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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Two years after that glorious Zelda trailer, I hope they blow us away. I'm not a fan of the Ubisoft conferences simply because of Aisha Tyler. Her need to throw in a fuck or shit into every other sentence is just tedious.
  2. Wasn't this the game Nintendo were rumoured to be funding as an exclusive, similar to Bayonetta 2? I might be remembering the wrong game
  3. Nice one ! That trailer looks beautiful, wish the actual game followed that art style. Reminds me a little of Zelda U.
  4. I dunno, I think some of the music in NSMB is quite good, they're obviously not going for the orchestral type.
  5. Probably not the most spoilery video tbh, seemed a bit disjointed like they were hiding things.
  6. Directly competing with PS4 and XBO in the middle of a generation, years after those two released, seems very dangerous. Are people likely to buy an expensive NX or a VR headset ? I'd love to see it but I can't help but think a cheap as chips, £100ish slightly better than Wii U that they can sell by the truckload would make more business sense. Then they can compete properly in a few years when the next gen starts. That was a year before the next gen started, not half way into the gen.
  7. I agree that's what they need to do. I just can't see a £300 console selling all that well mid gen, unless the gimmick is really good.
  8. Consoles, Zelda II, Ice Climber and Kid Icarus all on the same day. F%#k you Nintendo. There go my savings...
  9. I'm surprised you guys actually gave it a chance, it couldn't have looked more terrible in the Direct. Even for a free game!
  10. Fingers crossed for Treehouse live streams again, that really helps keep E3 alive for all three days, and hopefully there should be some pretty great games to show off, unlike last year. "exaaaactly" and "niiice" can GTFO though.
  11. I used to think Sony and Microsoft's conferences dragged on for so long with so much pointless (and awkward) chat, but last year they seemed much more stream-lined. I nearly fell asleep for EA and Ubisofts though. EA are doing their separate to E3 thing this time, is anyone else going to their live event in London?
  12. At least reports that the game is good are encouraging, which is the main thing I suppose. I just hope there's enough content there, the map screen looks very small.
  13. Great article, very interesting stats and must have been a lot of tedious work involved collecting them all. Similarly surprised by the third party situation on Wii U but as said above, it looks like it's the quality of them rather than quantity that's the issue.
  14. Thanks for the link, I've watched all five of his Mario ones in the last few days. Fantastic analysis, and if anything his video on 3D World has made me love the game even more.
  15. I'm probably the biggest rugby fan on these boards but I'm not planning on getting it. It looks good but the sport is so complex it really doesn't translate very well to a game.
  16. I'll take Rugby Challenge 3 if you don't want it :P
  17. What's bait? Saying that I'm enjoying Child of Light or that my Vita has corrupted two of my games for no reason?
  18. Once I finished dusting off my Vita like an archaeologist I bought Child of Light (doesn't seem to be a dedicated thread), really enjoying it so far! Not really big on RPGs but this one is good fun so far. Beautiful visuals and sound. Not enjoying the corrupted launchers of Tearaway or Wipeout though. I can't seem to load either (recently updated) game, guess I'll delete and re-install. Guess I'm used to everything just running smoothly on 3DS.
  19. Does look brilliant fun, good job Shigsy
  20. Plenty in that new video to get excited about, interaction with NPCs being the main one I'd say. They definitely seem to have added more gameplay mechanics in the past year or so. The only negative is the pop-in visuals, it looks really really bad, but oh well, apart from that...
  21. I suspect there'll be a lot of core games on NX becoming platforms, with an early release followed by a generation of content updates and DLC. Smash, Animal Crossing, Splatoon etc. It seems to be the way a lot of games these days are going. Wouldn't be surprised to see Nintendo's one-per-generation games have a long life in them.
  22. Definitely planning on getting this digitally, there are just too many other games to play atm!
  23. There's nothing dull about Elite
  24. Rogue Leader, what a game! Why hasn't there been anything like it since.
  25. Gamecube and Wii didn't have Mario at launch
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