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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. My point is you don't need a huge budget to make a great game.
  2. Games don't need a massive budget to be great. Nintendo prove this time and time again.
  3. Anyone playing this? If not, why not! It's outstanding, highly recommended
  4. That game looks so ridiculously generic and terrible, a 6 seems very generous.
  5. It may as well be a new console, similarly priced, new tech, new experience. Homebrew and experimental games are all well and good, they'll be fun to wade through but it's just a shame there isn't that one must play VR game to launch this new platform like what Nintendo did in the N64 era, that's all. All the reviews seem to be talking about how cool the tech is, rather than how cool any of the games are.
  6. Reading the poor Lucky's Tale reviews has me a little sad. The VR tech is obviously amazing and it's got a huge future. I'm just a little disappointed that there's no Super Mario Bros, or Mario 64 type groundbreaking 10/10 game to usher in this era. Eve Valkyrie seems to be the best VR game out there but otherwise none of the games are being billed as must play, which is a shame.
  7. COD, FIFA and Assassin's Creed do it every year
  8. RGB had a 120 million install-base, 3DS is only 55 million. Regardless, I understand your point, I'm just saying when they can make the same game every year in a different packaging and sell 15 million copies, it's no wonder they're conservative.
  9. X and Y sold FIFTEEN MILLION copies, you can't blame them for being conservative with such crazy sales figures as that.
  10. But don't you unlock guns by finding them in treasure chests? So what's the difference between stumbling on unlocked guns and stumbling on guns?
  11. Here's a crazy idea. There's both a portable AND a home console Pokemon game. You take the former to a Pokemon event. You play the latter at home. CRAZY!
  12. There are actual reasons for all those decisions though, it's not just a case of crossing their arms and saying 'we don't care'. They wanted to make a game built around motion controls and that's what they've done. They'll then listen to feedback and will refer back to it for the next Starfox game, as they do all the time. You constantly hear them talking about putting fans first and wanting to please them. To label them arrogant is unfair.
  13. IGN preview: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2016/04/05/star-fox-zero-we-took-nintendos-flight-combat-game-for-a-spin I suspect people having similar complaints about the motion controls in Splatoon before release. Then they tried them and, shock, they worked well.
  14. @Blade called them arrogant. I challenged him on it, eventually citing a very high profile example of developers sticking to their guns. It's quite common to see such strength and confidence in a dev's vision applauded in the gaming community. Not with Nintendo though, when they make the game they want to make they're 'arrogant'.
  15. Serebii, it's not 1998 anymore. Home console online gaming is a thing. The Pokemon games don't NEED portability, especially if you tailor the game to suit the home console platform. There's enormous potential in a console openworld/MMO style Pokemon game. It's not happened because the same portable game rehashed over and over sell insane amounts, so why bother.
  16. I gave a high profile example above, but you don't think game developers should have the freedom to make games how they want to make them? That not abandoning their creative vision to appease complaining fans is 'arrogant'?
  17. Mass Effect 3. The fanbase whined, complained and demanded Bioware change their ending because they themselves didn't like it. The devs refused citing the need to stick to their creative vision, something they were praised for. Yes they added an extended ending but plot wise it was virtually the same. Bioware were applauded in the gaming industry for sticking to their guns and making THEIR game how THEY wanted it. Imagine someone calling them arrogant for not compromising their vision, the very same accusation someone is now levelling at Nintendo. They just can't win, hence one rule for them one rule for everyone else. Developers make the game they want to make, that's their right and it's a good thing. Nintendo want to add motion controls to their game. That doesn't make them arrogant, it makes them creative.
  18. This is brilliant fun but it's very very difficult. I've only just made it to the third floor on my 7th or 8th attempt, and then died instantly lol. Still really loving it, but the game doesn't do a great job of explaining its loot system to you. So you unlock guns as you go, but what good is that when you start off with a standard pea shooter?
  19. And yet when developers don't listen to gamers demands to change their game they're "sticking to their creative vision". One rule for Nintendo, another for everyone else. Standard.
  20. With regards to moving away from the Wii generation, an interesting thread on gaf about Nintendo's recent rebranding seems to suggest they're doing just that
  21. IGN suggested that learning the new control scheme is worth it, and lets you pull off some great maneuvers.
  22. This looks fantastic and reviews are equally good. Does anyone know if I can play it using a PS4 controller on Steam for Mac ? If I can I'll buy it
  23. Starfox Guard looks really clever and fun actually. Typical Nintendo refresh of an existing genre, in this case tower defence.
  24. It's a secret to everybody http://zelda30tribute.com/
  25. Level design wise I think it easily beats Galaxy, but I suppose the latter is more popular because it involves open ended levels.
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