into the game. Really looking forward to it. Are the controls better than Prime 3?
  14. I decided to start the level again and did it very quickly I just couldn't sit there for 10 mins bashing it with a hammer and I knew how to do it! Do you know how to get the frog down now? I'll tell you if you what? The game is amazing though. One thing, maddy who goes getting treasure, I don't really understand it. Does he just get you pieces as an extra or does he find new levels for you?
  15. Yeah it has energy but surely you can whack the icicle in it and hammer it for an MUCH quicker way.... I'll just hammer it to death then
  16. I'm fucking struggling on the ice block level. Now I think I need the icicle (to the smash it in with the hammer) but I broke the icicle earlier, is it possible for me to still finish the level? Dont want to waste EVEN more time if I can't even finish it!!! Oh and the game is amazing! (Unless I need the icicle!)
  17. Whats that got to do with Medal of Honour? I thought we establshed it DOES have online mutliplayer! So people who have the game how is it? Play havent even posted mine yet so cancelled it and hopefully Tesco will have it cheap in the morning. Multiplayer session tomorrow night? What modes are there?
  18. Can't wait to get some reviews on this; isn't it out in japan very soon? Come on Famitsu!!
  19. Mii support is awesome news!! I hope this game is incredible, has amazing multiplayer support and the online is awesome! I don't know, Nintendos relcutance to not release a headset is still baffling to me, and the hardrive but thats a different matter. I just want them to explain it to me and it make sense and none of this kids playing and fridge analogy bullshit!!!
  20. Fair enough, I actually like the sweet spots, very satisfying when you quick fire 3 shots into 3 zombies sweet spots. I was just pleasantly surprised by it all I guess and think it's great
  21. Umbrella Chronicles is awesome! And why the hell are you comparing it ro Res Evil 4!!??
  22. I'm well up for joining in a game. Hopefully my copy will arrive on Friday (ordered through play). Shooting a music video all weekend so Friday is good for me! (even though I should be prepping)
  23. I really wasn't bothered about the lack of blood......until i saw that. That is shit!!! Have they ever given a 'good' reason for cutting the blood?
  24. Fair enough. I think they're incredible and if they're not more accurate than KB+M then they are WAY more immersive. I can pull shield of pirates and open doors all day long with those controls......
  25. Cheers Davey, forgot this was EA Nation, got an account setup already from Fifa. Sounding good, so we can definitely have some N-Europe action on the go! Going to order it now then
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