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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Must have learned from the groans EA got when they mentioned mobile during their train wreck of an E3 conference. Probably no Zelda then, unless it's another quick tease. Makes sense, it does seem like they're waiting for E3
  2. Ok I should have said struggling to turn much of a profit
  3. I suspect a Zelda game would outsell a Wave Race game by about 10 to 1. When they're struggling financially, it's no great surprise they re-release one of their most popular titles. It's not laziness, it's just good business sense.
  4. Seems like every big game gets delayed these days, on every console
  5. Two weeks before release they tell us they're delaying it, hmmmm.
  6. I still don't get the 22 new games, from my count the only Playstation reveals were Horizon, Hitman, Dreams, FF7 and Shenmue 3. New trailers for previously announced games were Last Guardian, SFV, No Man's Sky, AC:S, Firewatch, COD, Disney Infinity, Battlefront and Uncharted. I might be missing one or two but it's not quite 30-40 new games, or even 22.
  7. £30 for a HD remake that's more substantial than the whole Uncharted Collection seems like good value for money.
  8. Standard Zelda rules apply, as a Zelda game: 8/10, as a game: 10/10
  9. It's very true, whenever someone comes online a message pops up on the gamepad. The home button will flash if you're using the pro controller. I'm not even sure why why the Wii U was brought up. This is the PS4 thread after all. Anyway, well done Playstation, two and a half years later.
  10. The Wii U has had friend notifications since release? Whenever someone comes online it pops up on the gamepad screen
  11. Two and a half years after release, PS4 is finally getting the basic feature of friend notifications. Still no folders. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2016/03/01/ps4-3-50-system-software-update-key-features-detailed/?emcid=social_20160301_58820696&adbid=704622616741416960&adbpl=tw&adbpr=36969785
  12. I just don't see the point of splitting the hype in two, especially since the hardware reveals of the PS4 and XBO were pretty underwhelming, with everyone just wanting to see what the games were going to be like.
  13. I think I'd rather they just wait until E3 and blow everyone away then. They have the potential to dominate the show, and I hope they take it. Wasn't the general consensus a bit meh on the early PS4/XBO reveals? Everyone wanted to see games and they had to wait until E3 for that anyway.
  14. You might be waiting a long time, Xbox One was only revealed a few weeks before E3. Playstation 4 was around this time last year. Nintendo will talk about it when the time is right.
  15. Great trailer that shows off basically everything the game has to offer, spoilers and all !!! It does remind me how excellent the game is though. Tomb Raider which I just completed (and loved) simply can't compare to a console Zelda game IMO.
  16. It would be as well received as Twilight Princess was back in the day, then in ten years we'll all be talking about how ugly it looks. As ugly as Witcher 1 looks today.
  17. It's quite sad that they're relieved that the realistic art style was well received when 10 years later everyone is saying how ugly Twilight Princess looks and how Wind Waker is one of the most beautiful games ever made. D'oh. At least they didn't carry on with the realistic route with SS and Zelda U.
  18. Their logo still looks like something from the 90s though.
  19. Yeah Skylanders are toys, amiibo are figurines
  20. Developers could have pitched Splatoon, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Bravely Default, Captain Toad, Sonic Lost World and Rogue Squadron without knowing much about the four consoles they appeared on. An original, first meeting pitch for a game doesn't require details of the console. It's nothing like going into a job interview without knowing what job you're applying for. If NX was so drastically revolutionary or different that Nintendo HAD to tell the dev, then they would have, otherwise the pitch would have been a waste of time.
  21. Definitely needs an NX re-release, but that would mean a gamepad type controller. Or maybe that could be an optional accessory. This, Smash and maybe even Splatoon. They're all too brilliant to stay on Wii U.
  22. Exactly. Whether it's pitching a game for the Gamecube or the PS4, it's the same process. Obviously consoles like the Wii throw that out of the window because the core concept is so different, but gameplay is gameplay at the end of the day.
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