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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. But the people cheating the system is so small, and again IT WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN!!!!!! Systems and laws are there to be broken and people will do it. People scamming disability allowance, people on here downloading games for the DS, or Music for the ipods - people do this shit all the time, I think it's hilarious and completely idiotic of people to use it against labour! Idiots! And fees for education, which most people are against, but may I just add that under the old system my sister couldn't go to University because she couldn't afford to go, my family earnt the middle ground figure, not low enough to get the grant and not enough to afford to pay for my sister. My year was the last year of the old system and I couldn't go to University either, I had to wait for the new, lambasted system and get a loan to pay for my fees and living cost. I could actually go to Uni, the first in my family, I got a first class degree in Drama and Writing and now am a pretty succesful writer and director in theatre and film, something I wouldn't be if I didn't get the training. Shit system? FUCK OFF!!! Now everyone can go to Uni! Not just the poor and the rich!
  2. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    I'm very disapointed in the 3rd step. I love the step ones and there's only 2, and one of them is irratatingly simple. The 2nd one is great, I was well excited to unlock the third an all it is is free step, you can do what you want whilst you watch the tele!?!?!?!?! Brilliant....... I want a stupidly long and fast step programme not do what I want!
  3. Dwarf, is that you admitting that maybe you were slightly harsh on the build up to the game getting released
  4. I can't help but notice on the 360 and PS3 Madden, Fifa and Tiger Woods have all had gameplay reels and trailers. But nothing has been mentioned on the Wii! These games are coming out right? Could be waiting for E3 to show them off maybe.....
  5. Also, ONM said they were going to unveil a balance board boxing game - a sort of Wii Sports Boxing type thing. Please be punch out!
  6. That's exactly what I was on about, I really think Nintendo are going to surprise us with a LOT of software! And Jamba, my example was pretty bad I admit The NES games were all completely different from each other! I was more on about time frames I suppose.....or the equivelanet to majoras Mask to Ocarina.....or the exapansion pack to Band Bros......any of those get me out of what I said?
  7. Jordan you are talking so much shit! How old was you befire Labour? Do you know much about world politics or the history of politics in this country! All governments lye, corrupt and spin! They always will. Partly for security, partly to keep people at ease, partly to keep themselevs in power. This isn't a new way of governing labour created. Tax the poor? Everyone's taxed, and although there's been some big errors I gernerally agree with tax in a big way, I have major socialist beliefs; I personally would be better off under the C's but I would rather live in a fairer society; remember under the C's the gap between the richest and the poorest was at its biggest - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. benefits to those who don't need it. Care to ellaborate? And I would suggest stop reading the Daily Mail. Stupid laws? What NEW laws have labour implemented then? Banning smoking? Best thing to happen to this country in my life time. Not enough prisons? Yeah, labours fault that, Good one. Too much illegal immigration, I would agree it is pretty high, but it's blown completely our of proportion. Also, is it labours fault that systems that were in place long before they got in power ended up biting them on the bum? Failing schools in some areas? I actually laughed at this. How despearte a critiscism is this? "Some" schools will always fail Generally, the schooling situation is greatly improved across the board. Conditions for teaching is a different matter though MSRA? Yup I remember, and things like that have never happened before. The NHS is a great thing and something I am very proud Britain to have, I think people need to look in the history books, or hospital services over the world. Is it perfect? Not by a strecth and hopefully will be improved greatly; but to attack labour for its poorness is either deeply unfair, or greatly uneducated. The typical British way is to be insanely pessimistic and irrationally cynical!
  8. People have short memeories if they hate Labour over conservative. Remember that people ONLY look at what governments do wrong, the nagtives, and although there is a lot to complain about; things would be a lot worse under the C's! A lot worse!
  9. Not a proper Mario sequel, but a Mario Galaxy 2, similar to the NES sequels. I think we could hear about it easily for E3. Or maybe I'm just hoping....
  10. I'm sorry Cube but when Matt said we'd see Mature Zelda NO ONE eblieved it and especially when it was announced - which he called; so although he spouts shit sometimes, lets give credit where it is due. He aint too bad. He said we'd see some mature games and within a month we say Deadly Creatures and Conduit. He said there was a Halo for DS which everyone condemned him for. What has he got wrong? The guy gets a bad wrap and I don't really know why. He's that sure there's a Kid Icarus so Id imagine there IS a Kid Icarus.
  11. dazzybee

