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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Oh....sorry about that. I don't think I get you though, does the ball go where you push or does it pass to the person closest to the direction you're pushing?
  2. Yey! So it was advertised! We've got our first 2 reviews up, both very positive *phew* I'll post them when the internet links are up! Why is it? It's not a tagline as such, it's the first line of the play, which is the first line of a book the main character wrote. We're in London on Thursday. A biggie for us as some important people are coming!
  3. They are adding in CC support yeah, and also a wiimote and CC co-op play too. Also much improved AI, better shooting and defending. For me there's LOADS they can do with it. Do you mean the right stick? I'll give that a go (I actually did this a couple of times by accident when playing) but it's still not the same as pointing to EXACTLY where you want the ball to go What can they add to the PS3/360 versions they CAN'T add to the Wii version? In theory?
  4. Having played both demos I think Pro Evo is the much better footballing game (though Fifas package is way more impressive), I've decided not to get any football game though, as Fifa Wii is meant to be shit, and the next gen games just frustrate me after Pro Evo Wii, players don't run where I want them to, my players don't pass where I want them to etc. Feels like going backwards; so I'll stick with Pro Evo Wii and just wait for 09 next spring
  5. Yes nando, this is what infuriates me. Or just because you are manmarking a player, the ball can be right next to you and he still won't get it!!! Argh!!! Improvement of the AI is the number one priority for me. Then we can talk about the shooting and defending
  6. Yeah, i didn't mean swords, I meant what s-e said about moving Dragon Quest 9 to DS, that they want to raise the profile of the series and thus put it on the biggest console. Either way, I'm glad both games are heading to Nintendos consoles.
  7. Ignore me if I'm being intrusive, but why'd you change your name? Interesting.
  8. Have you changed your username?! If so, why?
  9. Yeah, it sort of works, but not every button. MENU and EJECT being the annoying ones!
  10. Can't believe this game isn't getting more buzz here; I think it's looking better and better; one of the most original ideas I've seen in a while and THQ should applauded for their effort with this title. The new video on IGN is fantastic too; really, really excited about this game
  11. I can't believe this game hasn;t come out this Autumn, it's such an obvious game to come out now. It's one of the games I'm most anticipating
  12. Does anyone else have issues with the buttons? My eject doesn't seem to work as well as a few other buttons. Is there a way to sort this?
  13. I'm pretty sure one of the major reasons Capcom moved Monster Hunter to Wii was to try and get the game mega popular in the west.....or was that square enix with Dragon Quest?!?!
  14. So is this game coming out over here? It looks incredible and a passable alternative to Street Fighter 4.
  15. I thought he had more to do with the Wi version then he does the next gen ones.....hmm!!! Who knows!
  16. To be fair Maase is great! Makes me laugh anyway. Their shoukd be a random option, doesn't make sense not to; I personally wouldn't use it as I hate it; but I understand people really want it so they should incluide it. This game sounds amazing, and I'm sure we'll all have loads of fun on it. Are we looking at an xmas 09 release? Also, any news on this using wiispeak? Surely EVERY game should use that now?
  17. I really don't know what to think about this; taking out the GBA slot is lunacy for me it really is!! Why not keep it in, I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind the DSi being a bit bigger but with the slot still there; that means a LOT of people who already have DS's are going to either not get the dsi or get it but have to keep their lites because of GBA Slot games (Band Bros. exp pak, Guitar Hero, Tony Hawks Rumble etc etc). And then I think do I even want the dsi; bigger screens is good; but I have a digital camera and an ipod, I dont need the new stuff. However, the dsware sounds too good to pass up, will that be available for lites?! New games using the camera also sounds great. Personally I think Nintendo are playing the money game and not the gaming game. This feels likes somewhere in the middle of the old DS and the DS2 and thus is a very frustrating piece of hardware. In my opinion I'd rather they just fuck off the DS and do a DS2 with camera, music, video playback; 2 multitouch screens, both widescreen, tilt technology and the power of the Wii!!!!!
  18. The game looks amazing, but I don't know how you can think it will be big. In what way? It won't sell very well if that's what you mean. BIG as in amazing then I'm with you there
  19. This game looks incredible and will simply be the greatest football game there's ever been!
  20. Any updated impressions on this? I went to buy it but it was £35; so I'll buy it online; but Ive heard that you can't decide to pass it low or high which is just shit; so still wanna hear some thoughts about it. Another review here http://www.videogamer.com/wii/fifa_09/review.html 9/10. Great score again!! But theres aspects which sound a bit iffy!! Namely the controls!
  21. Is it easy to cretae levels? It sounds complex; or is it a simple case of the more time you put in the more complex they are, but you can still create fun levels pretty quickly? I love games like this, I don't even understand how the backdrops, items and characters are so varied - can you upload pictures and stuff? This is my most eagerly awaited game! PS Is it possible to create a football pitch and have a game? I mean what actually is and isn't possible?
  22. I know I know. My nephew is getting a Wii (just over 3) and he;s getting Wii music and I just know it will be an amazing title for him; the family can all play together (his 18 month brother can probably even join in); it will educate him on loads of different instruments and may even inspire him to want to learn one properly. I know this. I know it will be be fun with a group messing about occassionally. BUT for me, it could have been so much more. Why is the sound quality SO bad? Why is the song selection SO bad? Why can't it be a ryhtym game ASWELL as the improv toy approach? The game could be so much more, but is extremely limiting; and only turns older gamers away; when Nintendo want "everyone"; this game could have been for "everyone" but it's not! For me that is a shame! Anyways, wrong thread. So.....animal crossing...... Exactly the same game huh? BRILLIANT!!!!!!
  23. Okay, don't beat around the bush, stop being vague guys. Do you think this game is good or not?
  24. I'll defend Nintendo more than most; but Animal Crossing and Wii Music are the biggest dissapointments I've witnessed outside of supporting Spurs!! Seriously, I would say I think it's a joke but 1. People will say "But it's supposed to be a toy!!!!!!" Bollocks and 2. I'm getting both games so I'm a fucking moron!
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