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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Reminds me of this brilliant video that explains 3D World's level design genius. Worth a watch if anyone hasn't yet...
  2. I'll get a kicking for this, but I think Super Mario 3D World is the finest Mario game Nintendo have ever made. Galaxy was obviously outstanding but the ideas, variety and perfectly tuned level design in 3D World put it on another level for me. 3D platforming perfection IMO.
  3. I find stamps very clever and far more interesting and useful than meaningless achievements. The former is something that has a practical use in (another Nintendo innovation this gen) Miiverse, whereas trophies don't actually amount to anything but checkboxes on a list. Some sort of amalgamation of the two + rewards would be ideal , which sounds likely to happen on NX. Yes there are achievements in Miitomo. If you want ones you're more familiar with maybe wait until they release an NX game and not a mobile phone social app.
  4. I don't know if you're talking about me but I've never seen this behaviour you mention. Who's gushed over UI themes on a Nintendo console after slating them on a rival one? Or Mobile gaming? If anything, the opposite to what you say is true IMO. Nintendo get far less leeway on this board than Playstation/Xbox. If the Wii U didn't have folders, or home screen organisation, or friend popups, or an activity log then that'd account for another 50 pages of complaints and whinging on that console's thread, whereas those missing features on PS4 get barely more than shrugged shoulders.
  5. Not buying a console because it doesn't have achievements? Wow.
  6. Yeah it drains the iPhone battery like crazy. It's probably the most polished app I've seen from an animation/UI pov though so I'm not surprised. There's an option in the settings to conserve more battery but I'm not sure how much it'll impact performance.
  7. Loving this, very quick and polished. Good fun too, although how long that fun lasts remains to be seen. Smart move from Nintendo making this their first mobile app.
  8. Not quite as catchy as "Puzzle and Dragons Z + Puzzle and Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition"
  9. Can anyone tell me what impact linking to Twitter/Facebook has? Does it send out posts and tweets? One notification I'm fine with for word of mouth but will it spam the accounts any more that that? Or at all?
  10. I think the miitomo points ARE platinum points, they're just Miitomo branded ones as opposed to the generic ones that are also available. https://my.nintendo.com/about_point
  11. So we're not able to discuss rumours on here? Uncomfirmed reports didn't stop the internet (and this message board) exploding after the NX controller 'leaked'. Unlike that far-fetched story, it seems pretty much certain that Playstation will be releasing a PS4 that outputs 4K games sometime soon. Obviously we'll wait and see what the official story is, but I don't think it's such a crime to discuss the possibility now.
  12. This isn't a redesign, it's (supposedly) an upgraded PS4. I suppose you're right @Blade, if there's exclusive games that'll only run on the PS4k then the backlash will be warranted. It'll probably still push a big chunk of people to upgrade even if it only had 4K output. If Nintendo had announced a Wii HD two and a half years after the original's release, I doubt people would be as forgiving.
  13. I'm surprised there hasn't been more backlash that Playstation are releasing a new type of PS4 less than three years after the original.
  14. The inevitable comparisons are going to be unfair. Unless I'm mistaken and Witcher has you using a mirror shield to reflect rays of light onto patterned walls to open up doors in a dungeon. By all means compare the size of Zelda U's openworld to the one from Witcher, as long as people also compare the box of tricks like the above and general gameplay from one to the other as well. Having a huge openworld populated by fetch quests and dots on a map isn't the be all and end all of gaming, though it sadly seems to have become to most people these days.
  15. What about the gameplay itself? Is that just as embarrassing compared to a game released ten years later? Can you use this giant spinner to fly on rails from wall to wall to defeat a giant flying skeleton boss? Or clawshot your way around a temple suspended in the sky that you used a giant cannon to get to? They're very different games, Zelda is far more action based.
  16. Love it. Perfectly bite sized amiibo use, as usual.
  17. No one bought COD on Wii U, as I suspect no one will buy later FIFA, COD or Creed installments. I think what Serebii is suggesting about funding exclusives similar to what they did with Bayonetta is the way to go. Having a third party friendly platform will help obviously, but I doubt those games will sell that well.
  18. Finally got round to playing this and just did the first couple of chapters of Uncharted 1. Have to say I'm not really feeling it. The game must be very old and it certainly plays like it. Nowhere near the polish or quality of something like Tomb Raider. I'll press on and hopefully things will get better, as I appreciate I'm still barely an hour into the game.
  19. It's a crap movie and everything that's wrong with modern day superhero-obsessed cinema, but it's entertaining in an 'explosion, fight scene fest, once you switch your brain off' kind of way. Superficial, hollow and deeply forgettable though, like most Marvel films.
  20. When you buy three PS4Ks you can leave the older three PS4s for your cat, goldfish and postman
  21. Hmmm. If only the above video was as good or convincing as the hoax itself. They could have showed them making the image, as opposed to menus and Photoshop filters that didn't do anything.
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