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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Can I ask a question at the risk of sounding stupid? WHAT THE HELL IS FINAL DESTINATION!? Why are people talking about it? I just don't understand?
  2. To be honest the game does look amazing, I can't wait to give it a go. Going to be very interesting! I'm dying for it to blow away the competition and become the new standard of football game!!! PS As an aside, is there away for there to be the simple game of football that normal pro evo has AND this! So anyone can play but when you get better you can experiment with the added dimension of moving places into space and passing into space?
  3. You DO NOT need the cursor at all. I was very surprised with that, pleasantly so; but I accidentally turned it off and I got a great score, you miss occassionally obviously but it just makes it more realistic. It is VERY accurate!
  4. Steggy but I think you argument is beyond flawed and a limiting view on things. I'll give an example. Say....Mario Kart. 95% of the time the game runs perfectly and is the most intense amazing, exciting game you could imagine. 5% of the time at points where most racers on the screen at the same time, firing weapons and trackside detail it slows down a little. Now are you saying the game should be less frantic (and thus amazing) just so it NEVER slows down?
  5. I think this game is aweomse to be honest - stupidly short but it's a game you really want to keep playing through, multiplayer is great, the levelling up is great, th extra weapons and costumes are great - everythings pretty great for a chepa game. Love it. Plus, the game is INFINITELY better with the Wii Zapper too Is Party mode simply the game but for 4 players?
  6. How many games do you play? I have over 30 games for the Wii, I don't have enough time to get bored!! I don't understand and you seem to contradict yourself slightly, saying you want new experiences yet liking the 360 because, although the games may not be up to Nintendo's standards, they are still games.....huh?! Anyways, each to their own, the Wii will do me just fine for this generation and I'll play the 360 for certain games, as my 2nd console
  7. How tall are you nightwolf, for it to be a problem? Thats pretty sad that it could affect your life. Probably insecure guys and jealous girls. My problem is that when I''m single I miss the companionship and when I'm in a relationship I wish I was single The problem is my work, which not many people understand (I'm overly passionate about it) and also I guess I want them to understand that my career is what's important and that I can't give the time or my full attention to the relationship (not that I'm not loving). I also get bored VERY easily, I like people to challenge me, excite me, inspire me........
  8. I f*cking hate comments like "Gamers NEED another console with the Wii". This is so small minded!! You're basically saying if you've just got a Wii you're not a real gamer. This attitude really grates me. And how many times are we going to have this debate about games? What more do you want? I actually have a 360 and I NEVER play it! Shit, guess that means that I'm not a gamer even though I've been playing games LONGER than you've been alive, but that means nothing because I don't like the 360. And the fact that I've owned pretty much EVERY computer/console/handheld means shit too because I prefer the Wii for multiplayer and even *gasp* single player games. Seriously, anyones who's played Metroid and can play halo/orange box/bioshock without wishing the games weren't on the Wii doesn't care for gameplay! But do you see me going on xbox forums and saying how crap the games are and the wii is better.......? For me Zelda, Metroid and Mario are better than ANYTHING on the PS3 and 360! And the wii controls add a lot to that!!!
  9. FUCKING GET IN THERE!!! What a night and what a performance. We were easily the better team in the first leg, easily the better team at the effeminates and finally we got what we deserved - we humiliated them! And yes, they can fuck off with the kids statement! You were hardly missing any players you could have started with! We were simply incredible! Can't wait to go to Wembley now
  10. I love Pro Evo and am kind of excited by this; but I know it's only going to be good in promise for future versions. I'm sorry but a game which doesnt let me pass or shoot how I want to just isn't going to do anything but annoy me. The passing and movement will be incredible I'm sure, but I just know I'm going to find it all frustrated and a missed opporutnity!
  11. Who has said Ghost Squad is bad? I've only read really positive thinsg about it. I have ordered today - GHOST SQUAD and GEOMETRY WARS. I will get Zack and Wicki soon (probably friday ) and Nights when it is cheap.
  12. I was just going to get Ghost Squad and get Zack and Wicki as soon as I've finished Metroid and Mario; but with Geomoetry Wars at £17.99 (where is it that price?) then I may pick that up too!!!
