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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Bloody hell, the small minded racist has come out in a few people posting here; based on absolutely zero facts - THIS IS THE FUCKING DAILY MAIL PEOPLE!!!!!! The Daily Mail is the biggest load of bullshit with zero credibility, a sensationalist right wing pile of fucking tripe!!! I hate calling this a race crime any more than I hate it when a white person beats up a black person - it's all fucking sick and doesn't have anything to do with race; it's just violence either way!
  2. Looks fantastic; but no way is that the Wii version.....
  3. Wii HD will be the name of their next console. I think Wii is the name for the future now, similar to ipod. There's a lot of casual games out and 3r parties have the casual game developing bug. Nintendo don't need to concentrate on them because others are doing it for them; they need to push the AAA game more; and I think they will. Does anyone know when Rock Band is getting released?
  4. Does anyone know what the best options are for your PS3 display settings? I've just got everything on automatic and just wondered if it was worth tweaking around for better results - for both blu ray and game playback.
  5. 720p with HDMi. I may be going a bit over the top, it's not THAT bad, but the screen tears quite a bit; pretty annoying. No other game does it.
  6. Zelda will NO WAY be shown, WAY too soon. It'll be a final bow for the Wii I think. Would be nice, but seriously doubt it
  7. To be honest, I expect NIntendo to unveil some amazing games. Naive? Maybe; but I think Nintendo have played a perfect stratgey, get the casuals on board, release a few key franchises and then go for the gamers. Nintendo have the casual market nailed on, if they released some killer games than who wouldn't want a Wii? Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Starfox, 1080, Waverace, FZero, Mario Sports will all get new version over the next two years. Plus casual + hardcore games - Wii Music, Pilotwings, Wii Motor Sports. New IP like Disaster, Monoloith's new one, Nspace etc. Nintendo could destroy this year!!!! Next year release new Wii colours, Wii Sports 2 and voila competition truly destroyed
  8. Gone are days of the xmas rush - games are just big business all year round!! Crazy PS2 sales though....my brain can't comprehend it.......
  9. A game??!?!?! 'Game'? GAME - singular!!!?? I hope there are more than ONE game we want this xmas!!! If it's one game then it's blatantly Animal Crossing!!! We need to have AT LEAST three AAA games this xmas - Pikmin 3, AC and Kid Icarus would be a start!! Though Disaster better turn out incredible, wouldn't mind an FZero, some new IP's....... Nintendo, you have an opportunity to absolutely dominate this generation - don't fuck it up!!!!
  10. Uncharted is one of the most glitchy games I've played. I really like it, but god does it glitch every few seconds. Shame because it really breaks me out of the game when I see the screen tear and some pretty bad pop up!!!
  11. - Rubbing in between my toes with my socks on really hard - Pulling single strands of hair from my head - When I have a cold pushing my nose in as HARD as I can - When I play games I curl my toes over onto the floor and put my weight on them, causing ALL of my toes to have little bumps on them
  12. Awesome stuff, cheers guys Can't wait; not going to buy too many games though; games with more content (ala NMH) games that I just can't wait for (ala Smash Bros.) and absolute bargains!!
  13. I buy A LOT from play.com but If I wanted anything quickly I would NEVER buy from them. I ordered my pro evo from game for this very reason!! I've decided on getting the US version of this; I want to buy UK games, and I'm sure the lack of blood isn't a big problem, but by all accounts the OTT gore version IS better and that is good enough for me. And the US version only cost £25!!
  14. But there's no way of making a mistake with it? Also, does it play JPN games?
  15. Yeah, I'll pick this up when it's £20 or under.
  16. I wasn't actually asking which one sounds best, I have UC and know HotD very well; I was describing them and asking the guy who was asking which one sounded best, and then get that one I think UC is tense, I don't mean jump out of your seat scary, but it sets up a great, tense atmosphere.
  17. Hang on, what ghis inserting freeloader twice business? Whats that about? Also, whats with the update thingymabob? There's no way of fucking this up is there?
  18. dazzybee

    GTA IV

    I would love this game to be shit! I've always hated GTA games - well since they turned 3d anyway. I wanted to love it so much, I was really excited, but I find them infuriatingly overrated (like LotR films so I realise I'm in the extreme minority on these). But yeah, I would find it funny if it was shit. But it aint going to be, it's going to sell a billion copies and everyone's going to talk about it for years to come - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz. The multiplayer does actually sound good, I could be tempted by this, but I doubt it!
  19. UC is FAR superior to HotD 2 + 3, classier, more tense and varied, LOADS of reasons to keep playing, really good co-op. Saying that HotD is more unadulterated fun!! Which one of them sounds best? PS Get both!
  20. Yeah I did the same Tellyn; I was saying no way, I'll wait for Smash, loads of games and mario Kart coming whatever.....it was actually No More Heroes that did it for me, I just didn't want to play a censored version of it, deciding that how could I NOT get Smash too There is no locking whatsoever with Uk to US to JPN to EUROPE is there?
  21. Wish they released the unaltered version, just to see how sick it REALLY was. So is the game good fun Owen or really average? I'm tempted by it, especially when it's in a sale!
  22. Yeah, however much she does my head in I couldn't find anyone more suitable and can accept my geeky side My geeky side is kind of hidden to the rest of the world (not intentionally) so it must have beena surprise Though she loves games as much as me!
  23. To be fair shes probably more excited about Smash than me, I'm more excited by No More Heroes to be honest And I by her pressies all the time! Usually DS games Though she got me a factory sealed original Rob the robot for xmas Sealed until I opened it anyway........
  24. Freeloader = Bought No More Heroes = Bought Smash Bros. = Bought This means I've spent about £1,000 in 2008 already and have Pro Evo, House of the dead, Wii Fit and Mario kart preordered - gulp!!!!! This doesn't even cover the insane amounts of dvds and blurays Ive bought too!!!! and the weird thing is that my girlfriend has been encouraging me!!! Encouraging!!! That's not a good way to curb my spending!
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