    GTA IV

    Fuck off could it do the Kessel run in 12 parsecs! 20 tops!
  12. How many times do we have to tell you, NO ONE READS THE FRONT PAGE! We all just link straight to the forums I'm going with a MK Vs DC style game - Billy Hatcher Vs Starwars
  13. Yeah of course, but it's a HIDDEN image! Wouldn't be hidden if it was just a picture of the death star. Anyone see Chicken Little yet - or is it Billy Hatcher? Billy Hatcher 2 coming to the Wii!
  14. dazzybee

    GTA IV

    How am I? Do I not own all three consoles? Have I not owned every console in existence (pretty much). I don't like Nintendo out of blind loyalty; I just love excellence, innovation, fun, imagination. GTA4 (like most gaming experiences on PS3 and 360) as the same games we played last gen but with incredible graphics and physics. Yes some games utilise this to create unrivaled atmosphere and mood (Gears, Bioshock) but mainly I just feel bored. GTA4 is the same game I didn't like on the PS2 but with amazing graphics. Maybe the story will pick up and get me hooked, but so far it's same old same old and the same old is average personified! How does me not liking the same games as you make me a fanboy!? Tell me why I am, I'd love to know.
  15. I really liked Secret Rings too, best Sonic for YEARS!!! I loved how it kept its sense of speed with the motion controls, seriously enjoyed it! Looking forward to this, i have no doubt it will cream the "next gen" versions!
  16. Is nobody reading my message? I'm telling you, THAT IS THE DEATH STAR!!!!
  17. Probably too early, but I was thinking earlier - this is where NIntendo are going to unveil the 2nd half of the years line-up and tease us for next year. I also got thinking about Nintendo's casual push and comments from Iwata and Reggie saying Hardcore gamers WON'T be disappointed. I think there's going to be great 3rd part support from now, but it's the 1st party stuff which I'm sure will get us all excited. I've got a feeling we're going to be VERY surprised come E3 and expect something like this: Wii Music Pilotwings Kid Icarus New Retro Game Animal Crossing Pikmin 3 1080 (BB support) Punch Out (BB Support) Zelda announced to be working on, poss trailer Mario Galaxy 2 announced poss trailer F-Zero If all that was shown/playable would you think it was an incredible line-up! If not then what do you want to see? I also expect hard drive and voice chat announced and possibly a push for DS connectivity.
  18. This is amazing news, a lovely small white heard drive now please where we can play directly off it!! Aweosme if true. And tell Rock Band so we can have DLC!
  19. I can see chicken little with shades and a beret! Oh my god! How the fuck has no one seen it. Just realised what it is! It's the fucking deathstar! Notice the circle top left with the lines coming it of it! A starwars game, rogue Leader 3 by Factor 5... ...featuring Chicken Little!
  20. dazzybee

    GTA IV

    GTA always has and always will be THE most over rated game series in the history of videogames....bar the first two. So scrap the always has! All the 3d ones! This getting perfect scores and over taking games like Ocarina is a complete insult to class!
  21. Can you keep trying on the competition or do you get one cance?
  22. The lightning cloud is pretty funny to be honest Should only get it when you're in the lead though - do you slow and pass it on or do you shrink? Dilema. Or the cloud should make you go much faster so you can catch up to people to pass it on! I really don't mind all the assault you get on 150cc, for me that's Mario Kart, it can be frustrating, but it's fun still! I love the unpredictability of it all, and I don't care what people say, the best racers win out in the long run!
  23. I thought there was a matching service where it pits you against similar players?!?! How do you send a time trial to a friend?
  24. 7 of the top 10 are Wii games Crazy stuff!!! The Wii is just insanely popular! Long may it continue PS Great to see Mario Galaxy back in the top 40! Hope this game sells steadily throughout the lifespan of the Wii, it deserves to!
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