  13. It's 100% confirmed, the press release has been released. Sam and Max is definitely coming to the Wii!!!!!
  14. Yeah it's crazy isnt it. I want them all but only getting Ghost Squad. I have LOTS of games to play through and I need to play through them first; made a promise to myself and my girlfriend. Ghost Squad is very short and a multiplayer game. You see, to rationalise buying games my philosophy in 2008 is that I will get one player games when I've finished my others and I will get every multiplayer game I want because that wo't be left on the shelf. The flaw in that argument is that I want Zack and Wicki more than I want this lump to go away, my girlfriend encourages me to buy the games and that I'm officially addicted to buying games!! I have serious problems!
  15. The game is definitely coming out in the the UK as Pro Evolution. I'm very excited by this game, could be absolutely incredible, or it could be a bit of a mess. Hopefully the former and completely changes the way football games are played in the future. Stupidly ambitious!
  16. Now Ghost Squad is coming out on the 18th Jan that will be mu next game. I really want Zack and Wicki and Geometry Wars (even Nights) but Ive made a promise to myself that because I have TOO many games to play through I'm only buying mutiplayer games until Ive completed some - then Zack and Wicki will be mine!!!!
  17. I'm positive that the passing is automatic, you point to where you want to pass and it decides (depending on length of pass) if it's a high or low one. Hopefully they'll change it, we'll see. I just don't understand why they couldn't do it so if you press A it's on the floor and if you press A and B it's a long pass! Simple!
  18. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Mario Party DS is easily outselling this game in Japan, maybe Wii Fit isn't going to be as big a hit as everyone anticipates. I'm still looking forward to it!
  19. My only problem is you can't decide if you do a low or high pass, to me this is insane! I don't care if defenders are in the way, you can still thread a pass through them on the floor. Also, how do passes work really far up the field where you can't point to on the screen - Tom Huddlestone does this all the time The potential for this game is phenomenal, I just feel it'll be so limiting the first time around!
  20. DazzeL - they can you're right, gears of war os an average game made better because of the atmosphere - but for me, games are about PLAYING, so making the way we play more emmersive is MUCH MUCH better than the visual emmersion (bar a few choice games) - so for me, I would prefer to play most games on the wii than 360/PS3! And the online mode is co-operative, so you join a hunting pack with friends and go around and kill monsters together. SOunds great PS Please don't shoot me
  21. This is a great game in my opinion, I have always loved Olympics games and this is one of, if not the best. Most of the events are great with only a couple of duff ones and some average. There's LOTS of content for one player, but obviously multiplayer is just awesome. And the game is the most tiring I have ever played!! It's the knackering equivalent to the blisters you got from playing skat or die with the nes pad!!! The online leaderboards is a bit disappointing as the best thing it could do is missing - comparing scores with friends - ridiculous!!!!!
  22. I am so impressed with this game, I was looking forward to it, but after all the reviews and some opinions I thought it was going to be lacking. But god it isn't - I've been playing co-op with my girlfriend all the way through the third chapter - it stops you from going any further until you do the one player Wesker and Rebecca missions (I'm presming Ive not done it yet). Also started one player on hard but only did the first 2 levels from zero. Anyway, the game is amasing, it LOOKS amazing, the atmosphere is stunning and the pace is great - I love the slow bits, I love how hard it is and I love the atmosphere. It's just a great game. And yes, shit with the zapper (which I like) as the waggling and relaoding is too awkward.
  23. Oh my God the camera is pure genius - my brain hurts thinking anyone can think it isn't. There have been a handful of times I personally got disorientated, but I dont really think the camera could be much better!
  24. And this is the bloodless Japanese version Now we people stop moaning about it
  25. Fucking get in there Spurs We are pure entertainment. Keane scored the most goals in 2007, we've scored more goals this season than anyone else!! Get Ramos to sort ourdefence out and we're going to be awesome. And gunners are going down in the cup, we deserved to win in the league with an absolute makeshift team, we'll have our proper team and against the overrated goon youngsters - EASY EASY EASY EASY!!!!!!!
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